Year 2023.
Dan škole se uvek s posebnom radošću obeležava svakog 9. februara. Ove godine se navršava 450 godina od izbijanja Seljačke bune u kojoj je poginuo njen vođa, junak jednog vremena, Matija Gubec. Tim povodom naša škola je organizovala nagradni literarno-likovni i foto-konkrs Junak jednog vremena, Matija Gubec. Tokom svečanog programa u Domu kulture u Tavankutu proglašeni su i nagrađni najuspešniji učenici i njihovi mentori u sve tri kategorije. Po prvi put su se na konkurs odazvale i predškolske ustanove iz Gornjeg i Donjeg Tavankuta te su svi nagrađeni slatkišima. Svečanosti su, kao počasni gosti, prisustvovale i penzionisane kolege kojima su dodeljeni simbolični pokloni. Prisutni su tokom programa mogli da uživaju u delovima Gubec-beg opere u izvođenju maestralne Josipe Lisac, kao i da se prisete filma Seljačka buna. Učenik Danilo Dudaš nas je monologom o Matiji Gupcu podsetio na značaj i nesebičnu žrtvu jednog čoveka, koji je želeo da se izbori za bolji život svih seljaka. Buna-traje!
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Call for participation
on a competition,
"Matija Gubec- a hero of an era",
on the occasion of marking
Days of our school.
Read the entire text of the competition.
Dodela nagrada povodom Dana škole
U četvrtak, 9. febuara, su svi učenici, nastavnici, učitelji, svi zaposleni škole, kao i gosti, prisustvovali prigodnoj priredbi, koju je osmislila nastavnica srpskog jezika - Sandra Ilić Kostić, u lepo dizajniranom ambijentu Doma kulture.
Program su vodile učenice 8.a razreda: Teolinda Glavaš i Elena Suknović. Lik Matije Gupca je vešto interpretirao učenik 7.b razreda - Danilo Dudaš.
Potom je sledila projekcija isečka iz filma o Matiji Gupcu - Seljačka buna 1573, kao i rok-opera Gubec Beg sa Josipom Lisac i izveđenjem arije Ave Marija. Nakon prijatnog opuštanja, na binu je izašla direktorica Stanislava Stantić Prćić i obratila se prisutnima. Otpočela je i dodela diploma i nagrada za učesnike na ovogodišnjem likovno- literarnom- novinarskom takmičenju, pod nazivom Junak jednog vremena, a u organizaciji naše škole.
Prvo mesto, za najbolji literarni rad, je osvojila učenica 5.a razreda - Diona Šefer, koja nas je počastila vlastitom interpretacijom teksta. Drugo mesto je osvojila Žana Suknović iz 7.b razreda za poeziju.
Potom slede nagrade za najuspešnija likovna ostvarenja. Najpre najmlađi učesnici, a potom stariji. Prvo mesto u kategoriji od 5-8. razreda je pripalo učenici 6.b razreda O.Š. „Majšanski put” iz Subotice - Lari Liliom. Drugo mesto učeniku 5.b razreda naše škole - Filipu Rudiću i treće mesto grupi učenika iz škole „Hunjadi Janoš” iz Bačkog Dušanova.
Prvo mesto za najuspešniju fotografiju pripalo je učenici 7.b razreda - Lari Prćić, a drugo mesto učenici 8.a razreda - Teolindi Glavaš.
Za kraj je hor naše škole, pod vođstvom i muzičkom pratnjom nastavnika - Bele Anišića, otpevao pesmu Matija Gubec.
Nakon svečanosti, usledilo je razgledanje izložbe učeničkih likovnih radova, a potom i povratak u školu u kabinet muzičke kulture, gde je postavljena zakuska i osveženje za sve učesnike i nagrađene u programu.
Year 2021.
Today (February 9), our school marked its day - School Day, and on that occasion, the students prepared a suitable program.
At the very beginning, a greeting card was read, which was sent on the occasion of the Day of our school, by the Provincial Secretary Zsolt Sakalash, on behalf of the Provincial Secretariat for Education, Regulations, Administration and National Minorities - National Communities. The audience was greeted by the school principal, Stanislava Stantić Prćić.
Representatives of the Student Parliament - Katarina Šegina and Ante Vuković, laid a wreath at the monument to Matija Gubac.
A student of the 7th grade, Andreas Damjanoski, performed the recitation „There is one dear school".
On this occasion, our school organized an art, literary and photo competition. In accordance with the propositions of the competition, the awarded works were selected.
- In the category of lower grades of primary schools, the first and second grades participated in the art competition, on the topic: „The most beautiful congratulations for the school Matija Gubec".
The third place was won by Anja Gadžur, a student of the 2nd grade of our school.
The second place went to Adela Rekić, students of the 2nd grade from the school „Hunjadi Janoš".
The first place and the award went to Larisa Hajčunk, a student of the 2nd grade (also) from the school „Hunjadi Janos".
- Third and fourth grades, sent literary works on the topic: „What do I know about Matija Guba?".
Students of our school:
Nikolina Đukić - student of 3rd grade, won the third place;
Josip Mamužić - student of 3rd grade, takes second place and
Mariana Skenderović - a student of the 4th grade, received the award for winning the first place.
- Students of higher grades participated in the literary and photo competition.
In the category of literary works, on the topic: „Matija Gubec was...", the students of our school stood out:
The third place was won by Lara Prćić - a student of the 5th grade;
The second place went to Luka Vukovic - a student of the 7th grade
The first place and the award was won by Katarina Šegina - a student of the 8th grade.
