Visit the LABUS fair

On Tuesday, Sep 17, sixty students from our school and schools "Matko Vukovic" from Subotica and "Vladimir Nazor" from Djurdjin, as well as eight teachers and principals, visited the LABUS Fair in Osijek and participated in various activities.
We went to the fair at the invitation of the Technical Culture Community of Osijek-Baranja County and their secretary, Mr Ivo Grgić.
The LABUS Fair - a laboratory for secondary and elementary school students was held for the third time at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology - FERIT. A part of the LABUS fair is the Slavonian STEM Evolution project, where students were able to attend numerous open-type presentations and workshops, as well as actively participate in closed workshops in the field of mobile device programming. Students had the opportunity to see how robots work, learn how to teach them to do what we want, teach them to go through the maze, have fun managing a robot during a football match and more.
After the activities were completed, we also visited the Osijek fortress and took a stroll along the banks of the Drava.
Thanks to the Technical Culture Community of Osijek-Baranja County, we spent a very pleasant day, socializing and learning about advanced scientific disciplines.

Translation: Miroslav Rauš

The Day of the City 2019

Our students participated in a program forming part of celebration of The Day of the City of Subotica on Saturday, August 31. They performed the play "Snail at Customs Inspection". The skillfull performances of the little actors cheered the audience on the town square.

Translation: Miroslav Rauš

„Salaš“ premiere

Premiere of the short feature film Salaš (The homestead) directed by our eighth-grade student Dario Vojnik Hajduk, was held in the premises of Ethno Homestead Balažević in Tavankut. Dario and the other students did all the film segments by themselves.
The film has elements of thriller and horror and depicts strange events at the homestead.
Students, teachers, parents and the village inhabitants attended the premiere of the film. Mr Zoltan Šifliš, a former teacher at our school and the founder of the mentioned extracurricular activities, briefly addressed the audience and opened the premiere.
The tradition of photography and film at our school has been very long. One of the more successful school extracurricular activities is the Photo and Film Club. It should be noted that the award-winning director of children's, feature and documentary films, Branko Ištvančić, made his first short films while he was our student.
The third Movie School will start at the end of this month. All interested are welcome to attend. See the picture gallery

Translation: Miroslav Rauš

Croatian language and language culture competition

On Saturday, May 18, 2019, a state competition from the Croatian language and language culture was held in Đurđin „Vladimir Nazor“ Elementary School. Our school was represented by Melissa Gadžur, 7th grade student, and she won a great 2nd place. Her mentor was Morena Rendulić. We congratulate our Melissa on the persistence, dedication and work that has brought great results to us and we want her so much enthusiasm and success next year!

Translation: H.R.A.M.

Willkommen Competition

For the second consecutive year, our students have participated in the International Willkommen foreign languages competition
The competition was held at our school on Saturday,18 May 2019. Our school was represented by 3 students, Ana Davčik (5.b), Bojana Knežević (5.b), i David Katrinka (8.b), who competed in English and German. The results will be known within a month.
We wish our students good luck.

Text: Miroslav Rauš

XXIII National Competition of Student Cooperatives

At the invitation of the President of the Serbia Student Cooperatives Union, Slobodan Popović, we participated in the 23rd National Competition of Student Cooperatives of Serbia, which took place in „Ratko Pavlović - Ćićko“ Elementary School in Prokuplje on 17 and 18 May.
Students Vanja Vuković and Vanja Dubajić and teachers Milena Predojević and Ivana Vuković represented our school cooperative.
The competition consisted of two parts: exhibition and practical work.
We exhibited greeting cards, artwork, jewelry and miniatures, all made in the straw-work art technique and also conducted straw-work greeting card and bookmarker making workshop.

Translation: Miroslab Rauš