Hippo English Language Olympiad

For the fourth consecutive year, our students have participated in the HIPPO English Language Olympiad, an international English language competition. Preliminary round was held at our school on Friday, 24 Apr 2021. Our school was represented by 13 students, divided into three categories based on their age- Marijana Skenderović, Nemanja Vojnić Hajduk, Ivan Horvat, Miljana Antal and Nemanja Moravčić (Hippo 1), Teolinda Glavaš and Jonatan Sijanta (Hippo 2), Ana Davčik, Andreas Damjanoski, Bojana Knežević,Anđela Stantić, Ognjen Berberović and Veljko Vuković (Hippo 3).. After the preliminary round tests have been marked, the top 10% of participating students from our country will be invited to the semi-final round. Students’ mentors are Svetlana Pribičević and Miroslav Rauš. Thanks to our teachers, Ibolja Vukobratović, Biljana Vojnić Hajduk and Bela Anišić for their help in organising the first round of the competition.
We wish our students good luck! You look at the picture gallery.

Text: Miroslav Rauš


Svi smo svedoci jedne teške godine, koja je za nama, a koja je svima nametnula mnogo izazova. Ono na šta nas je prethodna godina veoma dobro podsetila je da su nam solidarnost i empatija neophodni.
Učenici naše škole su zajedno sa Nacionalnim udruženjem roditelja dece obolele od raka - NURDOR, obeležili Svetski dan dece obolele od raka, 15. februar. Svojom donacijom od 100 dinara postali su ponosni vlasnici čudesne olovke i ponosni mladi filantropi. Učenici su dobili olovke sa bookmarker-om: „Zasadi život, budi heroj!“.
Olovkom se može pisati i ona u sebi sadrži seme (nane, bosiljka ili lavande). Spakovana je u kartonski omotač - bookmarker, na kome je uputstvo za sadnju semena.
Poruke, koje su tom prilikom poslate su: „Piši što više", „Čitaj što više", „Kad god možeš posadi biljku" i „Uvek pomozi drugome".

Poj riči materinske

This year as well, our school participated in the literary and art competition „Poj riči materinske", which was held for the fifteenth time in the organization of the Elementary School „Primošten" from the Republic of Croatia.
Due to the current epidemiological situation, a virtual meeting of participants and a tour of the exhibition in the lobby of the school from Primosten was made. See photos.

Translation: H.R.A.M.

European Money Quiz 2021

On Wednesday, March 24th, the European Money Quiz (online) was held, via the YouTube channel and the Kahoot platform, starting at 12:00, and which was attended by over 300 participants from all over Europe.
The goal of the project is to increase the financial literacy of children aged 13 to 15. The competitions are organized by national associations of banks across Europe, with the coordination of the European Banking Federation from Brussels. Organized by the Association of Serbian Banks and in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, this project was implemented in Serbia as well.
This year, for the first time from our school, eighth grade students participated: Ognjen Berberović, Dunja Pašić, Matija Jakovčević and Dejan Mačković, who showed enviable knowledge and placed among the first 100 participants. The learning material as well as the way of the competition itself, which takes place through the Kahoot platform, was presented to them by the maths teacher Ivana Vuković.

Translation: H.R.A.M.

By reading to the stars

Učenici 7. a razreda, Fabijan Dulić, Luka Vuković i Martin Vuković, sudjelovali su, dana 3. ožujka, na drugoj razini natjecanja u znanju i kreativnosti Čitanjem do zvijezda za osnovne škole koja se je održala u Gradskoj knjižnici Subotica.
Osvojili su 3. mjesto s osvojena 52 boda (Fabijan Dulić - 19 bodova, Luka Vuković - 18 bodova, Martin Vuković - 15 bodova). Škola „Matko Vuković“ Subotica osvojila je 2. mjesto sa 76 bodova te 1. mjesto sa 79 bodova. Upravo su se te dvije ekipe plasirale i na treću, a ujedno i posljednju razinu natjecanja koja će biti održana online u mjesecu svibnju.
Čestitamo našim učenicima te im želimo još više uspjeha sljedeće godine, jer književnost otkriva ono što stvarnost skriva.