Spring party

Učenički parlament naše škole je, nakon veoma uspešne žurke povodom Dana zaljubljenih, ovog puta organizovao Prolećnu žurku kojoj su prisustvovali učenici sedmih i osmih razeda.
Đaci su se potrudili i ukrasili učionicu, doneli sokove i gickalice, te pripremili listu pesama i ozvučenje. Da sve protekne u najboljem redu, bile su zadužene dežurne nastavnice: Dragana Stešević, Nevena Ivić i Ivana Horvat. Uz mnogo smeha, plesa, šale i druženja, žurka je nakon tri sata privedena kraju, a učenici su puni pozitivnih utisaka napustili školu.
Ovo druženje bilo je uvertira pred raspust, te svima želimo da se lepo odmore i pripreme za izazove koji ih čekaju kada se vrate u školske klupe. You look at the picture gallery.

The poet of my people

Provincial Poetry Recitation Competition

Lara Prćić, a student from class 8.b, participated in the 54th Provincial Review of reciters Poets of My People in Sečanj, organized by the Vojvodina Association of Amateur Artists and the Sečanj Educational and Cultural Center.
At the final examination of the best reciters of Vojvodina, due to strong competition from 44 middle-aged participants, Lara was left without a placement at the national level of the competition.
She has shown great effort and work in the past period, for which we congratulate her!

Translation: Svetlana Pribičević

U Gradskoj knjižniciu Subotici održana je Zonska smotra recitatora Pjesniče naroda mog, na kojoj je sudjelovala i naša učenica osmog razreda Lara Prćić.
Od dvadeset sedam natjecatelja srednjeg uzrasta iz: Subotice, Bačke Topole, Kanjiže, Ade, Sente, Malog Iđoša, Sombora i Apatina - Lara je odabrana među sedam najboljih. Time se plasirala na 54. Pokrajinsku smotru recitatora, koja će biti održana u Sečnju 20. travnnja, gdje će učenici iz škola širom Vojvodine kazivati poeziju na srpskom, mađarskom, hrvatskom, rusinskom, slovačkom, rumunskom i romskom jeziku.
Negujući lijepu riječ, đaci kroz ovakve manifestacije razvijaju toleranciju i uvažavanje različitosti.
Učenicu je pripremala nastavnica Srpskog jezika i književnosti Nevena Ivić.
Čestitamo obema, a Lari želimo uspešan nastup u Sečnju!

International Mother Language Day

On Wednesday, February 21, in Language and Literature classes, we celebrated Mother Language Day. We were reminded of significant figures in the history of the development of the Serbian and Croatian languages and the thoughts that guided them in their mission to preserve and nurture the language. Thoughts about language, like language itself, inspire not only numerous writers but also us today. In our school, classes are taught in Serbian and Croatian, and children can also learn Hungarian, Bunjevacki, English, and German.
The more languages we know, the more we are worth, and we teach the mother tongue with love, strengthening children's sense of pride! You look at the picture gallery.

Translation: Svetlana Pribičević

World Book and Copyright Day

Every year, on April 23, World Book and Copyright Day is celebrated. On that occasion, a tea party was organized in the school library. The students brought their favorite books and presented them to their peers. The bravest among them spoke very enthusiastically about their favorite heroes and their adventures. We heard what adventures Duga Sivić went through to discover her power; the story „About the Button" taught us that inner beauty is what defines us. We laughed with Nušić and his comedy of confusion, „Suspicious Face," and discovered books that contain wise thoughts that can show us the way when we are in doubt. At the end of the meeting, we enjoyed tea and grandma's cookies. We talked about the importance of reading, and we came to the conclusion that reading is important because, by reading, we enrich the vocabulary, develop empathy, develop imagination, and improve critical thinking skills. You look at the picture gallery.

Translation: Svetlana Pribičević

Technique and technology

U OŠ „Pionir“ u Starom Žedniku održano je okružno takmičenje iz Tehnike i tehnologije.
Na takmičenju je učestvovalo 23 učenika iz 7 osnovnih škola sa teritorija Subotice i Bačke Topole. Učenici su bili razvrstani u pet disciplina. Proveravalo se teoretsko i praktično znanje učenika. U teoretskom delu učenici su pisali test na kome su mogli osvojiti najviše 50 bodova, dok su na praktičnom delu izrađivali razne modele i makete od kartona, lima, ili su sastavljali strujna kola. Na praktičnom delu učenici su mogli osvojiti, takođe, najviše 50 bodova.
Našu školu predstavljao je učenik 8.a odeljenja Dušan Ištvanov, koji je u okviru svoje discipline (učenici osmih razreda), sa 94 osvojena boda - od maksimalnih 100 bodova, osvojio prvo mesto. Ovim se uspehom plasirao na republičko takmičenje. Mentor učenika je nastavnik Tehnike i tehnologije Branko Stantić. Republičko takmičenje će biti održano sredinom maja u Beogradu.
Želimo Dušanu puno uspeha na republičkom takmičenju.


Our students participated in contest „Wealth of Diversity". Students from 5th grades participated in 12th International Art and Writing Contest „Wealth of Diversity". The theme of this year's contest is „In someone else’s shoes". The goal is for them to understand and accept the existence of different views, feelings and positions in which everyone can find themselves, and to develop empathy from an early age.

Translation: Svetlana Pribičević