International Art and Writing Contest „Wealth of Diversity"
The International Art and Writing Contest „Wealth of Diversity" is a school project that encourages children of elementary school age to reflect on the values of cultural diversity and the importance of respecting differences, highlighting the most noble desires and human values. The contest was launched in 2013 as a part of the Vojvodina Provincial Government's co-ordinated project, which also included the Croatian Cultural and Educational Ensemble "Matija Gubec" Tavankut, and which promoted the values of multiculturalism in Vojvodina and Podunavlje region through the prism of tourism. With our successful participation in the project, our village has confirmed its openness, as well as its cultural richness and diversity.
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One of the goals of the competition is the gathering of the authors of the most successful works that, during a several-day stay in Tavankut, have the opportunity to meet, socialize, have fun and learn through various entertaining and educational workshops. This creates memorable experiences and develops friendships that remain as permanent and priceless value to all the participants.
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Translation: Miroslav Rauš
2025th year
XIII International Art and Writing Contest „Wealth of Diversity" for 2025
The theme: Young people matter
The text of the 2025 Contest:
„Matija Gubec“ Elementary School from Tavankut organizes an International award-winning art and writing contest „Wealth of Diversity“ for elementary school students, which aims to encourage children to discuss coexistence with others and to develop solidarity and networking with peers from different regions.
The theme of this year's contest: YOUNG PEOPLE MATTER
The contest is open until April 9, 2025, all the works received will be...
Read the full text of the XIII International Competition Wealth of Diversity.
Look at the program
Završna svečanost
Dear visitors of our site, dear participants of the competition...
Look List of AWARD-WINNING participants
Look List of all participants
You look at the picture gallery.
Translation: Miroslav Rauš
2024th year
XII International Art and Writing Contest „Wealth of Diversity" for 2024
The theme: In someone else’s shoes
The text of the 2024 Contest:
„Matija Gubec“ Elementary School from Tavankut organizes an International award-winning art and writing contest „Wealth of Diversity“ for elementary school students, which aims to encourage children to discuss coexistence with others and to develop solidarity and networking with peers from different regions.
The theme of this year's contest: IN SOMEONE ELSE’S SHOES
The contest is open until March 20, 2024, all the works received will be...
Read the full text of the XII International Competition Wealth of Diversity.
Look at the program
Završna svečanost
Održana je tradicionalna svečanost povodom završetka XII Međunarodnog likovnog, literarnog i novinarskog konkursa „Bogatstvo različitosti”.
Okupljeni oko ideje da je bogatstvo u različitostima, učenici, nastavnici i direktori škola iz Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine i Srbije, razmenjivali su iskustva i negovali prijateljstva sklopljena pre više od decenije. Neki su nas pak posetili prvi put, što predstavlja početak novih saradnji i drugarstava. Gosti su sa svojim domaćinima razgledali selo i grad, te su se upoznali sa znamenitostima ovog kraja, a škola je za učenike organizovala slamarsku radionicu i radionicu roljanja.
Svečanost koja je organizovana u Domu kulture započela je pesmom Makedonsko devojče u izvođenju školskog hora, a zatim su se članovi dramske sekcije uživeli u priče omiljenih književnih junaka i predstavili ih na svoj način. Tako je publika imala priliku da se poistoveti sa: Malčikom, Pepom Krstom, Kapetanom Džonom Piplfoksom i Pipi Dugom Čarapom, te da na trenutak obuje - nečije tuđe cipele.
Direktorica Stanislava Stantić Prćić pozdravila je prisutne, a zatim se obratio i gradonačelnik Gornje Stubice - Jasmin Krizmanić, koji je školi uručio donaciju u vidu opreme velike vrednosti. Krapinsko-zagorska županija donirala je našoj školi projektor. Zatim su dodeljene diplome i zahvalnice svim prisutnim nagrađenim učesnicima.
