School at the time of the Coronavirus

School at the time of the Coronavirus

Mere zaštitite od respiratornih infekcija

- Izbegavajte kontakte sa osobama koje kašlju, kijaju, curi im iz nosa i imaju povišenu temperaturu.
- Izbegavajte masovna okupljanja i boravak u prostoru gde se nalazi veliki broj ljudi.
- Često i temeljno perite ruke (pranje vodom i sapunom najmanje 20 sekundi ili, ako to nije moguće, korišćenje alkoholnih gelova za dezinfekciju ruku).
- Kada kašljete ili kijate, pokrijte usta i nos papirnom maramicom i bacite je odmah u kantu za đubre!
- Ako nemate papirnu maramicu, pokrijte usta i nos povijenim laktom.
- Ne doditujte prstima oči, nos i usta.
- Izbegavajte rukovanje, zagrljaj i ljubljenje.
- Držite se na odstojanju od 2 metra od sagovornika.
- Provetravajte prostorije u kojima boravite.
- Boravite što više vremena na otvorenom.

School year 2020/21.

- Organization of teaching from Monday, 19 April.
- Preporuke za prevenciju COVID-19 u školskoj sredini (Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije „Dr. Milan Jovanović Batut“).
- Professional instructions for the organization and implementation of educational work in primary school in the school year 2020/21.

- Recommendations to schools for dealing with the occurrence of COVID-19 in students or employees (Institute of Public Health of Serbia „Dr. Milan Jovanovic Batut").
- Criteria for action in case of occurrence of COVID-19 in schools.

Correctional exams – 8th grade

Repair exams for 8th grade students will be held by the following schedule:

Thursday (June 10th)
Written part:
- Nemački jezik: 10:00 - 10:45 hours;
- Kemija (usmeni): 11:00 - 11:30 hours;
- Engleski jezik: 11:35 - 12:30 hours;
- Matematika: 12:55 - 13:55 hours.
Friday (June 11th)
Oral part:
- Matematika: 08:05 - 08:35 hours;
- Biologija: 08:40 - 09:20 hours;
- Fizika: 10:00 - 10:30 hours;
- Njemački jezik: 10:35 - 11:05 hours;
- Engleski jezik: 11:10 - 11:40 hours.

In the semifinals of the Hippo International English Language Olympiad

Top 10 per cent of the participating students in our country qualified for the semifinals of this competition, including our students Miljana Antal, Jonatan Sijanta, Ana Davčik and Ognjen Berberović. The semi-final round was held online on Friday, May 28, 2021 in the school IT room. The results will be known in June.
We wish our students good luck!

Text: Miroslav Rauš

24. Republic Review of Student Cooperatives

The Republic Festival of Student Cooperatives opened on May 21 in Tavankut.
The following schools are participating in the review of Student Cooperatives:
- Elementary school „Ratko Pavlović Ćićko", from Prokuplje,
- Elementary school „Branko Radičević", from Stapar,
- Technical school „Rade Metalac", from Leskovac,
- Elementary school „St. Sava" from Vladicin Han,
- Special school with dormitory „Bubanj", from Nis,
- Elementary school „Jožef Atila", from Bogojevo,
- Elementary school „Nestor Žučni", from Lalić,
- Elementary school „Branko Radičević", from Odžak,
- Elementary school „Kosta Stamenkovic", from Srpski Miletic,
- Elementary school „Vuk Karadzic", from Deronje,
- Chemical-technological school, from Subotica,
- Elementary school „Jovan Jovanović Zmaj", from Subotica and the host school
- Elementary school „Matija Gubec" from Tavankut.
The review began with a festive program prepared by the teachers and students of the host school. The program was enlarged by students in traditional costumes, who held banners with the names of the participating schools. At the beginning of the program, those present were greeted by the school director Stanislava Stantić Prćić, as well as the president of the Student Cooperatives Slobodan Popović.
After the formal reception, the opening of the Student Cooperatives Festival and lunch, the guests had the opportunity to participate in the workshops: Skateboarding and Straw Workshop.
An exhibition of student works and new experiences awaits all students tomorrow (Saturday - May 22). You look at the picture gallery

On the second day of the Republic Festival of Student Cooperatives, an exhibition of works was held at the Ethno Farm Balazevic, where visitors could see, but also buy for themselves and their loved ones some of the works of art, which are created in the skilful hands of creative students.
In the Tavankut House of Culture, the school choir sang the song Pannonian Sailor by George Balasevic, and talented actors, school drama groups, revived the play The Little Prince, which closed the Republic Festival of Student Cooperatives.
The director of the school, Stanislava Stantić Prćić, thanked everyone present for their participation and expressed hope for future cooperation and nurturing the acquired friendships.
The awards were handed out, and the audience was addressed by the President of the Association of Student Cooperatives, Slobodan Popović, who expressed his satisfaction with the organization, as well as the dedication of the host school.
A lunch was organized for all participants in the Music Culture cabinet, followed by a parting filled with a set because of what happened, but also with anticipation because of future friendships. You look at the picture gallery

Translation: H.R.A.M.