Ambijentalna nastava za učenike petih i šestih razreda naše škole realizovana je 28. maja 2018. godine.
Prva destinacija bila je Muzej hleba u Pećincima gde su se učenici upoznali sa narodnom tradicijom ovog kraja u pravljenju hleba, kao i sa likovnim radom poznatog umetnika Slobodana Jeremića-Jeremije. Nakon nesvakidašnjeg prostora i veoma zanimljive priče o hlebu i običajima vezanim za njega, put smo nastavili ka Sremskoj Mitrovici.
Đaci su posetili Muzej Srema i obišli Stalnu postavku iz perioda postojanja Sirmiuma, a potom i arheološku postavku fosilnih životinja, ostataka ljudske civilizacije iz neolita, kao i materijal vezan za kulturu Kelta koji su ovaj prostor naseljavali u IV veku.
Prešavši jedan od najdužih pešačkih mostova u Evropi koji spaja Srem i Mačvu, put smo nastavili ka Prirodnom rezervatu Zasavica.
Tokom kratke, ali očaravajuće vožnje brodom kroz jedan deo ovog rezervata, imali smo priliku da se upoznamo sa prirodnim bogatstvima Zasavice, njenim biljnim i životinjskim svetom i da uživamo u prizorima koji se ne zaboravljaju.
Zvanični deo puta završen je obilaskom manastira Hopovo koji je smešten u mirisnim šumama Fruške gore. Jedan od najpoznatijih detalja prebogate istorije ovog manastira je činjenica da se upravo u njemu zamonašio naš poznati prosvetitelj, Dositej Obradović.
Obilazak Fruške gore završen je njenim panoramskim razgledanjem.
U večernjim časovima, sa zalaskom sunca, učenici su se vratili u Tavankut umornih, ali nasmejanih lica.
Monthly Archives: May 2018
Manifestation „Paths of Ante Sekulić“
U svibnju smo se prisjetili života i djela Ante Sekulića, zasigurno najznačjanijeg tavankutskog književnika, filologa i jezikoslovca. Sekulić je rođen u Tavankutu, no živio je i u brojnim gradovima diljem Hrvatske, a radio je i kao gimnazijski i kao sveučilišni profesor. Njegove su pjesme danas neizostavni dio hrvatske književnosti u Vojvodini, a postale su i dio nastavnoga gradiva.
Tijekom trodnevne manifestacije (see gallery of pictures), našu su školu posjetili učenici, nastavnici i ravnateljica II. osnovne škole Vrbovec iz Hrvatske. Sudjelujući u prigodno osmišljenim radionicama učenici su se mogli upoznati s nekima od najznačajnijih Sekulićevih pjesama, ali i naučiti o njegovu životu, upoznati se s rječničkim blagom popisanim u njegovu „Rječniku govora bačkih Hrvata“. Učili su i izrađivati ukrase od slame, tehniku karakterističnu upravo za kulturnu tradiciju Tavankuta, a u turističkom razgledavanju obišli su Suboticu, posjetili katedralu i sinagogu te prošetali Palićem. U psihološkim radionicama najprije su se na jedan zabavniji način upoznali, a zatim se i učili važnosti uvažavanja drugoga u radionici „Mostovi tolerancije“.
Središnji dio ove manifestacije bio je svečani program u kojem su sudjelovali učenici obje škole. Gosti iz Vrbovca za ovu su priliku pripremili recital Sekulićevih pjesama, a naši su učenici u kratkom igrokazu predstavili Sekulićeva prisjećanja na život u Tavankutu i rano djetinjstvo, protkano recitacijom njegovih pjesama.
Program je završen dodjelom Sekulićevih knjiga svim sudionicima programa i svim gostima kao uspomenu na sudjelovanje u prvoj manifestaciji ovakve vrste u našoj školi.
Manifestaciju je financijski podržao i omogućio Središnji državni ured za Hrvate izvan Republike Hrvatske, a knjige koje su poklonjene svim sudionicima svečanoga programa i svim gostima donirao je Katolički institut za kulturu, povijest i duhovnost Ivan Antunović.
9. meeting “GO-CAR-GO”

Project author, Stanko Kostanjevec with our school team
Eighth- grade students, Martina Balažević, Dunja Mačković, Miomir Skenderović and Vanja Tintor and two mentors, Predrag Bedekovic and Branko Stantic, participated in the 9th "GO-CAR-GO" meeting in the School Center in Ptuj in Slovenia, on 14 and 15 May 2018
We can thank all of this to Mr. Stanko Kostanjevec, the author, project leader and teacher at Ptuj Mechanical School, who provided us with a chassis of extramobil.
This year's meeting was attended by 25 elementary schools (18 from the Republic of Slovenia, 6 from the Republic of Croatia and our school from the Republic of Serbia), who competed in slalom and giant slalom. The appearance, functionality and other characteristics of the extramobils were evaluated by a special committee consisting of teachers from Ptuj Mechanical School as well as teams of students who evaluated the three best extramobils.

