School 2024/25. year
Name of the project: Young People Matter
Our school is delighted to participate in another Erasmus project. In the next two school years, we will be partners in the Erasmus KA220 SCH project called Young People Matter (Ref. no: 2024-1-RO01-KA220-SCH-000254436). The project coordinator is Colegiul National, Iaşi (Romania), and the partners are OXFORD ENGLAND-TRI DOOEL Skopje (North Macedonia), CEIP Marina de Cudeyo, Rubayo (Spain), Agrupamento de Escolas do Bom Sucesso, Alverca do Ribatejo (Portugal) and „Matija Gubec" Elementary School, Tavankut (Serbia).
Our project aims to familiarize young people aged 11-15 with key European competencies: 1. Raising the awareness of the target groups about common European values - civic competence; 2. Improve inclusive attitudes of target groups towards vulnerable minorities - social competence; 3. Increase the acquisition of debating skills, active attitudes and assertive behavior through the innovative method of the public forum - learning competence and 4. increase the knowledge of the English language and ICT skills of the participants - communication and digital competence.
During the 2024/2025 school year, the following mobilities of students and teachers are planned:
- November 2024 - Colegiul National, Iaş (Romania),
- February 2025 - „Matija Gubec" Elementary School, Tavankut (Serbia) and
- April 2025 - Agrupamento de Escolas do Bom Sucesso, Alverca do Ribatejo (Portugal).
You can see more about our project in a short presentation and also follow the project activities on social media:
Text: Miiroslav Rauš
Project dedicated to debates (Romania)
Representatives of schools from Portugal, Spain, Romania, North Macedonia and Serbia gathered in Iași, Romania, for the project Young People Matter. This was the first meeting of the partner schools, while the next one is scheduled for February 2025 in Tavankut.
Students Teodora Evetović, Anja Gadžur, Simona Davčik, Staša Stanković, Marijana Skenderović, Dušan Urukalo and Andrej Davčik, principal Stanislava Stantić Prćić and teachers Miroslav Rauš, Ivana Horvat and Nevena Ivić represented our school.
On the way to our destination, we visited Bucharest and the largest parliament in Europe. In Iași, we participated in various activities and workshops dedicated to debating, watching and learning from experienced debaters. Our students participated in the debate competition with the topic „The voting age should be lowered to 16". We presented our culture and products characteristic of our region, and had the opportunity to taste Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian and Macedonian specialties. On the way back, we visited Alba Julia, and met up with friends we made in the last Erasmus project. In addition to new knowledge, students made new acquaintances, improved their communication skills and got to know the culture and history of the host country.
During the project, the aforementioned schools will establish their own debate clubs, hold debate competitions for students aged 11 to 15 and workshops for training teachers to use debate in all schools, as well as promote the inclusion of vulnerable groups. You look at the picture gallery.
Translation: Miroslav Rauš
School 2022/23. year
International Meeting GO-CAR-GO PLUS 2023.
Name of the project: Keychain
As part of the last mobility within the Erasmus+ KEYCHAIN project, representatives of our school visited „Curt Nicolin" High School in Finspång, Sweden, together with other partner schools - from Romania and Latvia. Unfortunately, the partners from Turkey could not attend this meeting.
Our school was represented by: principal - Stanislava Stantić Prćić and teachers - Miroslav Rauš, Slavko Benčik, Bela Anišić. Slavica Kovačević and Aleksandar Planić. The goal of the KEYCHAIN project is to increase students' competencies in STEM subjects (mathematics, science, technology) and to show the connection of all these subjects with everyday life, thus making them more accessible and interesting to students.
During the visit, we learned more about the host school, which, as some of our high schools, fosters dual education. With modern equipment, students acquire both theoretical and practical knowledge. Local companies are the majority owner of the school and offer employment after graduation.
During the visit, we also visited the city of Norrköping, which was once the center of the textile industry in Sweden. Many industrial buildings were converted into museums and thus show the former way of life. We also visited the nearby Reijmyre glass factory, where we got to know how art objects are made from glass, and right next to it, we could also see the workshops of old crafts such as blacksmithing and fur-making.
Before returning, we managed to briefly visit the Swedish capital - Stockholm. We visited the old city center and the museums within the Royal Palace, which amazed us with their exquisite settings.
