Corner for students (COVID)

Notices on the implementation of educational work during the epidemic COVID-19

List of students of higher (5th to 8th) grades, who are obliged to attend special classes in the period from Monday, June 1, to Tuesday, June 16, 2020.

Obaveštenje o načinu realizacije ostvarivanja obrazovno-vaspitnog rada, učenjem na daljinu, za učenike osnovnih škola.

Adrese na kojima će te pratiti informacije vezane za
realizaciju nastave na daljinu su:

Raspored nastave
Ministarstvo prosvete

Obrazovni sadržaji i nastavne jedinice za učenike će biti emitovani na:

- Channel 2, Radio Television of Serbia,
- Channel 3, Radio Television of Serbia (teaching in minority languages),
- Channel 2, Radio Television of Vojvodina (teaching in the languages of national minorities) and
- The multimedia platform RTS Planet .