After a year of the trial period of using the Electronic diary, from the beginning of this school year, 2018/19. our school is keeping complete student and class records exclusively in digital form. Switching to this, the previous way of this form of records, which was kept on paper or in the paper diaries, has been completely replaced.
Od novembra 2018. godine i roditelji (staratelji, itd) mogu pristupiti portalu Moj esDnevnik i steći uvid u napredovanje svog deteta pregledom ocena, izostanaka, vladanja i ostalih bitnih elemenata tokom školovanja. Da bi pristupili portalu neophodno je da od odeljenskog starešine dobijete korisničko ime (username) i lozinku (password) za pristup podacima Všeg deteta.
Ovaj deo portala namenjen je, kako roditeljima, tako i učenicima.