25th meeting of little poets of Slavonia and Baranja

On November 23, 2018 we participated at the 25th meeting of little poets of Slavonia and Baranja which was hosted at the elementary school "Matija Gubec" Cernik in Republic of Croatia, a manifestation where students who write in the Croatian standard language and in the Croatian dialect have the opportunity to present their artistic achievements and to show their reciprocal skills.
On the occasion, the student Ivan Vuković from the 7th grade prepared a recitation "While the fall rains fell" written by Ante Sekulić, whose performance was included in the main program of the event. Apart from the student Ivan Vuković, Ante Vuković from class 6.a was present at the meeting, too.
The students traveled with the parish priest Franjo Ivanković, teacher of Music Culture Luka Budinčević and Croatian language teacher Morena Rendulić. After the main event of the Meeting and the presentation of awards and recognitions, all participants had lunch at the Croatian House in Cernik, and then they went to their homes.
(See the picture gallery)

Our students took part in the Provincial Poetry Recitation Competition

The Croatian Reading Room of City Library in Subotica organized the XVII Provincial Poetry Recitation Competition in Croatian. Twelve students of different ages represented our school. All the students showed good performance and recitation skills. Marijana Gadžur was commended for reciting the poem "U suton" (Into the sunset) by Dobriša Cesarić.
Nikolina Jurić, Magdalena Suknović, Lucija Vuković, Petar Benčik, Fabijan Dulić, Melissa Gadžur, Josipa Mačković, Ana Skenderović, Valentina Stanišić, Rahela Šteković and Luka Vuković also took part in this competition.
(See the picture gallery)

Relief mural

The entrance to the school was refreshed by the installation of a wall relief created by students and teachers at the Ceramic Workshop under the guidance and watchfulness of Barbara Bidin, professor of fine arts, and Robert Samardzic, an academic painter from Dugo Selo near Zagreb.
Every participant in the workshop, a pupil or a teacher, made up one part of this relief mural, which depicts the motives of our village through a multitude of beautiful details.

Children’s Day

For the International Children's Day, a gift - a poem:

Za milion godina

Kada jedna gruba reč
ko vrata teška zatvori sve prolaze
kada dan ko kamen tvrd
sruši se sa neba na tvoj nežni dlan
i dok noć u kojoj nema zvezda caruje
u samoći sa svih strana strah te obuzme.

Kada tmurno jutro osvane
u tvojim tužnim mislima
kada kiše jesenje zamagle ti
pogled ispred prozora
jedna ruka traži te i želi da ti da
dodir nežnosti za bar milion godina.

Nikad ne boj se, s tobom neko je
ko želi ljubav da ti da
deo svoga toplog sna
nikad ne boj se, ljubav jača je
deca u nama znaju sve
pravi put u nove sne.

Kada strašne bure zaprete
da razbiju tvoj mali brod
kada reči šture
pokušaju da nađu izgovor
jedna ruka traži te i želi da ti da
dodir nežnosti za bar milion godina.

The YU Rock Mission included performers like Oliver Mandic, Zeljko Bebek, Marina Perazic, Momcilo Bajagic-Bajaga, Aki Rahimovski, Slađana Milošević, Dado Topić, Masimo Savić, Zdravko Čolić, Jura Stublić, Peđa D'Boy, Vlatko Stefanovski, Bora Djordjevic, Goran Bregovic and many others.

Team Building

Friday, November 23, 2018

- Competition: Basic quiz, culture in general, group work;
- Dinner  and
- Karaoke party.


Dear colleagues, please confirm your arrival by signing up, the signature paper is on the bulletin board.


The International day for tolerance was celebrated in our school on November the 16th,2018., in the time of the first period, which was dedicated to workshops on the importance of tolerance among people. After that, students arranged our school panel.
The World Tolerance Day is celebrated since 1995 as a day when we need to remind ourselves of the needs of mutual respect and respect regardless of the differences that exist among people.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has defined the definition of tolerance: Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the richness of diversity in our and world cultures, our form of expression and the way to be human.

Book Fair

Ученици виших разреда наше школе посетили су, у понедељак 22. октобра 2018. године, Сајам књига у Београду заједно са наставницама: Данијелом Раднић и Сандром Илић Костић.
Ђаци су били у прилици да купе жељене књиге по промотивним ценама и да уживају у шароликости издавачких штандова.
Након тога су посетили Тржни центар Ушће где су имали прилику да ручају и да се разоноде. Пре одласка у позориште, прошетали смо се Кнез Михајловом улицом и осетили њене вечерње чари и претпразнички дух.
Овај диван дан крунисан је маестралном комедијом Љубавно писмо коју су извели великани нашег глумишта: Горица Поповић, Миодраг Крстовић, Татјана Бошковић, Бранислав Зеремски, Дубравка Мијатовић и други.
Иако је пут био напоран, лепи утисци и осмеси на лицима су оно што се дуго памти.