The action of collecting corks continued.

The students and employees of our school continued the tradition of collecting plastic caps for recycling and contributed to the ecological humanitarian action Corks for Smile, which aims to purchase aid for children with developmental disabilities. By involving students in such activities, we develop empathy, which is crucial for creating compassion for others.

Translation: Svetlana Pribičević


Safety is important to everyone, so even the youngest must have at least basic knowledge of how to protect themselves in dangerous situations. That's why a representative of the Fire Department from Subotica visited our school. He gave a lecture on safety to the students in the lower grades. He first introduced the children to the fact that firefighters are also rescuers. They act in cases of fire, earthquake, flood, and other dangerous situations in which we can find ourselves. He explained in detail how to act in any of these situations so as not to endanger ourselves and others, and how we can help the firefighters and rescuers do their jobs as well as possible. The children actively participated in the lecture, presenting their experiences in similar situations. The lecture was instructive for everyone. We also learned some facts about dangerous situations that we did not know until now. The firefighter described in detail how children can save themselves in dangerous situations. He warned them not to play heroes in dangerous situations. Children will keep what they have learned in their heads, hoping that they will never need what they have learned.

Translation: Svetlana Pribičević


Addictive diseases are becoming an increasing problem among young people. Young people consume alcohol and drugs earlier than before. More and more children have serious problems at a very young age that have consequences for the rest of their lives. That is why representatives of the Police Administration from Subotica visited our school and presented their work. They discussed the problems of addiction with eighth-graders, and then the students had the opportunity to try on glasses to simulate the effects of alcohol and psychoactive substances. The purpose of using these glasses is to provide an opportunity to see, in a conscious state, the real effects of alcohol and narcotic drugs on the psychophysical state.
The mentioned experience serves as a reminder that this should never be done, and this lecture was instructive for everyone. You look at the picture gallery.

Translation: Svetlana Pribičević

Elderberry Juice

The students from the 2nd grade, along with their teacher Mirjana Savanov, participated in the workshop making elderberry juice. The workshop lasted for two days, and friends from the extended stay came to help them. On the first day of the workshop, they picked the elderberry flowers, poured water over them, and left them overnight. The next day, with the help of cook Anica, they added sugar and citric acid to the strained juice and got a delicious syrup. The next day, they added sugar and citric acid to the strained juice and got a delicious syrup, with the help of cook Anica. We can’t wait for the warmer days to come and to drink delicious juice made by our hard-working friends. You look at the picture gallery.

Translation: Svetlana Pribičević


U subotu - 10. februara, u Osnovnoj školi „Miroslav Antić" na Paliću, je održano je Opštinsko takmičenje iz Matematike. Učestvovalo je 10 učenika naše škole, od kojih su se na Okružno takmičenje plasirali: Milovan Milovac (3.b), i Nađa Bedeković (5.b).
Pohvaljujem sve učenike koji uložili trud i došli na takmičenje.

Serbian language and language culture

District competition

At the District Competition in Serbian Language and Linguistic Culture, which was held at „Jovan Jovanović Zmaj" Elementary School in Subotica, our students achieved excellent results. Nađa Bedeković, a student from the 5.b, won 2nd place, and Lara Prćić, a student from the 8.b, won 3rd place. As the national level of the competition is organized only for 7th and 8th grade students who won first and second place at the district level, they unfortunately do not continue the competition. We congratulate the students and teacher Nevena Ivić on their notable success, and we wish them to continue to nurture and study their mother tongue.

Municipal competition

The Municipal Competition in Serbian Language and Linguistic Culture was held at „Jovan Jovanović Zmaj" Elementary School. Our school represented Nađa Bedeković and Lucija Babijanović (5.b), Nikolina Đukić and Teodora Vujković (6.b), Lucija Skenderović and Jana Rudinski (7.b), and Lara Prćić (8.b), and their mentors Nevenom Baštovanović and Nevenom Ivić. After winning 16 points and 3rd place, Nađa Bedeković has qualified for the district competition.
We congratulate all the students on their efforts to achieve the best possible result, and we wish Nađa luck in the higher ranks of the competition!

Translation: Svetlana Pribičević

World Kindness Day

World Kindness Day was established 25 years ago on November 13, 1998, in Tokyo by the World Kindness Movement with the purpose of promoting kindness around the world. This day gives us the opportunity to reflect on one of the most important and unifying human principles: empathy, compassion, and kindness. Students from grades 3.b and 1.b participated in several activities on this day. Teacher Slavica Kovačević and her students prepared the instructive story The Kind Lion, which they read in front of other students and in front of a thematic panel that they arranged together with religion teacher Zorica Svirčev. Messages of kindness were taken out of the box and pasted into a big red heart. Then, after testing their knowledge of kindness, they made photos in a frame that had the form of a friendly lion. The children were very happy. We say to all of you: Kindness costs nothing, but it is worth a lot. You look at the picture gallery.

Translation: Svetlana Pribičević

„Mary’s Meals”

We carried out a humanitarian campaign to collect funds for Maria's meals—that is, for the hungry children of the world. The first lesson was lesson was where I presented the vision of M.M. to the children. They were very emotional, and they showed their empathy and concrete love for hungry children by donating money for them. The school principal happily accepted the action and readily supported it. The children organize themselves to be able to collect donations throughout the year for the world's hungry children. Their various entrepreneurial ideas are really cheerful and encouraging. We can be really happy and proud of our children. Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow is the founder and CEO of Mary's Meals, a non-profit organization that provides nutritious, life-changing meals every school day to some of the world's poorest children. Mary's Meals currently serves meals to 2,429,182 children in 18 countries around the world, in communities where hunger and poverty prevent children from getting an education. Only €22 is enough for one child to receive nutritious meals. They receive these meals at their place of education for the entire school year. With our donations, the school saved 22 children from hunger for one year.

Translation: Svetlana Pribičević

Spring party

Učenički parlament naše škole je, nakon veoma uspešne žurke povodom Dana zaljubljenih, ovog puta organizovao Prolećnu žurku kojoj su prisustvovali učenici sedmih i osmih razeda.
Đaci su se potrudili i ukrasili učionicu, doneli sokove i gickalice, te pripremili listu pesama i ozvučenje. Da sve protekne u najboljem redu, bile su zadužene dežurne nastavnice: Dragana Stešević, Nevena Ivić i Ivana Horvat. Uz mnogo smeha, plesa, šale i druženja, žurka je nakon tri sata privedena kraju, a učenici su puni pozitivnih utisaka napustili školu.
Ovo druženje bilo je uvertira pred raspust, te svima želimo da se lepo odmore i pripreme za izazove koji ih čekaju kada se vrate u školske klupe. You look at the picture gallery.