Day necktie

Дан кравате

Prigodnim programom obeležen je „Dan kravate“ - 18. oktobar, koji se u svetu obeležava se od 2003. godine, te su svi nastavnici i učenici, taj dan, došli s kravatama u školu.
U čast kravati učenici su imali priliku podsetiti se najvažnijih simbola kravate, ali i legende o njenom nastanku. Kravata je odevni predmet koji nose muškarci (a i sve više žena) oko vrata. Ime, prema nekim izvorima, potiče od reči „Kroate“ (Hrvat), jer su je prvi nosili hrvatski vojnici u 17. veku (oko 1635. godine) tokom tridesetogodišnjeg rata.
Zatim smo se svi zajedno uputili u šklosko dvorište gdje je bista Matije Gupca kako bi je povezali posebnom kravatom koju smo dobili od Academie Cravatice baš u tu svrhu na čemu im - veliko hvala.
Nakon zajedničkog fotografisanja, otišli smo u fiskulturnu salu u kojoj je bila postavljena izložba učeničkih radova povodom Dana kravate. Naime, ove su godine učenici bili vrlo kreativni oslikavajući na času Likovne kulture, Hrvatskog jezika i Hrvatskog jezika s elementima nacionalne kulture kravate koje su ukrasili s detaljima koje bi voleli videti na svojim budućim kravatama. Bilo je tu, zaista, različitih motiva i simbola i odluka o najbolja tri rada nije bila nimalo laka. Od velike je pomoći tu bio naš žiri koji su činili: konzul Republike Hrvatske u Srbiji Mihael Tomišić, direktorica škole Stanislava Stantić Prćić i nastavnica Likovne kulture Larisa Đurić. Za to vreme su učenici s nastavnicom Sonjom Zvekić još jednom ponovili na koji se način veže kravata.
Nakon radionice vezanja kravate i brojanja glasova, usledio je onaj najuzbudljiviji deo; proglašenje pobednika i uručivanje nagrada i zahvalnica svim učenicima za učestvovanje i njihov doprinos ovome važnom danu.
See the picture gallery

Golden harp

„Golden harp“ 2018.

On October 13th, in Čannektar held a traditional musical event of the "Golden Harp" of the Subotica Diocese. It is an annual meeting of small parish choirs, which has been held since 1987.
On the way to Chancery we visited the church in Old Witch.
Upon their arrival at the Cantabrian Church, they attended the celebration of worship, and after the Mass began the performance of the students of our school, who are also members of the parish choir of the church in Tavankutu.
The students of our school sang the song "Come, come to us".
The pupils were trained and led by teacher of music culture Luka Budinčević and pastor Franjo Ivanković.
In addition to the pupils from our school, "Pale harf" was attended by numerous students from other schools.
We ended up with a joint photo.

Melisa Gadžur, 7.а

Police lecture for 6th grade

In the organization of the Subotica Police Directorate, on Tuesday, October 9th, students of the sixth grade attended a lecture on the topic "Police in the service of citizens". The pupils had the opportunity to get acquainted with the basics of the police profession and to what ways the citizens can help preserve order and peace.
Students were particularly interested in the presentation of police equipment, weapons and vehicle fleet, and then a series of questions ended the most useful time.
The lecture will continue in the coming months as well.

Bicycle race


U subotu, 22. septembra, u Tavankutu je održana međunarodna biciklistička trka u organizaciji biciklističkog kluba „Spartak“ iz Subotice. U takmičenje su se uključili i učenici naše škole, koji su postigli sledeće rezultate:

u kategoriji učenika 1. i 2. razreda
1. Manuel Skenderović,
2. Luka Čović,
3. Kosta Stipić;

u kategoriji učenika 3. i 4. razreda:
1. Aleksa Čota;

u kategoriji učenika 5 i 6. razreda:
1. Dorijan Orčić,
2. Vedran Mačković,
3. Ante Balažević;

u kategoriji učenika 7. i 8. razreda:
1. Marko Štetaković;

u kategoriji učenica 7. i 8. razreda:
1. Petra Benčik,
2. Elena Sekulić.

Nakon takmičenja učenika osnovne škole održano je takmičenje biciklista koje se bodovalo za Kup Srbije. Ugodno subotnje prepodne oduševilo je sve tavankutski goste koji su, zahvalivši se domaćinima na gostoprimstvu, obećali i nastavak saradnje sa tavankutskom osnovnom školom.

Socially useful work

The new Ordinance of the Ministry of Education on the application of socially useful work in primary and secondary schools has entered into force.
Students who bring alcohol, drugs, beat up other children in school, destroy school property or get a grade in the diary, along with the pronouncement of educational measures, will have to work socially usefully.

Croatian Music Association Concert

Queens and shepherds

In the ceremonial hall of the City House in Subotica, on September 7, 2018, under the patronage of the town of Subotica and HGU "Festival of Bunjevac Letters", a concert of the Croatian Music Association was held. The concert was opened by the participants of the school choir who sang the Queen's letters. The queens were girls in costumes who went with the shepherds to sing by the village during the "Body". Catherine Mamužić, a pupil of the second grade, has performed with the song "Đuvegije da si da si". Eighth grade student, Nikola Vujić, performed with orchestra of the Croatian Music Association. All viewers were pleased with the concert as well as the participants.

Painting workshop

Painters at work

Academic painters: Robert Samardžić, Martina Gracia and Izabela Hren, from the Republic of Croatia, held a painting workshop in our school, attended by 26 students, on September 01, under the patronage of the Zagreb County. Two workshops were held: painting on canvas and painting of the sea.
The workshops were successfully performed and all the participants were satisfied with their works as well as the workshops themselves (see the picture gallery).

Hello from Sarajevo

We got mail

Dear Sir / Madam, Greetings from Sarajevo. Yesterday we received the implements you had sent, the diploma and certificate of commendation for me and our student Snežana and we were very happy. I use this opportunity to thank you and to apologise for not having been able to come. We look forward to our future cooperation. The people on the photograph are, from left to right: Adila Kapetanović Hamzić, Art teacher, student Snežana Todorović from IX-2 and Rasija Ibrahimović, the school principal.