Our school team and the principal, Stanislava Stantić Prćić
Lunch was served for all participants after the competition. After lunch, there was a formal closing ceremony and all students received certificates of participation and acknowledgments. Our school extramobil- FLAMENKO, won recognition award for the original solution, as well as the third place in the slalom and giant slalom category.
The students were thrilled with the event and we hope to continue the international cooperation in the field of technology.
“What do you know about traffic” in Stara Moravica

Our students at Moravica Elementary School
The District Traffic Competition, entitled "What do you know about traffic", was held at "Stari Đula Kovač" Elementary School in Stara Moravica on May 13, 2018. Martina Balažević and Miomir Skenderović, 8th grade students participated in the competition. They qualified at the Municipal Competition within the "C" group (students who during the calendar year in which the competition was held, turned or were older than 12).
The competition included three disciplines:
- knowledge of regulations on road traffic safety (test),
- riding a bicycle on a practice field and
- riding a bicycle on the skills field.
Martina was fourth with 254 points scored in the category "C", while Miomir with 267 points was second among the boys in the "C" category, which was still not enough for the national competition.
Republic competition in Vrsac

The Vršac Peak was also conquered
National Competition in Technical Science was held at "Jovan Sterija Popović" Elementary School in Vršac, on May 11 and 12, 2018. Two 8th grade students , Nikola Moravčić and Nebojša Prćić, took part in this competition. Nikola Moravčić participated in the auto modeling section for students who attend school under IEP2, while Nebojša Prćić participated in the competition of 8th grade students in practical work.
Three elements were evaluated in this competition:
- Test (theoretical knowledge test),
- practical work and
- assessment/defense of practical work.
According to the number of points within the section, students’ results were the following:
Nikola Moravčić - 1st place (74 points) and
Nebojša Prćić - 7th place (86 points).
„Paths of Ante Sekulić“
Program for the gathering "Paths of Ante Sekulić ", May 17-19, 2018
17 May 2018 (Thursday)
- 14,00 - Arrival of guests in Sombor, where they will be met by our parish priest Franjo Ivanković (phone number: +381 (0) 694767408);
- Sombor sightseeing tour;
- 15.00 - Departure for Tavankut;
- 16.00 - Arrival inTavankut - refreshment in the music room (Pribičević, Skenderović, Stantić, Francišković, Marjanušić);
- Guest accommodation: school - all boys and teacher Vedran Iskra, parish - all girls and two teachers , homestead – principal (single room), driver (single room) and other teachers in double rooms;
- 17.00 - Workshop "Introduction" (Larisa Gvozdenović);
- 17.30 – Ceremony rehearsal - guests and hosts (Sonja, Sandra, Sanjin);
- 18.30 -19.00 - Workshop "Old Way of Ironing" (Danijela R. and Miroslav R.);
- 19,00 - Dinner for students - music room;
- 19.30 "Karaoke" (Strahinja, Stevan);
- 20,00 - Dinner for adults at the "Gallery" in Tavankut (Sandra, Mirjana C, Sanjin, Danijela, Slavko B.);
18 May 2018 (Friday)
- 08.00 - Breakfast;
- After breakfast until 10.00 - Workshop "Straw Art" (Zora Sloboda);
- 10.00 to 11.00 - Workshop " Paths of Ante Sekulić" (Sanjin and Mirjana C.);
- 11.15 - Departure for Subotica (Mirjana C. and Zoran Đ.);
- City sightseeing tour until 13.30;
- Departure for Palic;
- 14.30 - Departure for Subotica;
- 15.00 - Tour of the Subotica Cathedral;
- Return to Tavankut;
- Upon arrival in Tavankut - lunch in the music room;
- 17,00 - Preparation for the program;
- 18,00 - Ceremonial program "Paths of Ante Sekulić" in the school hall;
- 19.00 - Dinner for children in the music room;
- 19.30 - "Disco night" (Strahinja);
- 20,00 - dinner for the adults at the "Gallery" in Tavankut (Zora, Ivana, Stanislava and Miroslav R.);
19 May 2018 (Saturday)
- 8.00 - Breakfast;
- 9.00 to 10.00 - Workshop "Senses" (Kristijan);
- 10.00 to 11.00 - Workshop " Glagolitic Paths" (Kristijan);
- 11.00 to 12.00 - Workshop "Bridges of Tolerance" (Larisa Gvozdenović);
- 12,30 - Lunch in the music room - for all participants;
- Guests’ departure after lunch.
All school employees are invited to contribute while the names of the ones in charge of the specific part of the program are listed in parentheses. Thank you!
Competitions from traffic and technical
City competition "What do you know about traffic"
On Saturday, April 21, 2018, in the period from 08:00 to 14:00, at the elementary school "Miroslav Antić" in Palić, a city competition from traffic entitled "What do you know about traffic" was held. From our school, four students of the eighth grade participated in the competition category "C". The school was represented by students: Dunja Mačković, Martina Balazević, Vanja Tintor and Miomir Skenderović - students of the 8th grade.
The students showed an enviable result, winning in their category two, four and sixth. Martina Balazevic and Miomir Skenderovic won second place, Vanja Tintor fourth place and Dunja Mackovic sixth place. For the result, students received medals and diplomas.
Martina Balažević and Miomir Skenderović took part in the district competition. The district competition will be held on Sunday, May 13, 2018, at the Elementary School "Stari Kovač Đula" in Stara Moravica.
District competition from technical and informatics education
On Sunday, April 22, 2018, in the elementary school "Bosa Milicevic" in Novi Zednik, a district competition from technical and informatics education was held beginning at 08:00.
Our school was represented by students who took part in the municipal competition: Nebojša Prćić 8.c - in the competition of 8th grade students and
Nikola Moravčić 8.a - in the field of automotive industry.
The pupils displayed solid knowledge and skills and both students entered the republic's competition within their disciplines. From a maximum of 100 points, students won:
Nebojša Prćić 7.c - 92 points (1st place) i
Nikola Moravčić 8.a - 99 points (1st place).
The competition ended with the division of diplomas at 13.30. The Republican competition is held on Friday and Saturday 11 and 12 May 2018 in Vrsac.
Celebrated World Theater Day

