Erasmus +

On Thursday, 20 Dec 2018, Nevena Aleksić and Helena Milošević Momčilov, teachers from Ivan Milutinović Elementary School, Višnjica, visited our school.
This school is one of the first ones founded in Belgrade area and the main reason for their visit is to share experiences connected to writing project proposals within Erasmus + Programme. A group of teachers from this school participated in creating and implementing a unique project called Wiser Together. The basis of this project is finding a model to introduce project-based learning into everyday teaching process and pointing to the possibilities of merging different contents from various areas of study. This project is supported by the Tempus Foundation and co-funded by Erasmus + Programme.
Our dear guests shared their experiences very honestly and throroughly, starting from the preparatory phase in drafting the project and ending in its implementation into the teaching process. We are extremely grateful for their support and hope to continue our collaboration.
For further information about the school and the project, visit Link.

Translation: Miroslav Rauš

Candies for a smile

Students' union of our school organized a humanitarian action Candies for a smile, with the support of teachers Danijela Radnic and Sandra Ilic Kostic. During the previous week, sweets and candies for children from kindergarten Petar Pan in Donji Tavankut were collected. Anyone who was able brought a candy bar, a choco banana or some similar sweets, and after the end of the action, packets were made for each child in the kindergarten.
The distribution of these modest, but heart-warming gifts, was held on December 5 in the kindergarten premises. All the children and their educators were pleasantly surprised by this gesture and didn't save their smiles.
The aim of the action was to cherish our little ones and show them that their great companions think of them. (See the picture gallery)

Translation: H.R.A.M.

Njive djetinstva

U okviru obilježavanja Godine hrvatskih velikana u Vojvodini, učenici naše škole, koji pohađaju nastavni predmet Hrvatski jezik te Hrvatski jezik s elementima nacionalne kulture, sudjelovali su na likovnom i literarnom natječaju Njive djetinjstva. Riječ je o natječaju koji je, povodom stote godišnjice rođenja pjesnika Jakova Kopilovića, raspisala Hrvatska riječ u suradnji s ostalim hrvatskim institucijama, udrugama i pojedincima.
Tom je prigodom u HKC-u Bunjevačko kolo, Subotica u četvrtak, 29. 11. 2018. u 19:00 sati organiziran prigodan program i uručenje diploma i nagrada te pohvalnica i utješnih nagrada učenicima koji su sudjelovali na natječaju.
Nagrađeni i pohvaljeni učenici jesu sljedeći:
Diplomu i nagradu za likovni rad osvojila je Marijana Skenderović, 2.a razred (3. mjesto). Pohvalnice i utješne nagrade za likovne radove osvojili su učenici Bojan Šefer (3.a razred) i Ivana Kaić (2.a razred).
Diplomu i nagradu za literarni rad osvojile su učenice Ana Skenderović, 8.c razred (2. mjesto) i Vanja Dubajić, 7.b razred (3. mjesto). Pohvalnice i utješne nagrade za literarne radove osvojili su: Nikola Juhas (8.b razred), Valentina Ostrogonac (7.a razred), Ante Balažević (5.b razred), Tomislav Nimčević (7.b razred), Ivan Vuković (7.a razred), Deni Čupak (7.b razred), Dragana Pokornik (8.a razred), Rahela Šteković (8.a razred) i Dario Vojnić Hajduk (8.a razred).
Osim u vrijednim nagradama, učenici su uživali i u filmu o Jakovu Kopiloviću te njegovim uglazbljenim pjesmama.

Tekst: Morena Rendulić