Autumn cleaning the village

Učenici i zaposleni naše škole pridružili su se meštanima Tavankuta koji su organizovali veliko jesenje čišćenje sela. Zajedničkim snagama čistili smo zelene površine. Bili smo vredni, družili se, a nakon vrednog rada, okrepili smo se sokovima, slatkišima i slanim grickalicama koji su pripremljeni za sve učesnike radne akcije.
Ovakvim aktivnostima razvijamo empatiju i širimo svest o značaju očuvanja životne sredine.

European reserchers’ night

In the premises of the Technical College of Vocational Studies in Subotica, on Friday, September 27, from 4:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., an international event called European Night of Researchers was organized under the motto: Attention, science on the way, which this year dedicated, as the title suggests, to modern technologies in the IT field. Professors, assistants, and students from some faculties and from secondary schools, as well as experts from practice, presented different achievements from their sphere and interests and work. Seventh-grade students went to the event: Josip Mamužić, Urukalo Dušan, Andrej Davčik, Boroš Laura, Jovana Đukić, Aleksandra Kujundžić, and Filip Rudić, accompanied by the chemistry teacher, Benčik Slavko.
All attendants were very satisfied with the presentation and popularization of science.We are already planning to attend this event next year as visitors and observers, but who knows, if the conditions allow, we might think about equal participation as one of the demonstrators in scientific fields.

Translation: Svetlana Pribičević

The Mass of the Holy Spirit for the Blessings to the New School Year

The Parish Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, on September 19, was especially beautiful because it was decorated with children who attend Catholic religious education. The mass was led by the pastor, Rev. Marijan Vukov. The voices of the children and their teachers made this mass special. It was very special because we gathered to pray to the Lord for the blessing of school bags and the new school year. The students recognized the importance of a pure heart and went to confession with the guardian of the Subotica Franciscan monastery, Fr. Ivan Miklenić, who confessed throughout the entire mass.
The school principal, Stanislava Stantić Prćić, like every year, supported the children's desire to come to the mass for the blessing of the new school year and attended it. 212 children who attend Catholic religious education thank the principal for the support. We look forward to the new school year. You look at the picture gallery.

Translation: Svetlana Pribičević

Film workshop

Iako su za učenike školski praznici počeli pre nedelju dana, prethodni dani su bili veoma dinamični, jer je u prostorijama naše škole organizovana filmska radionica pod nazivom „Kad se male ruke slože”.
Prvog dana reditelji i mentori - Branko Ištvančić i Zoltan Šifliš, podučavali su učesnike radionice osnovama filmskog izraza i uveli ih u neverovatan svet filma. Naučili smo šta je to: kadar, filmski plan, ugao snimanja... Potom smo zajednički osmislili scenario, odredili stručnjake za ton, snimatelje, organizatora snimanja i kao pravi reditelji preuzeli kameru, i uz savete naših mentora, snimili kratki film. U montaži smo odabrali najzanimljivije scene i naučili kako ih složiti, obraditi i objediniti.
Dobro smo se zabavili posmatrajući svet filmskom kamerom, a kratki film, koji smo nazvali „Čari naše škole”, moći ćete uskoro i pogledati. You look at the picture gallery.

The action of collecting corks continued.

The students and employees of our school continued the tradition of collecting plastic caps for recycling and contributed to the ecological humanitarian action Corks for Smile, which aims to purchase aid for children with developmental disabilities. By involving students in such activities, we develop empathy, which is crucial for creating compassion for others.

Translation: Svetlana Pribičević


Safety is important to everyone, so even the youngest must have at least basic knowledge of how to protect themselves in dangerous situations. That's why a representative of the Fire Department from Subotica visited our school. He gave a lecture on safety to the students in the lower grades. He first introduced the children to the fact that firefighters are also rescuers. They act in cases of fire, earthquake, flood, and other dangerous situations in which we can find ourselves. He explained in detail how to act in any of these situations so as not to endanger ourselves and others, and how we can help the firefighters and rescuers do their jobs as well as possible. The children actively participated in the lecture, presenting their experiences in similar situations. The lecture was instructive for everyone. We also learned some facts about dangerous situations that we did not know until now. The firefighter described in detail how children can save themselves in dangerous situations. He warned them not to play heroes in dangerous situations. Children will keep what they have learned in their heads, hoping that they will never need what they have learned.

Translation: Svetlana Pribičević