The enrollment of children in the first grade

The enrollment of children in the first grade -


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Informacija za roditelje u vezi sa eZakazivanjem termina
za upis i testiranje deteta u OŠ

I ove godine roditelji / drugi zakonski zastupnici koji su građani Republike Srbije mogu elektronskim putem da zakažu na Portalu eUprava termin za upis i testiranje deteta u osnovnu školu pokretanjem usluge eZakazivanje termina za upis i testiranje deteta u OŠ.
Potrebno je da:

- Budete registrovan korisnik, odnosno imate kreiran nalog na državnom portalu za elektronsku identifikaciju;
- Pokrenete uslugu na Portalu eUprave (Usluge → Obrazovanje → eZakazivanje termina u OŠ) i
- Zakažete termin u školi kojoj Vaše dete teritorijalno pripada.

Prilikom upisa nije potrebno da prilažete dokumenta, jer će ih škola pribaviti po službenoj dužnosti, i to:

- Izvod iz matične knjige rođenih;
- Uverenje o prebivalištu;
- Uverenje o pohađanju pripremnog predškolskog programa i
- Potvrdu o obavljenom lekarskom pregledu - lekarsko uverenje*.
* Izuzetak je samo lekarsko uverenje ukoliko ste pregled obavili kod privatnog lekara.

Napomena 1: Termin možete da otkažete 24 časa ranije. Ukoliko ne otkažete termin i ne dođete u zakazanom terminu u školu, sistem Vam neće dozvoliti da narednih 14 dana rezervišete novi termin za upis i testiranje deteta u osnovnu školu elektronskim putem. U tom slučaju, roditelji će morati direktno da se obrate školi i zakažu novi termin.
Napomena 2: Ukoliko imate dodatna pitanja i nedoumice u vezi sa zakazivanjem termina, obratite se kontakt centru na 011/73-505-57. Telefonska podrška dostupna je od 22. marta 2023. godine i tokom trajanja upisa u osnovne škole svakog radnog dana od 7.30 do 15.30 časova.

Više informacija o elektronskom zakazivanju upisa i testiranja u prvi razred osnovne škole pročitajte na ovoj stranici.

Enrollment of children in the first grade of
the school year 2023/24.

Pursuant to Art. 18 of the The Law on Foundations of Educational System („Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 88/2017; 27/2018; 10/2019; 27/2018 and 6/2020) and with the approval of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, Subotica Secretariat for Social Affairs organises the enrollment of children in first grade of elementary school on the territory of the City of Subotica from April 3 to May 31, 2023.

Read the full text of the Notice.

Regular enrollment in first grade begins on April 3, 2023 and ends on May 31, 2023. The enrollment will be done by the school secretary and psychologist.

Translate: Miroslav Rauš

Enrollment of children in the first grade of
the school year 2022/23.

Pursuant to Art. 18 of the The Law on Foundations of Educational System („Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 88/2017; 27/2018; 10/2019; 27/2018 and 6/2020) and with the approval of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, Subotica Secretariat for Social Affairs organises the enrollment of children in first grade of elementary school on the territory of the City of Subotica from April 1 to May 31, 2022.

Read the full text of the Notice.

Regular enrollment in first grade begins on April 1, 2022 and ends on May 31, 2022. The enrollment will be done by the school secretary and psychologist.

Translate: Miroslav Rauš

Enrollment of children in the first grade of
the school year 2021/22.

Pursuant to Art. 18 of the The Law on Foundations of Educational System („Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 88/2017; 27/2018; 10/2019; 27/2018 and 6/2020) and with the approval of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, Subotica Secretariat for Social Affairs organises the enrollment of children in first grade of elementary school on the territory of the City of Subotica from April 1 to May 31, 2021.

Read the full text of the Notice.

Regular enrollment in first grade begins on April 1, 2021 and ends on May 31, 2021. The enrollment will be done by the school secretary and pedagogue.

Testing of children will be done upon completion of the enrollment, at the time determined by the school pedagogue.

Children older than 7 years of age, who due to illness or other justified reasons were not enrolled earlier, are also enrolled in first grade.

Proof of health status is issued by the appropriate health institution (Dečiji dispanzer Subotica) after a medical examination.

The school is obliged to enroll a child who has a residence in the school area.

The school can also enroll the child from the area of ​​the second school, at the request of the parents, in accordance with the spatial possibilities.

