School trip- 7th and 8th grades

During the two-day school trip, the students of the seventh and eighth grades visited several important tourist destinations on October 3 and 4, 2019, accompanied by their teachers Sonja Zvekić, Milena Predojević, Anita Kopilović, Miroslav Rauš and Slavko Benčik.
The first day we visited Mount Avala and the Avala TV tower. Next stop was
the archaeological site Viminacium near Kostolac, the Roman military headquarters and the capital of the Roman province, Moesia Superior. In Viminacium we also visited an exhibition presenting portraits of 18 Roman emperors born in the territory of modern-day Serbia, cast in bronze and a detailed model- the reconstruction of the civil settlement and the legionary fort of Viminacium. A special attraction within the Viminacium archeological park is the paleontological park where mammoths discovered in the Drmno surface mine and on the outskirts of the Roman site are presented. The most significant finding is the mammoth, preserved in its entirety, known as Vika.
Upon arrival in Despotovac, we settled in the lodge „TLS Company“. After dinner, there was a disco night.

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The second day we visited the Manasija monastery, which was built by the Serbian despot Stefan Lazarević at the beginning of the 15th century. The monastery is famous for the Resava school. Monks who nurtured literature and copywriting gathered there.
We also visited Resavska cave, our biggest and most beautiful cave, accompanied by a speleologist. During the visit, a class of Serbian was held and the poem „Manasija“ by Vasko Popa, was analised by students.
Next stop was Svilajnac, where we visited the Natural History Center of Serbia. The students were presented with a mix of science, education, history and tourism through the exhibitions The World of Dinosaurs, The World of Minerals and Rocks, Africa Animals, Geological Time Travel, Geodiversity of Serbia, Mammoth Kika, Biodiversity of Serbia, Sky Rocks and The Volcano.
We returned home full of positive impressions.

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Text: Miroslav Rauš

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Corresponding Mathematical Olympiad

At the invitation of the Archimedes Mathematical Society, with the aim of popularizing mathematics and preparing for various mathematical competitions, our students: Ana Davčik, class 6.b, and Petra Mačković, class 5.b, participated in the Fourteenth Corresponding Mathematical Olympiad. Both students placed in Round 2, with maximum points scored. Their mentor is Ivana Vuković.
We congratulate our students and wish them good luck in the further competition.

Translation: H.R.A.M.

The Rijeka people visited our school

У посети нашој школи су, од 26. до 29. септембра, боравили ученици, наставници и директорица Основне школе „Подмурвице“ из Ријеке. Ријечани су у Таванкут дошли сарадњом двеју школа у реализацији пројекта „Повратак у будућност“ који финансира Министарство науке и образовања Републике Хрватске. Циљ пројекта је разменити знања о наслеђу и традицији крајева из којих учесници потичу, а ученици су, дружећи се и учествујући у осмишљеним радионицама, провели три незаборавна дана.
Гости су научили како се израђују украсни предмети од сламе, што је традиционална техника која се посебно негује у таванкутској школи, а сами су представили технику израде украса за маске, врло популарне у Хрватском приморју, које је надалеко познато по својим карневалским обичајима. Поред тога Ријечани су и боље упознали Таванкут, а најважнније су знаменитости потом и мапирали. Посетили су и жупну цркву Срца Исусова где их је дочекао жупник и у кратком излагању им исприповедао историју жупе, жупне цркве, али и самог места. Боравак у Таванкуту Ријечани су искористили и за обилазак IX Фестивала воћа где су погледали и аплаузим поздравили предтаву „Добро стабло“ у извођењу таванкутских ученика.Након фестивала, гости су у пратњи својих домаћина обишли зоолошки врт на Палићу, а потом и уже средиште града Суботице разгледавши фрањевачку цркву, Градску кућу, синагогу и катедралу.
Сусрет је завршен уверењем у наставак започете сарадње, о чијем се садржају договаралo и у овој прилици.

Visit the LABUS fair

On Tuesday, Sep 17, sixty students from our school and schools "Matko Vukovic" from Subotica and "Vladimir Nazor" from Djurdjin, as well as eight teachers and principals, visited the LABUS Fair in Osijek and participated in various activities.
We went to the fair at the invitation of the Technical Culture Community of Osijek-Baranja County and their secretary, Mr Ivo Grgić.
The LABUS Fair - a laboratory for secondary and elementary school students was held for the third time at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology - FERIT. A part of the LABUS fair is the Slavonian STEM Evolution project, where students were able to attend numerous open-type presentations and workshops, as well as actively participate in closed workshops in the field of mobile device programming. Students had the opportunity to see how robots work, learn how to teach them to do what we want, teach them to go through the maze, have fun managing a robot during a football match and more.
After the activities were completed, we also visited the Osijek fortress and took a stroll along the banks of the Drava.
Thanks to the Technical Culture Community of Osijek-Baranja County, we spent a very pleasant day, socializing and learning about advanced scientific disciplines.

Translation: Miroslav Rauš

The Day of the City 2019

Our students participated in a program forming part of celebration of The Day of the City of Subotica on Saturday, August 31. They performed the play "Snail at Customs Inspection". The skillfull performances of the little actors cheered the audience on the town square.

Translation: Miroslav Rauš

„Salaš“ premiere

Premiere of the short feature film Salaš (The homestead) directed by our eighth-grade student Dario Vojnik Hajduk, was held in the premises of Ethno Homestead Balažević in Tavankut. Dario and the other students did all the film segments by themselves.
The film has elements of thriller and horror and depicts strange events at the homestead.
Students, teachers, parents and the village inhabitants attended the premiere of the film. Mr Zoltan Šifliš, a former teacher at our school and the founder of the mentioned extracurricular activities, briefly addressed the audience and opened the premiere.
The tradition of photography and film at our school has been very long. One of the more successful school extracurricular activities is the Photo and Film Club. It should be noted that the award-winning director of children's, feature and documentary films, Branko Ištvančić, made his first short films while he was our student.
The third Movie School will start at the end of this month. All interested are welcome to attend. See the picture gallery

Translation: Miroslav Rauš