With this activity, a project that lasted for three years, has come to an end. During these three years, students and teachers exchanged experiences and acquired new knowledge, and above all, made new friends all over Europe. You look at the picture gallery.
Text: Miroslav Rauš
Representatives of our school, within the Erasmus+ KEYCHAIN project, visited Gaigalava Elementary School in Latvia, together with other participating schools - from Romania and Sweden. Unfortunately, the partners from Turkey could not attend this meeting. Our school was represented by: school principal - Stanislava Stantić Prćić, teachers - Miroslav Rauš and Biljana Vojnić Hajduk and students - Nemanja Saulić, Maja Matić, Ana Serenče, Nemanja Vojnić Hajduk and Nikolina Jurić.
The goal of the KEYCHAIN project is to increase students' competencies in STEM subjects (mathematics, science, technology). Therefore, during these transnational meetings, a great emphasis is placed on visits to schools and institutions whose field of work is related to STEM subjects. The hosts organized a rich program that fulfilled the goals of our project - the application of subjects in the field of STEM in everyday life, as well as examples of good practice in the host school.
Interactive workshops were organized at the school using modern technology such as microbit devices and Scottie Go!, and we also visited the Technical High School and the Technological Academy in the town of Rezekne. We got to know the marsh ecosystem by walking along the Teirumnīki bog trail, and we also visited the Lūznava Manor, which contains an interactive museum. We saw original works of art made from mechanical parts and old vehicles in the Art Gallery Nester Custom, visited the Basilica of the Assumption in Aglona, played ancient musical instruments in the village museum dedicated to them. We also had a one-day trip to the Latvian capital - Riga, which enchanted us with its diverse architecture and rich history. We walked through the old city center and visited the Motor Museum, where we could see excellently preserved old vehicles.
In addition to new knowledge, students made new acquaintances, improved their communication skills and got to know the culture and history of the host country. We thank the hosts and look forward to the next meeting. You look at the picture gallery.
Text: Miroslav Rauš
Representatives of our school, within the Erasmus+ KEYCHAIN project, visited the school "Kahramanmaraş Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi" in the city of Kahramanmaraş in Turkey, together with other participating schools - from Romania and Latvia. Unfortunately, partners from Sweden could not attend this meeting. Our school was represented by: principal - Stanislava Stantic Prćić, teachers - Miroslav Rauš and Ivana Vuković and students - Jelena Ivanić, Dušan Ištvanov, Darijan Janečić, Lara Prćić and Lara Šegina.
The KEYCHAIN project aims to increase students' competencies in STEM subjects (mathematics, science, technology), therefore, during the visits, a great emphasis is placed on visiting schools and companies related to various STEM subjects. The hosts organized a rich program that fulfilled the goals of our project - the application of subjects in the field of STEM in everyday life, as well as examples of good practice in school related to the teaching of mathematics. We visited 'Şehit İdari Ataşe Galip Özmen Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School' and 'Mükrime Hatun Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School', where we learned about the application of science in textile processing, catering, hairstyling and the production of didactic materials. We visited the Altın Bilgi School, which has a planetarium, as well as the Kipaş Textile Factory. At the host school, the students participated in interesting math workshops where they learned the Turkish game Mangala and arranged geometric shapes in teams using Soma cubes. There wasa reception at the office of the mayor of Kahramanmaras, who presented us with the city's incredible project for EXPO 2023. We also visited the Roman archaeological site of Germanicea, where there are preserved Roman floor mosaics.
One of the main goals of all such meetings is not only to learn new information, but also to learn how to cooperate in multinational groups, to do joint tasks and thus not only acquire new skills, but also break down stereotypes and overcome communication barriers. The students enjoyed their time in Turkey creating new friendships, which we believe will last beyond this project. We are extremely grateful to our hosts in Turkey and are looking forward to meeting again with all partners scheduled for April in Latvia. You can see the photos here.
Contribution of local television on the project.
Text: Miroslav Rauš
Representatives of our school, within the Erasmus+ Keychain project, visited the "Constantin Brâncuși" school in the city of Cluj-Napoca in Romania together with other participating schools - from Turkey, Sweden and Latvia. Our school was represented by: principal- Stanislava Stantic Prćić, teachers - Miroslav Rauš and Ivana Vuković and students - Ivana Moravčić, Matea Balaž, Teolinda Glavaš, Marko Balažević and Jonatan Sijanta. Through numerous activities and meetings, as well as workshops, students and teachers fulfilled the intended goals of the project.