Cheers of the theater
On March 27, 2018, our school celebrated World Theater Day in our school. Mother tongue teachers devoted their time to drama as a literary genre in correlation with theatrical art.
Students and teachers made a billboard on the World Theater Day.
We look forward to an agreed departure to the theater in Subotica, where we will round up the story of the World Theater Day.
Despotovac – a view of the trip

Visiting the Monument to the Unknown Hero
During the two-day excursion, the students of the seventh and eighth grades visited several important tourist destinations on April 9 and 10, 2018, accompanied by their teachers Kristijan Milanković, Emina Tikvicki, Danijela Radnić and Slađana Knežević.
The first day we visited Mount Avala and the Avala TV tower. Next stop was Smederevo, where we visited Smederevo fortress - built by the 15th century despot Đurađ Branković.
Furthermore, we visited the archaeological site Viminacium near Kostolac, the Roman military headquarters and the capital of the Roman province. We visited Upper Moesia - one of the two largest fortifications in the province and the central point in the defense of this Danube region. Upon arrival in Despotovac, we settled in the lodge "Resava". After dinner, there was a disco night.

Other parts of Serbia
The second day we visited the Manasija monastery, which was built by the Serbian despot Stefan Lazarević at the beginning of the 15th century. The monastery is famous for the Resava school. Monks who nurtured literature and copywriting gathered there.
We also visited Resavska cave, our biggest and most beautiful cave, accompanied by a speleologist.
The other natural attraction we visited was the largest waterfall in Serbia, Big Buka. It belongs to the hydrosystem of the Lisine River and is over 20 meters high.
Next stop was Svilajnac, where we visited the Natural History Center. The students were presented with a mix of science, education, history and tourism in a very specific way.
While coming home, the students took part in a quiz organized by our guide. In a very interesting and humorous way, we recapped important information that we had learned during this beautiful trip.
We returned home with a lot of positive impressions.
World Theater Day

Visit to the theater in Subotica
On Saturday, April 21st, 2018, students of the upper grades of our school visited the National Theater in Subotica and on that occasion they watched the Glasina play, Nile Seymon.
This is a notion of the urban life of people in position. The store is located in downtown New York.
After the performance, the students shared their positive impressions, as well as criticism, with their teachers, Jelena Rakić and Sladjana Knežević. In this way, we marked the World Theater Day.