Tema ovogodišnjeg konkursa glasila je U tuđim cipelama, a na adresu škole pristiglo je više stotina radova iz Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine i Srbije, i to: 183 likovna, 92 literarna i 13 novinarskih radova.
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Posebnu pohvalu za grupni rad dobili su učenici kombinovanog odeljenja 2. i 3. razreda naše škole iz Ljutova, sa svojom učiteljicom Slavicom Pokornić.
U kategoriji likovnih radova među višim razredima prvo mesto osvojila je Matea Abramović iz OŠ „Antun Mihanović” iz Nove Kapele (mentor: Martina Šporčić). Druga nagrada pripala je Emi Dujmović iz Osnovne škole Milana Langa iz Bregane (mentor: Ivančica Otmačić). Treću nagradu osvojila je Dunja Mamula iz OŠ „Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić” iz Ogulina (mentor: Glorija Domitrović).
U kategoriji literarnih radova među nižim razredima dobitnica prve nagrade je Tena Kraljik iz Osnovne škole Mikleuš u Hrvatskoj (mentor: Svjetlana Mojzeš). Drugo mesto osvojila je Helena Pongračić iz Treće osnovne škole Bjelovar u Hrvatskoj (mentor: Nataša Brekalo). Treću nagrada osvojila je Klara Popović iz Četvrte osnovne škole Bjelovar u Hrvatskoj (mentor: Dragica Budić).
U kategoriji literarnih radova među višim razredima prvu nagradu osvojila je Lana Krajina iz OŠ „Matija Gubec” iz Piškorevaca (mentor: Ivana Arambašić). Drugo mesto osvojila je Martina Tikvicki iz OŠ „Matko Vuković” iz Subotice (mentor: Klara Knežević Lukačević). Treća nagrada pripala je Anđeli Gazibar iz OŠ „Matija Gubec” iz Tavankuta (mentor: Nevena Baštovanović).
U kategoriji novinarskih radova među višim razredima prvu nagradu osvojila je Anja Bašić iz OŠ „Šime Budinić“ iz Zadra (mentor: Nina Dokoza). Drugo mesto pripalo je Ivanu Kretoniću iz OŠ „Budrovci“ iz Đakova (mentor: Vesna Karalić Kladarić), dok je treće mesto osvojila Paola Valenta iz OŠ „Vladimir Nazor“ iz Potpićana (mentor: Marina Rade).
Bogatiji za nova iskustva, prijateljstva i nezaboravne trenutke, učenici su sa svojim mentorima pošli put svojih kuća, dok su učenici – domaćini ostali tužni što je druženju došao kraj, željno iščekujući ponovni susret.
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Dear visitors of our site, dear participants of the competition...
Look List of AWARD-WINNING participants.
Look List of all participants.
You look at the picture gallery.
Translation: Miroslav Rauš
2023th year
XI International Art and Writing Contest „Wealth of Diversity" for 2023
The theme: Does the peasant revolt nowadays?
The text of the 2023 Contest:
„Matija Gubec“ Elementary School from Tavankut organizes an International award-winning art and writing contest „Wealth of Diversity“ for elementary school students, which aims to encourage children to discuss coexistence with others and to develop solidarity and networking with peers from different regions.
The theme of this year's contest: DOES THE PEASANT REVOLT NOWADAYS?
The contest is open until March 31, 2023, all the works received will be...
Read the full text of the XI International Competition Wealth of Diversity.
Release of the results for 2023
Dear visitors of our site, dear participants of the competition...
Look List of AWARD-WINNING participants.
Look List of all participants.
Translation: Miroslav Rauš
Tavankut neguje „Bogatstvo različitosti” duže od decenije
Ugostili smo, od 26. do 28. maja, učesnike Međunarodnog likovno, literarno i novinarskog konkursa Bogatstvo različitosti, koji smo organizovali jedanaestu godinu zaredom.
Tema ovogodišnjeg konkursa glasila je Buni li se seljak danas?, a povodom obeležavanja 450 godina Seljačke bune.
