Advent Fair

Dana 5. prosinca u našoj se školi održao adventski vašar na kojemu su učenici i njihovi razrednici za simboličan novac prodavali rukotvorine koje su marljivo izrađivali tijekom godine. Zarađeni novac uložit ćemo, kao i svake godine, u izdavanje školskih novina Gupčevi školarci.
Na vašaru se okupilo dosta posjetitelja koje je na samome početku pozdravila ravnateljica, a naši su ih školarci prije samoga vašara počastili izvođenjem predstave Ni bajke nisu što su nekad bile kojom su nas dobro nasmijali te zborskom pjesmom Sretan Božić svakome.
Tko god se našao na vašaru, složit će se da su nas učenici svojim uloženim radom i trudom, a što je još važnije, puno osjećaja i osmijeha podsjetili da je stiglo najljepše i najčarobnije doba godine - doba pripreme za Božić.

21st Century School

Treća faza takmičenja u programiranju, u okviru programa Škole za 21. vek, održana je u petak 29. novembra u Start-it centru u Zrenjaninu. Na takmičenju je svoje projekte prikazalo i branilo 20 škola. Našu školu su predstavljali učenici 7.c odeljenja: Ognjen Berberović i Stefan Saulić sa projektom Klon gupčeve lipe - meteorološka i fenološka merenja. Njihov mentor je Branko Stantić, nastavnik Tehnike i tehnologije.
Otvaranju takmčenja prisustvovali su: njena ekslencija Sian MacLeod, ambasadorka Velike Britanije u Republici Srbiji, Milan Pašić, pomoćnik ministra za predškolsko i osnovno obrazovanje i vaspitanje, Clare Sears, direktorica za Srbiju i Zapadni Balkan pri Britanskom Savetu i Olivera Todorović, pomoćnik direktora Zavoda za unapređivanje obrazovanja i vaspitanja.
Nakon otvaranja učenici su pred tročlanim stručnim žirijem imali pet minuta za prezentaciju i demostriracju svog projekata i pet minuta da odgovore na pitanja članova žirija.
Posle zasedanja, žiri je proglasio pobednike. Naša škola je osvojila prvo mesto, i zajedno sa drugoplasiranom školom, će imati priliku učestvovanja i predstavljanja svog projekta na engleskom jeziku na Regionalnom takmičenju u programiranju koje će se održati u Tirani u Republici Albaniji, aprila 2020. godine. Tim koji pobedi na Regionalnom takmičenju u programiranju će učestvovati na Bett Show-u, u Londonu u Velikoj Britaniji.
Za osvojeno prvo mesto učenici, mantor i škola dobili su diplome i nagrade. Najznačajnija nagrada je za školu, a to su dodaci - spravice koje se koriste zajedno sa micro:bit uređajima u vrednosti od 500 Britanskih funti.

An event for grandparents

The first through fourth grade students and toddlers from the kindergarten of the Gornji Tavankut School District held an event for their grandparents on October 29th. After the event, games were held where grandparents competed with their grandchildren. All participants received "sweet" prizes thanks to the sponsors. Program holders were: Tatjana Nimčević, Zorica Tanović, Ana Kopunović Legetin, Strahinja Kostić and Jelica Dulić.

See the picture gallery and Watch the video

Translation: H.R.A.M.

Corresponding Mathematical Olympiad – Round II

Students: Ana Davčik, class 6b, and Petra Mačković, class 5b, participated in Round 2 of the Fourteenth Corresponding Mathematical Olympiad, organized by the Mathematical Society "Archimedes" in Belgrade. Both of our students achieved very good results, Ana - 82 points and Petra - 81 points. Both Ana and Petra won Commendations from the competition organizers. Their mentor is Ivana Vuković. Congratulations to our students. You can see the results of the second round at Archimedes.

Translation: H.R.A.M.

XVIII Provincial Poetry Recitation Competition in Croatian

City Library in Subotica hosted the XVIII Provincial Poetry Recitation Competition in Croatian on Friday, November 9, 2019.
Our school, in the younger age category, was represented by Nikolina Jurić from class 3.a with the poem Home by Ratko Zvrk. In the middle category, our school was represented by 8th grade student Melissa Gadžur with the poem Crazy Birds by Dobriša Cesarić. The mentors of the students are teachers Antun Lučić and Morena Rendulić.
We commend their performances and look forward to the ones next year, and also congratulate Melisa on her winning trip to Osijek.
We couldn't help but notice our former students who filled us with pride by winning awards with their standout performances.
See the photos showing how much we enjoyed poetry and hanging out with old friends.

Translation: Miroslav Rauš

District Athletics Championship

District Athletics Championship was held at the Subotica City Stadium on Thursday, 17 Oct 2019, with the participation of nearly 400 competitors. Our students Aleksa Stanković (6.b), Nadja Kopilović(6.b) and Elena Sekulić (8.c) won first places in shot put in their age categories. The winners of each discipline earned the right to participate in Regional Athletics Championship. The location and date of the Regional Athletics Championship has not yet been determined, but it will take place in the 2nd semester of the 2019/2020 school year.
Congratulations to our students and we wish them luck in the next competition phase!

Translation: Miroslav Rauš

A prize trip to Vienna

Our student, Ana Davčik (6.b), won first place at the 7th Willkommen International Language Competition and as a prize, a trip to Vienna. Ana and English teacher Miroslav Rauš, together with the organizers of the competition and other prize-winning students and teachers visited Vienna on November 2 and 3, 2019. A pleasant weekend with fellow students and teachers were also complemented with visits to sights such as Schönbrunn Castle, the Natural History Museum and the Prater.
Congratulations to our Ana and we wish her success in the upcoming competitions!

See the picture gallery

Text: Miroslav Rauš

Balint Vujkov Days and a visit to the City Museum

Students attending Croatian language classes and students attending Croatian with Elements of National Culture attended the 18th Croatian Book and Words Day program on Thursday, 24 October on the occasion of celebrating Balint Vujkov Days.
The program was held at HKC "Bunjevačko kolo" and included performances by students from "Matko Vuković" Elementary School and kindergarten children from "Petar Pan" Tavankut, in addition to the tamburitza orchestra led by Mira Temunović. Our school committed to prepare the program for the next year - it was announced on this occasion.
We also visited the Subotica City Museum. We viewed the Nature and Man setting of the museum's Natural History Department and got a chance to see the richness of northern Bačka flora and fauna.
We will have fond memories of that lovely autumn day.

See the picture gallery

Translation: Miroslav Rauš