During our stay, we visited numerous institutions whose activities are within the area of STEM, which forms the backbone of our project. We visited the company Accenture Software Industrial Solutions, which deals with programming and development of robotics, the Astronomic Observatory of the University "Babes - Bolyai". We also visited the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Geography and Technical University, where students could learn about the application of science in everyday life, such as making medicines and meteorology. We also visited the University Library, the Zoologic Museum and the Botanical Garden, which are also an integral part of the "Babes - Bolyai" University.
The students enjoyed their time in Romania creating new friendships, which we believe will last beyond this project. Apart from socializing with peers from other countries, they also had certain tasks. They were divided into 4 groups and the task of each group was to make a vlog that would show what they saw and experienced during their visit. Many thanks to our hosts in Romania and we look forward to meeting again with all partners, scheduled for November in Turkey. You look at the picture gallery.
Translation: Miroslav Rauš
School 2021/22. year
Name of the project: Keychain
U nastavku aktivnosti Erazmus+ projekta KEYCHAIN ugostili smo partnere iz Švedske, Letonije, Turske i Rumunije.
Učenici i nastavnici su kroz brojne aktivnosti i sastanke, kao i radionice, ispunili predviđene ciljeve projekta.
U sklopu aktivnosti, učesnici su posetili: Tehničku školu „Ivan Sarić” u Subotici i prisustvovali otvarenju Projektne nedelje, Visoku tehničku školu strukovnih studija, gde ih je dočekao direktor ove ustanove Igor Fürstner, te Hemijsku školu u Subotici. Kroz primere dobre prakse razmenjivali su iskustva u sferi prirodnih nauka, tehnike i tehnologije, kao i IT veština i u našoj školi. Pored toga upoznali su i tradiciju i kulturu naše zemlje i upoznali Suboticu i Tavankut.
Posetili su i kompaniju „Flender” i prisustvovali radionicama u našoj školi. Naredna aktivnost će se sprovoditi u Rumuniji, u septembru ove godine. Do tada nastavljamo sa ostalim aktivnostima u sprovođenju projekta i pripremamo se za posetu.
Stvorena su mnoga nova poznanstva, iskustva i želje i potrebe za izgradnjom novih, sličnih projekata. You look at the picture gallery.
Putevima Erasmus-a
Predstavnici naše škole su, u okviru projekta Erazmus+ Keychain, posetili školu „Curt Nicolin” u Finspongu u Švedskoj zajedno sa drugim školama učesnicima - iz Turske, Rumunije i Letonije. Našu školu su predstavljali: direktorica škole - Stanislava Stantić Prćić, nastavnik - Nikola Balažević i učiteljica - Josipa Kojić.
Dogovorene su aktivnosti predviđene projektom, te naredna aktivnost koja će se sprovoditi u maju, u našoj školi. Učitelji i deca iz škola partnera posetiće našu školu od 10. do 14. maja.
Sprovođenjem ovog projekta poboljšaće se kompetencije učenika u STEM-u, povećaće se znanje i svest učesnika o sopstvenim mogućnostima u kontekstu potreba tržišta rada, te će se proširiti njihova sposobnost primene naučnih saznanja u industriji, tehnologiji i upravljanju prirodnim resursima i digitalnoj tehnologiji.
Projekat je namenjen učenicima uzrasta od 12 do 19 godina, koji su suočeni sa izborom daljnjeg obrazovanja. Projektne aktivnosti se zasnivaju na iskorišćavanju industrijskog i naučnog potencijala partnerskih školskih regiona kako bi se učesnicima demonstrirala praktična primena znanja stečenog u školi. U tu svrhu biće organizovana nastava u industrijskim objektima, naučnim centrima, biološkoj laboratoriji, astronomskom opservatorijumu, muzeju tehnike i dr. You look at the picture gallery.