- The most beautiful photos and postcards for their school were sent by the students:
Lara Šegina, a student of the 5th grade, received the diploma for the third place.
The diploma for the second place went to Žana Suknović, students of the 5th grade.
The first place and diploma was awarded to Miljana Antal, a student of the 5th grade.
- Students of higher grades, our school, participated in an online quiz about their school.
The third place went to Leo Čupak, a student of the 8th grade.
The second place was won by Nikoleta Čupak, a student of the 8th grade.
The first place and the award went to Teolinda Glavas, a student of the 6th grade.
We thank all the students who sent their papers and answers to the online quiz for their participation, and we congratulate the students whose papers and answers were awarded on this occasion as well.
In the first class, that day, the students were introduced to the life and work of Matija Gubac, and all employees and students received a sweet package (cake).
The recognition awarded to the „Colleague - Associate", chosen by a vote by the employees, also contributed to making this School Day even more solemn and significant. This recognition went to the teacher, Danijela Radnić.
We congratulate all students, teachers, teachers and employees on the School Day and wish them a lot of success in their further work.
You look at the picture gallery
Translation: H.R.A.M.
Year 2020
On Friday, February 7th, we celebrated the School Day at the Tavankut Cultural Center. There were many performances: the Levanda Klapa from Samobor and the female singing choir of the HKD Napredak - Usora-Tešanj branch. A special moment of the evening was the joint performance of the Levanda Klapa, the HKD Women's Progress Choir and the School Choir.
Besides the guests from Serbia, the program was attended by guests from the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Hungary, representatives of cultural institutions, representatives of the Croatian community, students, teachers and parents.
At the very beginning of the program, guests were greeted by the principal Stanislava Stantić Prćić, who recalled the meaning and importance of the term school, which is often forgotten today, and comes from the ancient Greek word shola (σχολείο), which primarily referred to leisure time and fun. Rudolf Vujević, the envoy of the President of the Zagreb County Assembly, welcomed all those present.
This was also the first event in the Tavankut Cultural Center after its complete reconstruction.
Translation: H.R.A.M.
See schedule of programs marking the Day of our school
You look at the picture gallery
Year 2019
Our school day was celebrated on Friday, February 8th. The celebration was attended by students and staff of the school, as well as numerous guests from home and abroad. This event was magnified by the performance of the „Levanda" Klapa from Samobor, which performed a special program with a series of wonderful songs accompanied by a musical performance.
The guests were welcomed by the principal Stanislava Stantić Prćić. The program was organized at the Church of the Heart of Jesus in Tavankut.
In a festive mood and in a spirit of friendship, the attendees continued to have a cocktail party on the school premises.
Translation: H.R.A.M.
Year 2018
„Matija Gubec“ Elementary School celebrated its School Day on Friday, 2 February 2018. Guests, students and employees gathered in the Council Hall of the Subotica City Hall and enjoyed the performances of the school choir and klapa group Levanda from Samobor. The ceremony was attended not only by students and employees but also by guests from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia. The guests included, among others, Velimir Pleša, Consul General of the Republic of Croatia, Slavko Kojić and Danijela Franić, representatives of the City of Zagreb and Magda Fehervari, Deputy Secretary of the Subotica Secretariat for Social Affairs. Mirjana Kopilović, the school former employee, was given a straw art painting by students and colleagues as a gift for her retirement. The general sponsor of the ceremony was Zagreb County, represented by Darinka Balen and Dubravka Martić.
Year 2017
Naša škola je proslavila svoj Dan škole, u petak 10. februara, u Dečjem pozorištu u Subotici uz prigodan program. Školski hor, uz tamburašku pratnju, izveo je obradu muzičke numere „Vjeruj u ljubav“. Zatim su zaposleni i gosti uživali u nastupu klape Levanda iz Samobora. Prisutne je pozdravila direktorica škole Stanislava Stantić Prćić. Ovom događaju su prisustvovali: gospodin Rudolf Vujević - dožupan Zagrebačke županije, Vjeran Štublin - pročelnik odjela za prosvjetu, šport, kulturu i tehničku kulturu županije, Darinka Balen - zadužena za osnovno obrazovanje i učeničke zadruge iz Zagrebačke županije, Slobodan Krajina - direktor „Osnovne škole Ivana fra Frane Jukića“, Nedeljko Marinov - direktor Osnovne škole „Primošten“, Sanja Knezić - direktorica Osnovne škole „Matije Gupca“ iz Gornje Stubice, Jasna Varga - direktorica Osnovne škole „Matija Gubec“ iz Jarmine, Jovanka Tešanović - nekadašnja direktorica
Osnovne i srednje škole „Žarko Zrenjanin“ iz Subotice, Mirjana Stevanović - direktorica Oosnovne škole „Matko Vuković“ iz Subotice, Ljiljana Dulić - direktorica Osnovne škole „Vladimir Nazor“ iz Đurđina, Ladislav Suknović - predsednik HKPD „Matija Gubec“ iz Tavankuta, predstavnici Školskog odbora i zaposleni i učenici naše škole.
Year 2016
The celebration of School Day, on Friday, February 5, began with the opening of an exhibition of photographs by students of the photography section, entitled „Tavankut in the eyes of the child".
Celebrating the Day of the School with their presence: Consul General of the Republic of Croatia in Subotica - Mr. Velimir Plesa, Branko Ivancic - director at HRT (who is born Tavankucanin), Augustin Juriga - associate and mentor of the photography section, Zoltan Šiflish - former teacher of our school and other guests. Photographs from the said exhibition will be exhibited in Gornja Stubica, Republic of Croatia, in June. See the picture gallery
Translation: H.R.A.M.