The parents or guardians of the child are to submit the following documents (*):

1. The birth certificate that the school keeps;
2. Certificate that proves the health status;
3. Certificate of preschool institution about completed pre-school program and
4. Photo-copy of the ID card.

(*) All necessary documents for enrollment of children in the first grade of elementary school will be obtained ex officio by schools.

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Testing future first grade students

Testing of future first grade students will be done by the school pedagogue. The standard procedures and instruments recommended by an authorized professional organization are used for testing children.

If a school pedagogue is unable to test the child in his mother tongue, a translator is involved at the proposal of a council of national minorities whose language the child speaks.

Early enrollment of children in first grade

Children who are six to six and a half years old, can be enrolled in first grade, but only after checking the readiness to go to elementary school by the school pedagogue. When testing, the instruments and procedures recommended by competent professional organizations are applied.

Based on the conducted test, the school pedagogue recommends:

  1. Enrollment in first grade or
  2. Postponement of enrollment for one year and attendance of a preschool program.

If the parent doubts, for any reason, on the decision to postpone the enrollment, he/she may submit a request for re-testing to the school committee. The school committee consists of a pedagogue, a teacher and a pediatrician. After re-examining the readiness for enrollment, the committee decides whether to enroll the child in first grade or to postpone the enrollment for one year and instruct attending preschool programs.

Later enrollment in first grade

If a child is not enrolled in first grade due to health problems or for any other reason, and is older than seven, he or she may be enrolled in first or equivalent grade after initial testing.

Enrollment of special groups of students

Enrollment of disadvantaged students

The elementary school for the education of disadvantaged students enrolls students on the recommendation of the interdepartmental committee tasked with assessing the need for providing any additional educational, health or social support and parental consent.

Individual education plan and support in education

After enrolling a child in first grade of elementary school, the school may find that there is a need for an individual education plan (IEP) or for additional support in the education of the child. Additional support may require additional financial resources - which may be the reason for initiating a procedure through a written request to an elected physician who determines whether the need for additional support is realistic, as decided by the interdepartmental committee (IDC).

Detailed conditions for assessing the need for providing additional educational, health or social support to the student, its manner of applying and evaluation are prescribed by the Regulations on additional education, health and social support for the child and the student.

Enrollment of students from other schools

If a parent or other legal representative of a student from the territory of the Republic of Serbia attending another school (or school in another city) due to resettlement or for any other justified reason, wants to change the school, he/she may apply to enroll his/her child in the appropriate grade.

After examining the place of residence, the pedagogue organises a conversation with the student and parent, determines the reason for the transfer of the student and instructs the student to the appropriate grade according to the possibilities of the school. The school secretary asks for a written certificate of transfer from the school which the student previously attended.

If a pupil comes from another country, it is necessary to carry out a verification of the certificate of completion of the corresponding grade. If no verification (or the procedure is still in progress) is carried out, the school will enroll the student in the corresponding grade based on initial testing.

The enrollment will take place at the secretary's office, every working day from 8 am to 2 pm.

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Translate: Miroslav Rauš

Odabir jezika ostvarivanja obrazovno-odgojnog rada

Sukladno odredbi članka 5. Zakona o osnovama sustava obrazovanja i odgoja („Službeni glasnik RS“, broj: 88/2017, 27/2018 – dr. zakon, 10/2019, 6/2020), za pripadnike nacionalne manjine – nacionalne zajednice obrazovno-odgojni rad se ostvaruje na jeziku, odnosno govoru i pismu nacionalne manjine – nacionalne zajednice.
U AP Vojvodini na: mađarskom jeziku, rumunjskom jeziku, rusinskom jeziku, slovačkom jeziku i hrvatskom jeziku.
Kako bi pripadnici nacionalnih manjina – nacionalnih zajednica ostvarili svoja Ustavom i Zakonom zajamčena prava na obrazovanje na svom jeziku i pismu, Ministarstvo prosvjete, znanosti i tehnološkog razvoja je za školsku 2021/22. godinu pripremilo anketni list u postupku odabira jezika ostvarivanja obrazovno-odgojnog rada prilikom upisa u prvi razred osnovne škole.

- Anketni list za odabir jezika ostvarivanja obrazovno-odgojnog rada.

Enrollment of children in the first grade of
the school year 2020/21.

Pursuant to Art. 18 of the The Law on Foundations of Educational System („Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 88/2017; 27/2018; 10/2019; 27/2018 and 6/2020) and with the approval of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, Subotica Secretariat for Social Affairs organises the enrollment of children in first grade of elementary school on the territory of the City of Subotica from April 1 to May 31, 2020.