Name of the project: Go-Car-Go PLUS
Završna svečanost u okviru Erasmus+ projekta Go-Car-Go PLUS
Završna svečanost u okviru Erasmus+ projekta pod nazivom Go-Car-Go PLUS, održana je 18. i 19. maja na terenu Školskog centra Ptuj u Sloveniji. Učenici naše škole izradili su električno vozilo pod nazivom Noddy racing team. Na završnoj svečanosti ekipu su činili učenici osmih razreda: Bojana Knežević, Dajana Vujković Bukvin, Nađa Kopilović, Lenka Todosijević, Vedran Vojnić Hajduk i Luka Vuković, u pratnji mentora - Branka Stantića i direktorice škole - Stanislave Stantić Prćić.
U Erasmus+ projekat uključeno je sedam osnovnih škole (pet iz Republike Slovenije, jedna iz Republike Hrvatske i iz Republike Srbije - naša škola). Takmičenje se odvijalo u tri takmičarske discipline (u vožnji: pravo, slalomu i kružnoj vožnji), a merilo se vreme potrebno za prelazak staze. Pored toga, svaka ekipa je ocenjivala izgled ostalih vozila. Ekipa naše škole, Noddy racing team, osvojila je treće mesto u vožnji pravo, treće mesto u slalomu i treće mesto po izboru takmičarskih ekipa za izgled vozila. Takođe smo dobili i priznanje za vrednost poruke i aktuelnost u konstrukciji nadogradnje.
Nakon takmičarskog dela i ručka, održano je svečano zatvaranje i podela priznanja. Svi učesnici dobili su dobili potvrdu za učešće i nagrade. Kako bi Erasmus+ projekat priveli kraju, preostalo je još online ocenjivanje vozila, nakon objave fotografija timova na aplikaciji izrađenoj u svrhu projekta. You look at the picture gallery.
Poseta preduzeću BFI Burgenland
U Oberwartu (Austrija), u prostorijama preduzeća BFI Burgenland, nakon uvodnog pozdrava domaćina Kristijana Pelcmana, održan je radni sastanak svih partnera u projektu.
Našu školu su predstavljali: nastavnica matematike - Ivana Vuković i troje učenika osmih razreda.
Nakon sastanka usledile su radionice zavarivanja, narezivanja navoja, obrada metala, prikaz rada na 3D štampaču, virtuelna realnost. Naši učenici su se takmičili u vožnji električnim trotinetom i kvadom (quad).
Završetak projekta održaće se u Školskom centru u Ptuju, gde će se na smotri učenici, svojim vozilima, takmičiti u različitim kategorijama i disciplinama. You look at the picture gallery.
Our school- a partner in the Erasmus + KA2 project Go-Car-Go PLUS
Our school hosted a work meeting for all the partners involved in the Erasmus + KA2 project, called Go-Car-Go PLUS. It is a one-year project in which students will make an electric go-kart on a given chassis. The project is a continuation of the Go-Car-Go project and the project coordinator is the School Center from Ptuj. Other partners in the project are schools from Slovenia - (Sveti Tomaž Elementary School, Dr. Ljudevit Pivka Elementary School, Hajdina Elementary School, Olga Meglič Elementary School, Destrnik Elementary School - Trnovska Vas), Croatia (Hodošan Elementary School), Austria (BFI Burgenland) and Serbia (Matija Gubec Elementary School, Tavankut).
Students of the School Center from Ptuj are making the chassis of the electric go-kart, while students BFI Burgenland from Austria are making the electric drive. The students of the partnering elementary schools will upgrade the electric go-kart with their idea of the bodywork. The closing ceremony of the project will be held in the School Center in Ptuj, where students and their vehicles will compete in various categories.
Our school was represented at the work meeting by the school principal - Stanislava Stantić Prćić, school secretary - Stojan Maravić, Croatian language and literature teacher - Josipa Kojić, as well as Technique and technology teacher - Branko Stantić. After the welcoming speech of the school principal and the presentation of the work of the school, all project partners presented their work on the electric go-kart done so far. It was followed by the work demonstation of the current model of electric go-kart, built by our students and teacher Branko Stantić. The schedule of individual activities until the end of the project and project financing were also being discussed during the work meeting.
Two mentors from each partner school attended the work meeting along with three students from each elementary school, who were hosted by our eighth-grade students.
