International Day of Peace

On Monday, September 21, we marked the International Day of Peace.
The United Nations (UN) resolution of 2001 set that date as the day of non-violence and cessation of hostilities on a global level and, all over the world, it is marked as the International Day of Peace.
The students of our school, together with their class teachers, teachers and teachers, marked the day on the occasion: by reading texts that greet peace and writing messages of peace, emphasizing the importance of peace.
Happy International Day of Peace!
Spend (every) day helping others.
Avoid quarrels and conflicts and spread messages of peace.

Translation: H.R.A.M.

Cyclists in our school

U petak, 18. septembra, naša škola je ugostila članove Biciklističkog kluba „Spartak“ iz Subotice: Nikolinu Perčić, Marka Perčića, Mihajla Bolića, Marka Tikvickog; kao i Ivanu Vilim, predstavnicu „S team“, Biciklističkog kluba iz Sombora povodom obeležavanja Evropske nedelje mobilnosti. Ovogodišnja tema je: Mobilnost bez zagađenja za sve. Za tu temu odabran je slogan: „Izaberi! Pokreni se!“
Dobrodošlicu gostima poželeo je župnik i nastavnik Franjo Ivanković, dok su nastavnici Miroslav Stipić i Čedomir Pađen upoznali učenike sa životom i delom Ivana Sarića i razvojem biciklizma u Subotici. Gosti su održali prezentaciju na temu biciklizma za učenike nižih i viših razreda.
Ivana Vilim je donela odličja koja je uz pomoć talenta, upornosti i zdravog načina života uspela da osvoji. Prvu medalju osvojila je na stazi u Kraljevu, a do sada je učestvovala na brojnim takmičenjima u Srbiji, državnim prvenstvima, balkanskim prvenstvima, evropskim prvenstvima i na „Evropskom festivalu mladih“ koji je organizovan po uzoru na „Olimpijske igre“, gde je osvojila pehare i medalje.
Članovi Bicikilističkog kluba „Spartak“, su takođe, ostvarili zapažene rezultate:
Nikolina Perčić je prošlogodišnja trostruka prvakinja, dok je ove godine osvojila 3. i 4. mesto na prvenstvu Srbije.
Mark Perčić je ove godine osvojio dva puta 2. mesto na prvenstvu Srbije, a ove godine je dvostruki prvak u Bugarskoj.
Mihajlo Bolić je postigao 2. mesto na ovogodišnjem prvenstvu Srbije.
Učenici su sa velikom pažnjom pratili svaki pokret i reči biciklista, i dobili odgovore na postavljena pitanja (Kako postati biciklista? Da li je biciklizam skup sport? Koja je cena profesionalnog bicikla? Vremensko trajanje jednog treninga…).
Predstavnici Učeničkog parlamenta su intervjuisali prvakinju Srbije, Ivanu Vilim.
Zahvaljujemo se gostima na održanoj promociji biciklizma i želimo im da nižu dalje uspehe i odlične rezultate. You look at the picture gallery.

Little graduates

Our school ceremoniously accompanied the eighth grade students, the 2012/2020 generation, who successfully finished this school year as well.
Younger students prepared a special program, which was held at the House of Culture. The students, as well as all those present, were greeted by the school principal Stanislava Stantić Prćić.
The most successful students were awarded and praised. Melisa Gadžur, a student of the 8th grade, was declared a student of the generation, while the title of an athlete of the generation, went to Elena Sekulić, a student of the 8th grade.
At the end of the program, the students, together with the class teachers, released "wish balloons".
After taking photos with their families and friends, the little graduates had an organized celebration in the school premises.
See photos

Translation: H.R.A.M.
Photos: Branka Milojević

Everything will be fine

In this time of loneliness and distance, in the hope that everything will pass quickly and the lives of our students will continue as they were before the Covid-19 flu pandemic, the students of our school, together with teachers: Danijela Radnić and Josip Kojić, accepted the initiative of children from Italy, who faced the same problem as we, and drew a rainbow as a symbol of hope and decorated the windows of houses or balconies.
Under the name of this initiative "Everything will be fine", a panel was arranged at the entrance of the school, which is decorated with some of the student works.

Translation: H.R.A.M.