Read the full text of the Notice.

Regular enrollment in first grade begins on April 1, 2020 and ends on May 31, 2020. The enrollment will be done by the school secretary and pedagogue.

Testing of children will be done upon completion of the enrollment, at the time determined by the school pedagogue.

Children older than 7 years of age, who due to illness or other justified reasons were not enrolled earlier, are also enrolled in first grade.

Proof of health status is issued by the appropriate health institution (Dečiji dispanzer Subotica) after a medical examination.

The school is obliged to enroll a child who has a residence in the school area.

The school can also enroll the child from the area of ​​the second school, at the request of the parents, in accordance with the spatial possibilities.

The parents or guardians of the child are to submit the following documents (*):

1. The birth certificate that the school keeps;
2. Certificate that proves the health status;
3. Certificate of preschool institution about completed pre-school program and
4. Photo-copy of the ID card.

(*) All necessary documents for enrollment of children in the first grade of elementary school will be obtained ex officio by schools.

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Testing future first grade students

Testing of future first grade students will be done by the school pedagogue. The standard procedures and instruments recommended by an authorized professional organization are used for testing children.

If a school pedagogue is unable to test the child in his mother tongue, a translator is involved at the proposal of a council of national minorities whose language the child speaks.

Early enrollment of children in first grade

Children who are six to six and a half years old, can be enrolled in first grade, but only after checking the readiness to go to elementary school by the school pedagogue. When testing, the instruments and procedures recommended by competent professional organizations are applied.

Based on the conducted test, the school pedagogue recommends:

  1. Enrollment in first grade or
  2. Postponement of enrollment for one year and attendance of a preschool program.

If the parent doubts, for any reason, on the decision to postpone the enrollment, he/she may submit a request for re-testing to the school committee. The school committee consists of a pedagogue, a teacher and a pediatrician. After re-examining the readiness for enrollment, the committee decides whether to enroll the child in first grade or to postpone the enrollment for one year and instruct attending preschool programs.

Later enrollment in first grade

If a child is not enrolled in first grade due to health problems or for any other reason, and is older than seven, he or she may be enrolled in first or equivalent grade after initial testing.

Enrollment of special groups of students

Enrollment of disadvantaged students

The elementary school for the education of disadvantaged students enrolls students on the recommendation of the interdepartmental committee tasked with assessing the need for providing any additional educational, health or social support and parental consent.

Individual education plan and support in education

After enrolling a child in first grade of elementary school, the school may find that there is a need for an individual education plan (IEP) or for additional support in the education of the child. Additional support may require additional financial resources - which may be the reason for initiating a procedure through a written request to an elected physician who determines whether the need for additional support is realistic, as decided by the interdepartmental committee (IDC).

Detailed conditions for assessing the need for providing additional educational, health or social support to the student, its manner of applying and evaluation are prescribed by the Regulations on additional education, health and social support for the child and the student.

Enrollment of students from other schools

If a parent or other legal representative of a student from the territory of the Republic of Serbia attending another school (or school in another city) due to resettlement or for any other justified reason, wants to change the school, he/she may apply to enroll his/her child in the appropriate grade.

After examining the place of residence, the pedagogue organises a conversation with the student and parent, determines the reason for the transfer of the student and instructs the student to the appropriate grade according to the possibilities of the school. The school secretary asks for a written certificate of transfer from the school which the student previously attended.

If a pupil comes from another country, it is necessary to carry out a verification of the certificate of completion of the corresponding grade. If no verification (or the procedure is still in progress) is carried out, the school will enroll the student in the corresponding grade based on initial testing.

The enrollment will take place at the secretary's office, every working day from 8 am to 2 pm.

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Translate: Miroslav Rauš

Enrollment of children in the first grade of
the school year 2019/20.

According to Art. 18 of the The Law on Foundations of  Educational System (“Official Gazette of the RS”, No. 72/09; 52/11; 55/13; 35/13 - Authentic Interpretation; 68/15; 62/16 - US and 88/2017) children who are at least six and a half years old up to the age of seven and who meet the health requirements, are enrolled in first grade at the beginning of the school year.

This means that for school year 2019/20. children born in 2012, as well as children born in January and February 2013 are enrolled in first grade.

