Autumn cleaning the village

Učenici i zaposleni naše škole pridružili su se meštanima Tavankuta koji su organizovali veliko jesenje čišćenje sela. Zajedničkim snagama čistili smo zelene površine. Bili smo vredni, družili se, a nakon vrednog rada, okrepili smo se sokovima, slatkišima i slanim grickalicama koji su pripremljeni za sve učesnike radne akcije.
Ovakvim aktivnostima razvijamo empatiju i širimo svest o značaju očuvanja životne sredine.

Visit to the children’s theater

Povodom početka školske godine naša škola je organizovala odlazak u Dečije pozorište na predstavu Amaterskog pozorišta „Janićije Popović” iz Gračanice. Prisutne je pozdravila direktorica Dečijeg pozorišta -Marta Aroksalaši Stamenković i poželela svim prisutnima srećan Dan grada Subotice, koji se obeležava svakog 1. septembra. Nakon njenog obraćanja usledila je predstava „Stilske igre” tokom koje smo se smejali i promišljali o akterima poznate basne „Lisica i gavran”.
Lepo smo se zabavili i pred početak školskih dana još jednom se podsetili koliko su važni strpljenje i empatija.

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Hiking Day

Under the slogan „One step closer to health”, Hiking Day was marked on Palić, organized by the Mountaineering Association of Serbia.
This sports and recreational event was supported by students from Subotica and its surroundings. Our students and employees also took part. They walked from the Water Tower around the Palić Lake all the way to the Women's Lido. Full of will and energy, we walked 13.5 kilometers and thereby pointed out the importance of playing sports for physical and mental health.
This action was organized in more than 60 cities in Serbia, while the central event was held in Palić, since Subotica won the title of European City of Sports this year. You look at the picture gallery.

Translation: Svetlana Pribičević

European reserchers’ night

In the premises of the Technical College of Vocational Studies in Subotica, on Friday, September 27, from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., an international event called European Night of Researchers was organized under the motto: Attention, science on the way, which this year dedicated, as the title suggests, to modern technologies in the IT field. Professors, assistants, and students from some faculties and from secondary schools, as well as experts from practice, presented different achievements from their sphere and interests and work. Seventh-grade students went to the event: Josip Mamužić, Urukalo Dušan, Andrej Davčik, Boroš Laura, Jovana Đukić, Aleksandra Kujundžić, and Filip Rudić, accompanied by the chemistry teacher, Benčik Slavko.
All attendants were very satisfied with the presentation and popularization of science.We are already planning to attend this event next year as visitors and observers, but who knows, if the conditions allow, we might think about equal participation as one of the demonstrators in scientific fields.

Translation: Svetlana Pribičević

The Mass of the Holy Spirit for the Blessings to the New School Year

The Parish Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, on September 19, was especially beautiful because it was decorated with children who attend Catholic religious education. The mass was led by the pastor, Rev. Marijan Vukov. The voices of the children and their teachers made this mass special. It was very special because we gathered to pray to the Lord for the blessing of school bags and the new school year. The students recognized the importance of a pure heart and went to confession with the guardian of the Subotica Franciscan monastery, Fr. Ivan Miklenić, who confessed throughout the entire mass.
The school principal, Stanislava Stantić Prćić, like every year, supported the children's desire to come to the mass for the blessing of the new school year and attended it. 212 children who attend Catholic religious education thank the principal for the support. We look forward to the new school year. You look at the picture gallery.

Translation: Svetlana Pribičević

Students visited the Red Cross of Subotica

Humanity is the fundamental principle of the independent organization Red Cross. This was the first thing that Nevena Lukić, an expert associate who opened the lecture and introduction to the work programs of the Red Cross, presented to us. After a warm welcome in their youth club and getting to know the volunteers, there was a short presentation of compression, or resuscitation, of an unconscious person, as well as a presentation of a first aid bag and the use of a triangular scarf.
The premises of the Red Cross were visited by students attending civic education. You look at the picture gallery.

Translation: Svetlana Pribičević

First Grade Welcoming Ceremony

A welcome reception was held for our first-year students who will attend classes in Serbian and Croatian. The first-year students were warmly welcomed by the students of the senior classes with various plays, songs, and music, as well as the teachers, the principal, Stanislava Stantić Prćić, and Nataša Francuz, the representative of the Croatian National Council for the Department of Education. We wish our first-year students a successful start and good grades. You look at the picture gallery.

Translation: Svetlana Pribičević