Croatian language and language culture competition

On Saturday, May 18, 2019, a state competition from the Croatian language and language culture was held in Đurđin „Vladimir Nazor“ Elementary School. Our school was represented by Melissa Gadžur, 7th grade student, and she won a great 2nd place. Her mentor was Morena Rendulić. We congratulate our Melissa on the persistence, dedication and work that has brought great results to us and we want her so much enthusiasm and success next year!

Translation: H.R.A.M.

Willkommen Competition

For the second consecutive year, our students have participated in the International Willkommen foreign languages competition
The competition was held at our school on Saturday,18 May 2019. Our school was represented by 3 students, Ana Davčik (5.b), Bojana Knežević (5.b), i David Katrinka (8.b), who competed in English and German. The results will be known within a month.
We wish our students good luck.

Text: Miroslav Rauš

XXIII National Competition of Student Cooperatives

At the invitation of the President of the Serbia Student Cooperatives Union, Slobodan Popović, we participated in the 23rd National Competition of Student Cooperatives of Serbia, which took place in „Ratko Pavlović - Ćićko“ Elementary School in Prokuplje on 17 and 18 May.
Students Vanja Vuković and Vanja Dubajić and teachers Milena Predojević and Ivana Vuković represented our school cooperative.
The competition consisted of two parts: exhibition and practical work.
We exhibited greeting cards, artwork, jewelry and miniatures, all made in the straw-work art technique and also conducted straw-work greeting card and bookmarker making workshop.

Translation: Miroslab Rauš

Jubilee 10th Meeting “Go-Car-Go”

On May 14th and 15th, 2019, students of the seventh grade - Valentina Stanišić, Dunja Serenče, Mihajla Štrban and Deni Čupak, as well as two mentors, Predrag Bedeković and Branko Stantić, took part in the 10th Go-Car-Go meeting at School Center in Ptuj, Slovenia. At this year's jubilee meeting 32 teams participated (25 from the Republic of Slovenia, 6 from the Republic of Croatia and our students from the Republic of Serbia). Due to the weather conditions, the whole event took place in the school hall and the school premises. Consequently, conventional disciplines (slalom and the great slalom) were changed, and the teams competed at a time of 10 meter long crossing and the maximum achieved road length of the vehicle after launch from the ramp. Due to the weight of our vehicle, the odds of winning one of the first three places were small. Appearance, functionality and other characteristics of the cars were evaluated by a special commission consisted of teachers from the School Center in Ptuj, and also a team of students rated the three best cars.
After the competition, all attendees received a lunch, after which there was a formal closing and distribution of certificates and acknowledgments. All students received a certificate of participation and awards. The Ekstramobil of our school - BOATMOBILE received an award for an extraordinary solution in the construction of the upgrade.

Translation: H.R.A.M.

Republic competition – Serbian language as immaternal

On Sunday, May 12, the republic competition from the Serbian language as immaternal was held at "Sonja Marinković" primary school in Novi Sad. Our school was represented by students: Melisa Gadžur, Ivan Vuković, Marijana Gadžur and Rahela Šteković. Class 8th grade student, Rahela Šteković, deservedly took the 1st place with 18.5 points.
Congratulations to Rahela, but also to our other students on the hard work and worthwhile work.

Translation: H.R.A.M.

Croatian language and linguistic culture

On Sunday, May 6, 2019, a competition was held in the "Vladimir Nazor" Elementary School in Đurđin, where Croatian language and language culture at the county level was held. The students of our school participated in the competition with the following results:
- In the seventh grade category:
3rd place: Melissa Gadžur (11 points) and
6th place: Ivan Vuković (9.25 points).
- In the eighth grade category:
4th place: Petra Benčik (9 points) and
6th place: Nikola Vujić (8.75 points).
At the next state-level competition, Melissa Gadžur emerged.
The students were followed by teachers Morena Rendulić and Sanjin Ivašić.

Translation: H.R.A.M.

Serbian as a non-native language

The district competition from the Serbian language as a non-native was held on April 30, 2019, in Primary School „10. October“ in Subotica.
The students achieved the following results:
- Melissa Gadžur, student of the 7th grade, (17 points) 1st place; mentor: Slađana Knežević;
- Ivan Vuković, student of the 7th grade, (14.5 points) 3rd place; mentor: Slađana Knežević;
- Rahela Šteković, 8th grade student, (17.5 points) 1st place; mentor: Sandra Ilić Kostić;
- Marijana Gadžur, 8th grade student, (16 points) 2nd place; mentor: Sandra Ilić Kostić.

Translation: H.R.A.M.

Literary Olympics – district competition

У суботу, 30. 03. 2019. године, одржана је окружно такмичење Књижевне олимпијаде.
Учествовали су ученици који су постигли најбоље резултате на општинском такмичењу и показали су своје знање и на вишем рангу такмичења.
Постигнути су следећи резултати:
Осми разреди:
1. Лојпур Никола, 18 бодова, ОШ „Јован Јовановић Змај“, ментор: Самарџић Александра;
2. Лацман Дијана, 18 бодова, ОШ „Мајшански пут“, ментор: Бабић Сања;
3. Ђурђевић Давид, 17 бодова, ОШ „Иван Горан Ковачић“, ментор: Митић Ивана;
4. Пејатовић Сандра, 17 бодова, ОШ „10. октобар“, ментор: Рајковић Сњежана и
5. Башић Милица, 16 бодова, ОШ „Соња Маринковић“, ментор: Шашић Наташа.
Седми разреди:
1. Даутовић Сара Азра, 13 бодова, ОШ „Јован Микић“, ментор: Косовић Душица.
Честитамо свим учесницима, а посебно победницима.

District Athletics Championship

On Tuesday, 26 Mar 2019, District Athletics Championship was held at the Subotica City Stadium. Our students- Nađa Kopilović, Aleksa Stanković, Petra Benčik, Anamarija Ivković, Milica Gedović and Željana Horvat took part in this competition. Nađa Kopilović (5.b) won 1st place in shot put, Anamarija Ivković (8.b) won 1st place in long jump and Milica Gedović (8.b) won 3rd place in shot put. Nađa Kopilović and Anamarija Ivković have qualified for the Regional Athletics Championship which will be held in Novi Sad.
We congratulate our students on the results achieved.

Translate: Miroslav Rauš