Centralna svečanost održana je u petak u Domu kulture u Tavankutu, kada su nagrađenim i pohvaljenim učenicima i njihovim mentorima uručena priznanja. Naši učenici, članovi dramske sekcije, tom prilikom odigrali su predstavu posvećenu Matiji Gupcu i njegovoj borbi iz 1573. godine.
Na Konkurs je pristiglo više stotina radova iz Hrvatske, Bosne i Hercegovine, Holandije i Srbije, i to: 265 likovna, 93 literarna i 12 novinarska rada. Prvi put su na konkursu učestvovale Učeničke zadruge - njih 33 poslalo je svoje radove.
Škola je okupila učenike, nastavnike i direktore škola iz regiona. Gosti su sa domaćinima obišli subotičke i tavankutske znamenitosti, a zatim su u atrijumu škole učestvovali u slamarskoj radionici, seoskim igrama, te radionicama drveta i roljanja.
Puni utisaka sa druženja, gosti su u nedelju krenuli put svojih kuća. Nastavićemo da negujemo i održavamo ranije sklopljena prijateljstva, razvijajući kod učenika empatiju i poštovanje različitosti. You look at the picture gallery.
2022th year
X International Art and Writing Contest „Wealth of Diversity" for 2022
The theme: The book is my best friend
„Matija Gubec“ Elementary School from Tavankut organizes an International award-winning art and writing contest „Wealth of Diversity“ for elementary school students, which aims to encourage children to discuss coexistence with others and to develop solidarity and networking with peers from different regions.
The theme of this year's contest: THE BOOK IS MY BEST FRIEND
The contest is open until March 15, 2022, all the works received will be...
Read the full text of the X International Competition Wealth of Diversity.
Objava rezultata za 2022. godinu
Dragi posjetitelji naše stranice, dragi sudionici natječaja,
u nastavku vam donosimo popis nagrađenih i pohvaljenih učenika te mentora mlađih i starijih uzrasta X. međunarodnoga likovno-literarno-novinskog natječaja Bogatstvo različitosti. Ponosni smo i sretni zbog broja pristiglih radova. Hvala vam svima na podršci i na sudjelovanju.
Manifestacija Bogatstvo različitosti bit će održana od 12. 5. do 14. 5. 2022., a svi prvonagrađeni dobit će pozive i program manifestacije.
Nagrađenima za 2. i 3. mjesto šaljemo njihove zahvalnice i diplome poštom (nakon proljetnih praznika), a svim ćemo pohvaljenima, kao i sudionicima, e-mailom poslati skenirane ispisane zahvalnice za sudjelovanje na natječaju na koje trebate upisati imena svojih učenika i njihovih mentora. Zahvalnice očekujte na svojim e-mail adresama do kraja 5. mjeseca.
Još jednom hvala svima na sudjelovanju, a nagrađenima i pohvaljenima čestitamo na uspjehu i sjajnim radovima! Očekujemo Vaše radove i sljedeće godine! Veselimo se budućim suradnjama, konstruktivnim dijalozima i kvalitetnim radovima!
Look List of AWARD-WINNING participants.
Look List of all participants.
Završen je projekat Bogatstvo različitosti, za 2022. godinu - 10. po redu. Na međunarodni nagradni literarni, novinarski i likovni konkurs, na temu: „Knjiga je moj najbolji prijatelj“, pristiglo je oko 900 radova iz Italije, Francuske, Severne Makedonije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Crne Gore, Hrvatske, Slovenije, Nemačke i Srbije. Svečanosti u Tavankutu prisustvovali su gosti iz Hrvatske (Zagrebačka županija, Osječko-baranjska županija, Gornje Stubica, Rijeka, Bedekovčina, Primošten), Severne Makedonije (Tetovo), Bosne i Hercegovine (Usora) i Srbije (Smederevo i Nove Varoši).
