Our students at Moravica Elementary School
The District Traffic Competition, entitled "What do you know about traffic", was held at "Stari Đula Kovač" Elementary School in Stara Moravica on May 13, 2018. Martina Balažević and Miomir Skenderović, 8th grade students participated in the competition. They qualified at the Municipal Competition within the "C" group (students who during the calendar year in which the competition was held, turned or were older than 12).
The competition included three disciplines:
- knowledge of regulations on road traffic safety (test),
- riding a bicycle on a practice field and
- riding a bicycle on the skills field.
Martina was fourth with 254 points scored in the category "C", while Miomir with 267 points was second among the boys in the "C" category, which was still not enough for the national competition.