Various workshops were organized in addition to the work meeting,: a review of Techniqueand and technology teaching process , Old way of ironing workshop, Straw- work Art workshop. A tour of Tavankut included visits to the Straw- work Art Gallery, parish and parish church The Sacred Heart of Jesus and Ethno homestead Balažević. During the tour of Subotica, accompanied by an expert guide, we visited the Synagogue, the City Hall and Ivan Sarić Technical School. You look at the picture gallery.
Translation: Miroslav Rauš
Working meeting in our school
An invitation and work meeting program See the working meeting program Erasmus + KA2 project called Go-Car-GO Plus where, in addition to the hosts - our schools, and guests from Austria, Slovenia and Croatia.
See the working meeting program.
Likovni radovi učenika škole u „Galeriji“
U prostoru Galerije Prve kolonije naive u tehnici slame, u Tavankutu, postavljena je izložba najboljih učeničkih radova sa realizovanog internog likovnog konkursa „Dizajniraj Go-Car-Go PLUS vozilo“, a u okviru projekta „Pedeset dvi nedilje tradicijske kulture u Tavankutu“. Likovni konkurs je organizovan povodom učešća naše škole na Erasmus+ KA2 projektu pod nazivom Go-Car-Go PLUS, čiji je cilj bio osmisliti novi izgled vozila, koga će učenici, kasnije, i izraditi.
Go-Car-Go PLUS je jednogodišnji projekat čiji je nosilac Školski centar iz Ptuja, a partneri su, osim naše škole, i osnovne škole iz Slovenije i Hrvatske, kao i škola za obrazovanje mladih iz Austrije.
Zatvaranje izložbe je u četvrtak, 27. januara, kada je predviđena i podela zahvalnica i nagrada učenicima. Please лоок to the students' exposed work.
Izveštaj sa prvog radnog sastanka Erasmus+ KA2 projekta Go-Car-Go PLUS
Od ove godine, naša škola po prvi put učestvuje u Erasmus+ KA2 projektu pod nazivom Go-Car-Go PLUS. Reč je o jednogodišnjem projektu u okviru koga će učenici izrađivati ekstramobil (karting) na zadatu šasiju (podvozje). Ovaj projekat je nastavak projekta Go-Car-Go autora Stanka Kostanjevca iz Školskog centra Ptuj. Nosilac projekta i ove godine je Šolski center Ptuj na čelu sa direktoricom Anjom Jesenek Grašič. Oni će izraditi šasiju ekstramobila, BFI Burgenland, iz Austrije, će izraditi električni pogon, a učenici partnerskih osnovnih škola će - na te već izrađene delove, izraditi nadogradnju. Na kraju projekta održaće se takmičenje i smotra u kojem će se učenici svojim vozilima takmičiti u različitim kategorijama i disciplinama.
U Donjem Kraljevcu (Republika Hrvatska) je 10. novembra, u prostorijama preduzeća Tehnix d.o.o., održan prvi radni sastanak svih partnera u projektu. Učestvovao je nosioc projekta - Šolski center Ptuj (Republika Slovenija) te ostali partneri iz Republike Slovenije: OŠ Sveti Tomaž, OŠ dr. Ljudevit Pivka, OŠ Hajdina, OŠ Olge Meglič, OŠ Destrnik - Trnovska Vas, Republike Hrvatske - OŠ Hodošan, Republike Austrije - BFI Burgenland, i iz Republike Srbije - OŠ Matija Gubec iz Donjeg Tavankuta.
Našu školu su, na sastanku, predstavljali: nastavnica hrvatskog jezika i književnosti - Josipa Kojić, nastavnik hemije - Slavko Benčik i nastavnik tehnike i tehnologije - Branko Stantić. Na sastanku su se kratko predstavili partneri u projektu, predstavljen je sam projekat, redosled održavanja pojedinih aktivnosti tokom godine i finansiranje projekta.
Nakon sastanka svi prisutni posetili su OŠ Hodošan te Riznicu Međimurja i Razvojno - edukativni centar za metalsku industriju Metalsku jezgru u Čakovcu.
Naredni radni sastanak održaće se u Austriji 12. januara 2022. godine, na kome bi trebali prisustvovati po dvoje mentora i troje učenika iz svake škole, koja učestvuju u projektu. Radni sastanak u našoj školi bi se trebao održati 24. marta (naredne godine), dok će se smotra i takmičenje održati 18. maja, naredne godine, u Ptuju. You look at the picture gallery.