Predstavnici Zagrebačke županije su održali radionice: izrade nakita za decu, kinča i slikarsku, dok su nas, neki od njih, počastili i svojim litererarnim, muzičkim i dramskim nastupima, pa smo tako imali priliku čuti recitacije na kajkavskoj ikavici, pogledati predstavu Šuma Striborova, i slušati pesme u izvođenju klape „Stine“.
Stvorena su mnoga nova poznanstva, iskustva i želje i potrebe za izgradnjom novih, sličnih projekata.
Download photos for:
- Tuesday, May 10;
- Wednesday, May 11;
- Thursday, May 12;
- Friday, May 13 and
- Saturday, May 14;
- Download video material.
Links will be available until Sunday, June 19.
Translation: Miroslav Rauš
2021th year
IX International Art and Writing Contest „Wealth of Diversity" for 2021
The theme: An apple
„Matija Gubec“ Elementary School from Tavankut organizes an International award-winning art and writing contest „Wealth of Diversity“ for elementary school students, which aims to encourage children to discuss coexistence with others and to develop solidarity and networking with peers from different regions.
The theme of this year's contest: AN APPLE
The contest is open until March 15, 2021, all the works received will be...
Read the full text of the IX International Competition Wealth of Diversity.
Dragi posjetitelji naše stranice, dragi sudionici natječaja,
u nastavku vam donosimo popis nagrađenih i pohvaljenih učenika te mentora mlađih i starijih uzrasta IX. međunarodnoga likovno-literarno-novinarskog natječaja Bogatstvo različitosti. Ponosni smo i sretni jer je naš natječaj ove godine znatno narastao što se tiče broja pristiglih radova. Hvala vam svima na podršci i na sudjelovanju ‒ osobito u ovim okolnostima u kojima vjerujemo da nije bilo nimalo lako motivirati učenike.
Nagrađenima i pohvaljenima šaljemo njihove zahvalnice i diplome poštom (već sljedeći tjedan), a svim ćemo sudionicima e-mailom poslati skenirane ispisane zahvalnice za sudjelovanje na natječaju na koje trebate upisati imena svojih učenika i njihovih mentora. Zahvalnice očekujte na svojim e-mail adresama do kraja 5. mjeseca.
Još jednom hvala svima na sudjelovanju, a nagrađenima i pohvaljenima čestitamo na uspjehu i sjajnim radovima! Budite ponosni na svoje učenike i na sebe jer ste najsjanija u mnoštvu sjajnih zvijezda koje su ove godine osvijetlile naše nebo!
S obzirom na nepovoljnu situaciju, pretpostavljamo da ove godine manifestacija Bogatstva različitosti neće biti održana, ali pozivamo vas već sada da nam se javite i sljedeće godine! Veselimo se budućim suradnjama, konstruktivnim dijalozima i kvalitetnim radovima!
See List of AWARD-WINNING participants.
Translation: Miroslav Rauš
2020th year
VIII International Art and Writing Contest „Wealth of Diversity" for 2020
The theme: No friendship is an accident
„Matija Gubec“ Elementary School from Tavankut organizes an International award-winning art and writing contest „Wealth of Diversity“ for elementary school students, which aims to encourage children to discuss coexistence with others and to develop solidarity and networking with peers from different regions.
The theme of this year's contest: NO FRIENDSHIP IS AN ACCIDENT
The contest is open until March 15, 2020, all the works received will be...
Read the full text of the VIII International Competition Wealth of Diversity.
List of all participants and
List of AWARD-WINNING participants..
Translation: Miroslav Rauš
2019th year
VII. International art-literary-journal contest: „The Wealth of Difference“
Theme: „I want to be your friend”
Text of the competition
The „Matija Gubec“ elementary school from Tavankut organizes an international prize-winning literary, journalistic and art competition „The Wealth of Difference“ for elementary school which wants to encourage children to discuss coexistence issues with others and to develop solidarity and connect with peers from different regions.
