World Clean Hands Day

For the first time in the world, but also in our country, the World Clean Hands Day was marked on October 15, 2008. The main goal of this day is to develop a culture of proper hand washing - both adults and children.
Every year, 3.5 million children do not experience their first birthday due to diarrhea and pneumonia, and all due to lack of hand hygiene - soap.
Hand washing is a simple, but saving, measure and should be turned into everyday automatic and practical behavior of every person. That is why the students of 7th grade, together with the chemistry teacher Slavko Benčik, researched how to make homemade soap, which was also used by our grandmothers. On that topic, they designed and arranged a board so that other students of our school could get acquainted with the technique of making homemade soap. Together with the biology teacher, Ljiljana Jurčak, they renewed and determined the knowledge about proper and thorough hand washing with soap and warm water.

Дан чистих руку

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Translation: H.R.A.M.

Days of bread

The students of our school marked the World Bread Day and on that occasion they decorated the school board with children's works with bread motifs, as well as instructive sayings about this original product.
The students of the 3rd grade, teacher Mirjana Savanov, stood out in the making of art works. Students of classes 8.b and 8.c also contributed to the making of the billboard by writing the word bread in several foreign languages.
According to the already established custom, the members of the Student Parliament took over the educational side of marking this important date, by showing their peers a presentation on the consumption of bread throughout history, its origin, as well as types of bread, in the world and in our country.
The attached photos speak for themselves.

Translation: H.R.A.M.