Municipal math competition

On Sunday, February 28, starting at 10:00 AM in the Elementary School „Miroslav Antić" in Palić, the City Competition of Elementary School Students in Mathematics was held.
Fifth, sixth and seventh grade students from our school participated in the competition.
Results of our students, who placed at the district level of the competition:

Name and surname of the student Class Mentor Number of points Award
Ana Davčik 7.b Ivana Vuković 78 Diploma (2nd place)
Petra Mačkković 6.b Ivana Vuković 56 Praise
Teolinda Glavaš 6.a Biljana Vojnić Hajduk 53 Praise
Lara Prćić 5.a Biljana Vojnić Hajduk 48 Praise

Congratulations to our students as well as their mentors on the results achieved.

Translation: H.R.A.M.

Pink t-shirt day

On February 25, our school marked the Day of Pink T-shirts, the day of the fight against peer violence.
All students and all classes, together with their teachers, participated in various activities in marking this day.
Senior students prepared a board with content on this topic, writing messages of friendship, support and non-violence.
The film „I love school in pink, I beg without violence!" in which actors are the students of the higher classes of our school, who recorded Dario Vojnić Hajduk (our former student). They were reminded of the forms of peer violence, how to recognize peer violence, how they should react to violence - not only as victims of violence, but also as observers. The film was forwarded to the competition organized by the Elementary School „Jovan Mikic" from Subotica. By the decision of the expert jury, the work was awarded as the best in the category of short film in the competition „I love school in pink, please without violence!". The students participated in an art and literary competition on the same topic.
Most of the employees, as well as the students, wore pink T-shirts, in support of the fight against peer violence, and concluded that love, togetherness and friendship are values that we must promote and nurture.

Translation: H.R.A.M.

Competition – Pink T-shirts

Elementary school „Jovan Mikić" from Subotica invites all elementary schools to apply for the Competition: I love school in pink, please stop the violence!, In order to mark the Day of fight against the peer violence - a day known worldwide as „The Pink Shirt Day ”.
Applications can be submitted until Monday, February 22nd, 2021, at 10:00 AM. We invite you to respond to the Competition and thus contribute to the prevention of peer violence. We look forward to working with you.

Read more

Protection team - Elementary school „Jovan Mikić", Subotica

Translation: H.R.A.M.

Statehood Day

This is a national holiday of the Republic of Serbia, which is celebrated on February 15 and 16, and established in memory of the day when the First Serbian Uprising was raised at the assembly in Orašac in 1804, as a day of remembrance of the beginning of the Serbian Revolution. as the Day of the Constitution of Serbia in memory of the day when the first Constitution of the Principality of Serbia - the Constitution of Sretenje - was issued and confirmed by oath in Kragujevac in 1835.

On that occasion, the students of our school arranged the school board.

Translation: H.R.A.M.

Reading to the stars

Učenici naše škole sudjelovali su dana 29. siječnja 2021. na školskoj razini natjecanja Čitanjem do zvijezda.
Učenici 7. a razreda (Fabijan Dulić, Luka Vuković, Martin Vuković) plasirali su se dalje (ostvarivši ujednačenih 26 od ukupno 40 bodova) te će na međuškolskoj razini natjecanja predstavljati našu školu. Da sve prođe kako treba, brinulo se je tročlano Povjerenstvo koje su činile nastavnice: Morena Rendulić, Slađana Knežević i Anita Kopilović.
Ovogodišnja tema natjecanja ljetni su praznici sa službenim nazivom U svijetu knjige za koju su se učenici spremali čitajući 4 književna djela: Jadranka Klepac, Miris knjige; Roald Dahl: Matilda; Morea Banićević: Demon školske knjižnice; Liz Pichon, Tom Gates: Svjetski dan knjige: Najbolji u povijesti (dosad).
Iščekujući sljedeću razinu natjecanja Čitanjem do zvijezda učenici će prelistavati knjige, podsjećati se najvažnijih detalja te osvijestiti ono što nisu uspjeli u dosadašnjemu natjecanju.
Želimo im puno sreće i čim bolje rezultate na natjecanju koje slijedi.

School glory

Obeležena je školska slava Sveti Sava.
Učenici naše škole, zajedno sa svojim nastavnicima i učiteljima, su pripremili prigodan program, gde je kroz niz recitala prikazan život i značaj ovog svetitelja.
Prisutnima se obratila i direktorica škole Stanislava Stantić Prćić.
Svim učenicima i zaposlenima čestitamo školsku slavu. See the image gallery.

Planning the day of Saint Sava

Školska slava

Školska slava „Sveti Sava“ će ove godine, zbog nepovoljnih okolnosti izazvanih pandemijom, a u skladu sa preporukama i poštovanjem epidemioloških mera, biti obeležena skromno - u duhu praznika i u prisustvu manjeg broja dece i odraslih.
Svečanost će biti upriličena u fiskulturnoj sali škole u Donjem Tavankutu, a ne (kako je prvobitno planirano) u školi u Gornjem Tavankutu. Obeležavanju slave će prisustvovati učenici koji učestvuju u programu, veroučitelj, direktorica škole, psiholog škole, predstavnici Školskih timova i predstavnici Učeničkog parlamenta.
Program obeležavanja školske slave počinje u 9:00 časova, 27. januara 2021. godine.