Theme of this year's competition: „I want to be your friend“.
The competition is open until March 11, 2019, all the works received will be evaluated by the jury who will award three best literary, journalistic and art work in two age groups (1st to 4th and 5th to 8th grade of elementary school). Prizes will be given to authors and mentors at the main ceremony on April 5, 2019 at the Primary School „Matija Gubec“ in Tavankutu, and for the awarded pupils and mentors accommodation and nutrition will be provided.
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Send literary and journalistic papers to the e-mail address, and each work must contain following information:
Name and surname of the author,
class, name and contact information for the teacher (phone, e-mail address),
name and address of the school.
Each student in the competition can participate with up to two literary works and one journalist and one artistic work. Literary works can be both poems and prose compositions. Literary and journalistic papers can be written in the languages of the participating countries as well as in the languages of national minorities.
Texts of literary works should be written with Times New Roman font, font size 12, and .doc or .docx format. Works that are not fully labeled or do not contain the necessary data can not enter the competition. The school reserves the right to publish the works.
Works may be submitted by primary schools and other institutions or organizations involved in basic education and training.
Send artworks only to the address:
Primary School „Matija Gubec“ (for the competition: „Wealth of Difference“)
Marka Oreškovića 12/a
24214 Donji Tavankut, Vojvodina
Republic of Serbia
Papers must not be published before, and after the competition and they will not be returned.
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Translate: H.R.A.M.
The 7th International Competition was held „Wealth of Diversity“
For the seventh consecutive year, our school organized the International Fine Art Literary and Journalistic Contest "The Wealth of Diversity". The aim of the competition is to encourage pupils of elementary school age to reflect on the values of diversity in society and the importance of tolerance.
This year they answered their work on the topic: "I want to be your friend". Over 400 papers were received at the school's address, counting all three categories of the competition, and students from Serbia and Croatia participated.
The highlight of this competition is a three-day social gathering that took place from April 4th to 6th, during which the participants were better acquainted and made friends through thought-out activities. They participated in creative workshops: "Respect Diversity", "Glagolitic Search for Hidden Treasures", "Roljanje", as well as workshops "Quiz of General Culture", "Karaoke", "Slamarska", "Moonlight 9" and "We learn how to divanit bunjevacki".
The central event took place on April 5, 2019 in the school's gym, where awards and diplomas were given to authors of the most successful works and their mentors. Special guests at the award ceremony were children from "Kolevka", who received a special applause.
After the official program, a great surprise for all participants was organized at the school yard Bikeers from Osijek, on their motorcycles, dressed as big rabbits, gave children sweets. Smiles on their faces spoke more than a thousand words.
On the last day of the gathering, guests enjoyed a horse ride through Tavankut, visiting a local orchard and Čikerija Forest.
This year Tavankut was a three-day home for students from Croatia (Primošten, Vrbovec, Donja Pušća and Samobor) and Serbia (Kragujevac, Kraljevo, Gakovo, Subotica, Bačko Dušanovo), who promised to come again next year at 8. International Competition "The Wealth of Diversity".
Translation: H.R.A.M.
2018th year
VI International fine-literary-journalistic contest
"Wealth of Diversity" for 2018
- TOPIC: Good things change the world
Our school organized the International Art and Writing Contest "Wealth of Diversity" for the sixth consecutive year. This competition encourages elementary school students to reflect on the value of diversity in society and the importance of tolerance. This year's topic was "Let's change the world by doing good deeds". Students from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Germany, Slovakia, Croatia and Serbia participated with over 540 works received.
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This year Tavankut hosted students from Bosnia and Herzegovina (Usora), Croatia (Bjelovar, Oroslavje, Osijek, Piškorevci, Primošten, Vrbovec) and Serbia (Subotica and Sombor), all of them promising to return next year to the 7th International Art and Writing Contest "Wealth of Diversity".
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