Children born in the period from 01.03.2013 to 31.08.2013 (age 6 to 6.5 years) can, but do not have to, enroll in school - after testing (conducted by a school pedagogue).

Regular enrollment in first grade begins on April 1, 2019 and ends on May 31, 2019. The enrollment will be done by the school secretary and pedagogue.

Testing of children will be done upon completion of the enrollment, at the time determined by the school pedagogue.

Children older than 7 years of age, who due to illness or other justified reasons were not enrolled earlier, are also enrolled in first grade.

Proof of health status is issued by the appropriate health institution (Dečiji dispanzer Subotica) after a medical examination.

The school is obliged to enroll a child who has a residence in the school area.

The school can also enroll the child from the area of ​​the second school, at the request of the parents, in accordance with the spatial possibilities.

A request for enrollment in first grade of a child who does not belong to the school territory, needs to be submitted to the school secretary by 1 February 2019.

The parents or guardians of the child are to submit the following documents:

  1. The birth certificate that the school keeps;
  2. Certificate that proves the health status;
  3. Certificate of preschool institution about completed pre-school program and
  4. Photo-copy of the ID card.

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New enrollment procedures in first grade of elementary school for school year 2019/20.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology will provide new software to be used for enrollment in first grade of all elementary schools in the Republic of Serbia starting from school year 2019/20.

The Ministry shall, through the Software, in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government and the Ministry of the Interior, ensure that documents such as the birth certificate and proof of residence are obtained electronically, in accordance with the Law on Electronic Administration.

In accordance with the statements above, parents will no longer be obliged to provide the paper documents, but will have the opportunity to submit a request to the school to provide the document on their behalf electronically.

Letter from the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development regarding The new enrollment procedure for the first grade of elementary school for school  year 2019/20. You can read the whole document here.

Testing future first grade students

Testing of future first grade students will be done by the school pedagogue. The standard procedures and instruments recommended by an authorized professional organization are used for testing children.

If a school pedagogue is unable to test the child in his mother tongue, a translator is involved at the proposal of a council of national minorities whose language the child speaks.

Early enrollment of children in first grade

Children who are six to six and a half years old, can be enrolled in first grade, but only after checking the readiness to go to elementary school by the school pedagogue. When testing, the instruments and procedures recommended by competent professional organizations are applied.

Based on the conducted test, the school pedagogue recommends:

  1. Enrollment in first grade or
  2. Postponement of enrollment for one year and attendance of a preschool program.

If the parent doubts, for any reason, on the decision to postpone the enrollment, he/she may submit a request for re-testing to the school committee. The school committee consists of a pedagogue, a teacher and a pediatrician. After re-examining the readiness for enrollment, the committee decides whether to enroll the child in first grade or to postpone the enrollment for one year and instruct attending preschool programs.

Later enrollment in first grade

If a child is not enrolled in first grade due to health problems or for any other reason, and is older than seven, he or she may be enrolled in first or equivalent grade after initial testing.

Enrollment of special groups of students

Enrollment of disadvantaged students

The elementary school for the education of disadvantaged students enrolls students on the recommendation of the interdepartmental committee tasked with assessing the need for providing any additional educational, health or social support and parental consent.

Individual education plan and support in education

After enrolling a child in first grade of elementary school, the school may find that there is a need for an individual education plan (IEP) or for additional support in the education of the child. Additional support may require additional financial resources - which may be the reason for initiating a procedure through a written request to an elected physician who determines whether the need for additional support is realistic, as decided by the interdepartmental committee (IDC).

Detailed conditions for assessing the need for providing additional educational, health or social support to the student, its manner of applying and evaluation are prescribed by the Regulations on additional education, health and social support for the child and the student.

Enrollment of students from other schools

If a parent or other legal representative of a student from the territory of the Republic of Serbia attending another school (or school in another city) due to resettlement or for any other justified reason, wants to change the school, he/she may apply to enroll his/her child in the appropriate grade.

After examining the place of residence, the pedagogue organises a conversation with the student and parent, determines the reason for the transfer of the student and instructs the student to the appropriate grade according to the possibilities of the school. The school secretary asks for a written certificate of transfer from the school which the student previously attended.

If a pupil comes from another country, it is necessary to carry out a verification of the certificate of completion of the corresponding grade. If no verification (or the procedure is still in progress) is carried out, the school will enroll the student in the corresponding grade based on initial testing.

The enrollment will take place at the secretary's office, every working day from 8 am to 2 pm.

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Translate: Miroslav Rauš