Mathematics city competition

U subotu, 4. februara, u OŠ „Miroslav Antić“ na Paliću, održano je Gradsko takmičenje iz matematike. Našu školu predstavljale su tri učenice: Nađa Bedeković, Anja Gadžur i Hana Lebović.
Učenica Nađa Bedeković osvojila je 1. mesto u kategoriji četvrtih razreda i ostvarila plasman na Okružno takmičenje.
Svim učesnicima čestitamo na dosadašnjim rezultatima, a Nađi želimo puno uspeha u nastavku takmičenja.

Municipal English Language Competition

On Saturday, 04 Feb 2023, „Sveti Sava" Elementary School in Subotica was the host of the Municipal English Language Competition. Our students, Ivana Moravčić and Jonatan Sijanta (8.b) took part in this competition. Jonatan Sijanta won 3rd place and will compete in the District Competition.
We congratulate our students on the results achieved!

Text: Miroslav Rauš

Children’s Days of St. Sava.

U sredu 1.2. 2023. u Svetosavskom kulturnom centru u Subotici odražana je glavna svečanost povodom obeležavanja osmih Dečijih svetosavskih dana. Kao i svake godine, đaci naše škole učestvuju u ovom posebnom kulturnom događaju izvodeći neku prigodnu tačku. Ovog puta je Dramsko-literarna sekcija priredila kratak skeč pod nazivom U koloni Svetog Save, a uz podršku nastavnice Sandre Ilić Kostić i učiteljice Ibolje Vitasović. Publika je naše glumce nagradila dugim aplauzom. You look at the picture gallery.

School glory „Saint Sava”

Osvećenjem slavskog kolača i žita, uz svečani program, u našoj školi je obeležena školska slava „Sveti Sava”. Nakon pevanja Svetosavkske himne, učenici nižih odeljenja škole iz Donjeg Tavankuta priredili su odličan kolaž recitacija o Svetom Savi, a potom su učenici Dramske sekcije izveli kratak skeč U koloni Svetog Save, autora Vlaste Cenića.
Usledilo je posluženje u prostorijama škole za učenike i sve zaposlene.

We marked the International Day of Education

Generalna skupština Ujedinjenih nacija je, 2019. godine, 24. januar proglasila Međunarodnim danom obrazovanja. Skupština je akcenat stavila na činjenicu da je obrazovanje pravo svakog čoveka i da treba da bude dostupno svoj deci, pa i onima koji dolaze iz siromašnih područja i marginalizovanih socijalnih grupa. Vođeni ovim činjenicama, članovi Učeničkog parlamenta, pripremili su pano posvećen Međunarodnom danu obrazovanja na ulazu u školu. Posebnu pažnju su posvetili obrazovanju - nekad i sad. Najzanimljiviji deo je pristup rešavanju različitih nepoželjnih situacija, gde su učenici istraživali na koji način su nastavnici i roditelji reagovali nekada, a kako se problemi rešavaju danas. Osim toga pano je dopunjen citatima poznatih velikana o značaju obrazovanja.
„Obrazovanje - to je ono što ostane nakon što zaboravite sve ono što ste naučili u školi“ - Albert Ajnštajn.

The Student Parliament awarded the most exemplary class

During the first meeting of the Student Parliament, the members came up with the idea that, at the end of the semester, the class with the fewest disciplinary records and the fewest disciplinary measures issued, should be rewarded. In the last week of the first semester, in cooperation with the school psychologist, the members of the Student Parliament analyzed the electronic grade book and came to the conclusion that the most exemplary class was 8.b, which had only two disciplinary records .On the last working day of the first semester, students and the class teacher of 8.b were awarded with chocolates. The Student Parliament also decided to „punish" the class with the largest number of disciplinary records, so the students of Class 6.b received menthol candies. We will carry out the campaign during the second semester as well, and we hope that the sweet prize will help influence our students to be good.

Translation: Miroslav Rauš

School Math Competition

The students, who attend school additional math lessons, demonstrated their knowledge in the school math competition.
There were 16 students participating in the competition: Anđela Iršević (3rd grade), Nađa Bedeković, Anja Gadžur, Teodora Evetović, Luka Mamužić and Staša Stanković (4th grade), Hana Lebović and Andrej Davčik (5th grade), Lucija Skenderović, Filip Stipić and Jana Rudinski (6.b), Miljana Antal, Lara Šegina and Nemanja Saulić (7.a), Lara Prćić (7.b) and Teolinda Glavaš (8.a). The students were prepared by primary teachers: Ljubica Francišković and Zorica Lučić and Math teachers: Ivana Vuković and Biljana Vojnić Hajduk. Only the best among them qualified for the Municipal Competition.
The students who will represent the school at the Municipal Competition are:
- Nađa Bedeković - 4.b,
- Anja Gadžur - 4.b and
- Hana Lebović - 5.b.
We congratulate them and wish them the best of luck in the next competition!

Translation: Miroslav Rauš

In honor of Balint Vujkov – Grandpa

On Thursday, October 20, the students of our school attended a one-hour ceremony called „Folk literature at school in honor of Balint Vujkov - Grandpa", which took place in the hall of „Bunjevačko kolo" in Subotica. Students had the opportunity to watch interesting performances by students from Đurđin and Subotica and listen to interesting musical pieces. In addition to the performances and the musical part, the students were introduced to the literary work of Balint Vujkov. During one part of the program, numerous prizes were awarded to the students who answered the questions correctly. At the end of the program, representatives of the schools went on stage and received a copy of the collection „Fables and short stories" by Balint Vujkov. You can see the photos here.

Translation: Miroslav Rauš