District Athletics Championship

District Athletics Championship was held at the Subotica City Stadium on Thursday, 17 Oct 2019, with the participation of nearly 400 competitors. Our students Aleksa Stanković (6.b), Nadja Kopilović(6.b) and Elena Sekulić (8.c) won first places in shot put in their age categories. The winners of each discipline earned the right to participate in Regional Athletics Championship. The location and date of the Regional Athletics Championship has not yet been determined, but it will take place in the 2nd semester of the 2019/2020 school year.
Congratulations to our students and we wish them luck in the next competition phase!

Translation: Miroslav Rauš

A prize trip to Vienna

Our student, Ana Davčik (6.b), won first place at the 7th Willkommen International Language Competition and as a prize, a trip to Vienna. Ana and English teacher Miroslav Rauš, together with the organizers of the competition and other prize-winning students and teachers visited Vienna on November 2 and 3, 2019. A pleasant weekend with fellow students and teachers were also complemented with visits to sights such as Schönbrunn Castle, the Natural History Museum and the Prater.
Congratulations to our Ana and we wish her success in the upcoming competitions!

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Text: Miroslav Rauš

Balint Vujkov Days and a visit to the City Museum

Students attending Croatian language classes and students attending Croatian with Elements of National Culture attended the 18th Croatian Book and Words Day program on Thursday, 24 October on the occasion of celebrating Balint Vujkov Days.
The program was held at HKC "Bunjevačko kolo" and included performances by students from "Matko Vuković" Elementary School and kindergarten children from "Petar Pan" Tavankut, in addition to the tamburitza orchestra led by Mira Temunović. Our school committed to prepare the program for the next year - it was announced on this occasion.
We also visited the Subotica City Museum. We viewed the Nature and Man setting of the museum's Natural History Department and got a chance to see the richness of northern Bačka flora and fauna.
We will have fond memories of that lovely autumn day.

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Translation: Miroslav Rauš

School Principals from Central Bosnia Canton

Elementary school principals from the Central Bosnia Canton visited our school on 15th and 16th of October. During their stay, the principals toured the school and learned about our many extracurricular activities through a prepared presentation. Since the main purpose of the visit is to develop cooperation and connect schools in Vojvodina with schools in the Central Bosnia Canton, in which the teaching process is organised in Croatian, the principals donated funds for the purchase of our school van as a pledge of established cooperation. The visit of our dear guests ended with the signing of a Charter of friendship and cooperation, which is a confirmation and guarantee of continuing the established cooperation.

Translation: Miroslav Rauš

Necktie quiz

Koji je narod kravatu raširio po Europi?


U kojem se stoljeću kravata, kao modni dodatak, proširila po Europi?


Koji je francuski kralj proslavio kravatu?


Koliko teorijskih mogućnosti vezivanja čvora kravate postoji?


Kako se zove najpoznatiji čvor koji se danas, najčešće, veže na kravati?


Koji se dan u svijetu obilježava kao Dan kravate?


Gdje je izložena najduža kravata na svijetu?


Tko je imenovan prvim Veleposlanikom kravate?


Od koje se godine obilježava Dan kravate?


Tko je autor slikovnice Priča o kravati?



Čestitamo! Osvojili ste savjet o optimalnoj duljini Vaše kravate.

Share your Results:

Co-op members in Vinkovci

At the invitation of Dragica Benčik, President of the Croatian Association of School Cooperatives, our students Milica Tikvicki and Marija Saulić, together with Stanislava Stantić Prćić, school principal and Zora Sloboda, Head of our cooperative, were guests at the 31st Festival of School Cooperatives of the Republic of Croatia from October 8 to 11. The event was held at the Barun Trenk Hall in Vinkovci.
We exhibited artwork made in the straw-work art technique and presented the work of the school student cooperative through creative workshops of making straw-work greeting cards for the participants.

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Translation: Miroslav Rauš

Candy for a smile 2019

The Student Parliament has traditionally organized the humanitarian action Candy for a Smile, with the support of teachers Danijela Radnić and Ivana Vuković.
During the Children's Week, candies were collected for the Petar Pan Kindergarten in Donji Tavankut – chocolate bars, candies, bananas and other sweets. Presenting of these humble, but prepared with love, gifts took place today, October 11, in the kindergarten.The little ones and their educators could not hide smiles and pleasure and above all – their surprise with this beautiful gesture of older friends.
The aim of the action was to make little friends happy and to show them that their older friends think of them.

Translation: Miroslav Rauš

Candies for a smile 2019

Učenički parlament je i ove godine organizovao humanitarnu akciju Slatkiš za osmeh, uz podršku nastavnica: Danijele Radnić i Ivane Vuković.
Tokom Dečije nedelje sakupljani su slatkiši za mališane iz vrtića Petar Pan u Donjem Tavankutu - čokolade, bombone, bananice i drugi slatkiši. Podela ovih skromnih, ali od srca pripremljenih poklončića, bila je danas, 11. oktobra, u prostorijama vrtića. Mališani i njihovi vaspitači nisu štedeli osmehe i zadovoljstvo, a pre svega - iznenađenje, ovim lepim gestom starijih drugara.
Cilj akcije bio je da obradujemo male drugare i da im pokažemo da njihovi veliki drugari misle na njih.

Guests from Zagreb at our school

On Monday, October 7, a delegation from Zagreb, led by the President of the City Assembly of the City of Zagreb, Drago Prgomet, PhD, visited our school.
It was an opportunity to discuss the perspectives and possibilities of future forms of cooperation discussed at the organized round table, which included Stanislava Stantic Prćić, principal - host of the meeting, Drago Prgomet, PhD - President of the City Assembly of the City of Zagreb , Tivadar Bunford - President of the City Assembly of the City of Subotica, Gyula Ladóczki - Secretary of the City Assembly of the City of Subotica, Velimir Pleša - Consul General of the Republic of Croatia in the Republic of Serbia, Lazar Cvijin - President of the Croatian National Council (HNV) executive board, Jasmina Stevanović - Head of the Subotica Secretariat for Social Affairs, Ljiljana Dulić – principal of "Vladimir Nazor" Elementary School from Đurđin, Mirjana Stevanović - principal of "Matko Vuković" Elementary School from Subotica and Ivan Stipić - principal of "Ivan Milutinović" Elementary School from Subotica. The first opportunities for cooperation with schools from Tavankut and Subotica in the project "International School of Technical Skills" were presented by Josip Troha, the main coordinator of the project, Ivan Jurić, Vice-President of the Croatian Association of Technical Culture and Tomislav Stipanović, President of International Plastic Modelers' Association Croatia.
After the round table discussion, the participants toured the school, and with particular interest, visited the Technical Culture classroom, which, thanks to donations from the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, is equipped with modern machines and tools, such as: Unimat basic, multi-purpose woodworking tool, mBot robots , micro: bits and 3D printer - Creality Ender 3 pro. Thanks to such equipment, students from Tavankut learn by using the latest technology in class and achieve remarkable results at national and international technical culture competitions.
The agreed cooperation will further enhance this type of teaching process and will provide students and teachers with an opportunity to meet and exchange experiences with students and colleagues from Croatia and other countries involved in the presented project.

Translation: Miroslav Rauš

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