School fame

Slava škole Sveti Sava obilježena se u našoj mjesnoj školi u Ljutovu. Učenici su, zajedno sa svojim nastavnicima i učiteljima, pripremili prigodan program. Prekrasnim recitalima, glazbenim numerama i predstavama prisjetili smo se djela i značaja najvećeg srpskoga sveca.
Grad Subotica poklonio je sudionicima programa knjige Blagoja Bakovića „Uskliknimo s ljubavlju" - pjesme za djecu i odrasle.
Čestitamo svim učenicima i osoblju na školskoj slavi. See photos

International hug day

„A hug is a wonderful gift - one size fits all." There is a lot to be said for hugs, and this day is dedicated to them - hugs.
Representatives of the Student Parliament of our school: Ante Vuković, Jovana Antal, Anđela Suturović, Nikoleta Čupak, Dunja Pašić, Katarina Šegina, Melisa Gadžur, Katarina Vujić, Valentina Stanišić, Vanja Dubajić, Mihajla Štrban and Željana Tumbas Loketić, accompanied by teachers: Slađana Knežević and Danijela Radnić in the center of Subotica shared hugs to passers-by.
The students stopped the passers-by, told them about this event and asked if they could hug them. Our fellow citizens welcomed the action of the students and hugged them back.
We also had the opportunity to find out all kinds of hugs: bear hug, then letter A hug, „I want you in some way" hug, pat on the back, single-breasted, strappy, cheeky, homey, hug „Guess who", Front, „Eye of the Heart", side, „Top of the Head" and many other types of hugs.
Everything about the hug is important - whether it lasts long or short. The sense of security, trust, happiness and understanding increases. It releases oxytocin (the hormone of love and happiness) and regulates cortisol (the hormone of stress).
International Embrace Day is January 21st; Don't just hug someone that day, hug every day. See photos

Watch a video of our school principal appearing on TV Subotica, in the show „Jutrenje", on the occasion of International hug day.

Translation: H.R.A.M.

Advent Fair

Dana 5. prosinca u našoj se školi održao adventski vašar na kojemu su učenici i njihovi razrednici za simboličan novac prodavali rukotvorine koje su marljivo izrađivali tijekom godine. Zarađeni novac uložit ćemo, kao i svake godine, u izdavanje školskih novina Gupčevi školarci.
Na vašaru se okupilo dosta posjetitelja koje je na samome početku pozdravila ravnateljica, a naši su ih školarci prije samoga vašara počastili izvođenjem predstave Ni bajke nisu što su nekad bile kojom su nas dobro nasmijali te zborskom pjesmom Sretan Božić svakome.
Tko god se našao na vašaru, složit će se da su nas učenici svojim uloženim radom i trudom, a što je još važnije, puno osjećaja i osmijeha podsjetili da je stiglo najljepše i najčarobnije doba godine - doba pripreme za Božić.

Balint Vujkov Days and a visit to the City Museum

Students attending Croatian language classes and students attending Croatian with Elements of National Culture attended the 18th Croatian Book and Words Day program on Thursday, 24 October on the occasion of celebrating Balint Vujkov Days.
The program was held at HKC "Bunjevačko kolo" and included performances by students from "Matko Vuković" Elementary School and kindergarten children from "Petar Pan" Tavankut, in addition to the tamburitza orchestra led by Mira Temunović. Our school committed to prepare the program for the next year - it was announced on this occasion.
We also visited the Subotica City Museum. We viewed the Nature and Man setting of the museum's Natural History Department and got a chance to see the richness of northern Bačka flora and fauna.
We will have fond memories of that lovely autumn day.

See the picture gallery

Translation: Miroslav Rauš

Necktie quiz

Koji je narod kravatu raširio po Europi?


U kojem se stoljeću kravata, kao modni dodatak, proširila po Europi?


Koji je francuski kralj proslavio kravatu?


Koliko teorijskih mogućnosti vezivanja čvora kravate postoji?


Kako se zove najpoznatiji čvor koji se danas, najčešće, veže na kravati?


Koji se dan u svijetu obilježava kao Dan kravate?


Gdje je izložena najduža kravata na svijetu?


Tko je imenovan prvim Veleposlanikom kravate?


Od koje se godine obilježava Dan kravate?


Tko je autor slikovnice Priča o kravati?



Čestitamo! Osvojili ste savjet o optimalnoj duljini Vaše kravate.

Share your Results:

The Day of the City 2019

Our students participated in a program forming part of celebration of The Day of the City of Subotica on Saturday, August 31. They performed the play "Snail at Customs Inspection". The skillfull performances of the little actors cheered the audience on the town square.

Translation: Miroslav Rauš

School glory

On Saturday, January 26, 2019, our school celebrated the school glory of St. Sava. All those who were enrolled, students and parents enjoyed watching the program organized by students of higher and lower grades, together with their teachers.
The first celebration of St. Sava, school glory, was in Sremski Karlovci in 1735, when the anthem "Uskliknimo s ljubavlju" was sang for the first time. On 13 January 1823, Prince Miloš Obrenović passed a law according to which the St. Sava must be celebrated in all schools, and so it is today.
(See the picture gallery)

Translation: H.R.A.M.