Municipal English Language Competition

On Saturday, 23 feb 2019, „Sveti Sava“ Elementary School in Subotica was the host of the Municipal English Language Competition. Our students, David Katrinka (8.b) i David Krasnić (8.c) took part in this competition. David Krasnić won 3rd place and will compete in the District Competition and David Katrinka won 5th place.
We congratulate our students on the results achieved.
You can see the results and ranking here.

Text: Miroslav Rauš

Competition „Reach for the Stars through Reading“

Once again, we participated in a competition in knowledge and creativity „Reach for the Stars through Reading“. This is a competition launched by the Croatian Network of School Librarians within the project „National Project to Promote Reading and the Culture of Reading“, aimed at bringing students together and as a reading-incentive program.
Sixteen students competed at our school, and the top three pupils will represent our school in the next round of competition (intermediate level), expected next month. The results and order are as follows:
1st place: Martina Vuković: 22/45;
2nd place: Melissa Gadžur: 20/45;
3rd place: Rahela Šteković: 14/45;
4th place: Ivan Vuković: 13/45;
5th place: Dario Vojnić Hajduk; 12/45.
We congratulate our students on the results achieved, and wish them success in further competition.

Translation: Miroslav Rauš

School glory

On Saturday, January 26, 2019, our school celebrated the school glory of St. Sava. All those who were enrolled, students and parents enjoyed watching the program organized by students of higher and lower grades, together with their teachers.
The first celebration of St. Sava, school glory, was in Sremski Karlovci in 1735, when the anthem "Uskliknimo s ljubavlju" was sang for the first time. On 13 January 1823, Prince Miloš Obrenović passed a law according to which the St. Sava must be celebrated in all schools, and so it is today.
(See the picture gallery)

Translation: H.R.A.M.

Sveti Sava

Škole u Srbiji obeležavaju danas školsku slavu Svetog Savu, u čast prvog srpskog arhiepiskopa, prosvetitelja i tvorca zakonodavstva.
Savindan je ujedno i slava mnogih porodica i institucija.
Praznik Sveti Sava je ustanovljen kao školska slava 1840. godine, na predlog rektora Liceja iz Kragujevca Atanasija Nikolića i proslavljao se kao školska slava sve do 1945. godine, kada je ukinut odlukom tadašnjih vlasti.
Posle skoro poluvekovne zabrane, 1990. godine ponovo se vraća kao školska slava.

Erasmus +

On Thursday, 20 Dec 2018, Nevena Aleksić and Helena Milošević Momčilov, teachers from Ivan Milutinović Elementary School, Višnjica, visited our school.
This school is one of the first ones founded in Belgrade area and the main reason for their visit is to share experiences connected to writing project proposals within Erasmus + Programme. A group of teachers from this school participated in creating and implementing a unique project called Wiser Together. The basis of this project is finding a model to introduce project-based learning into everyday teaching process and pointing to the possibilities of merging different contents from various areas of study. This project is supported by the Tempus Foundation and co-funded by Erasmus + Programme.
Our dear guests shared their experiences very honestly and throroughly, starting from the preparatory phase in drafting the project and ending in its implementation into the teaching process. We are extremely grateful for their support and hope to continue our collaboration.
For further information about the school and the project, visit Link.

Translation: Miroslav Rauš

Njive djetinstva

U okviru obilježavanja Godine hrvatskih velikana u Vojvodini, učenici naše škole, koji pohađaju nastavni predmet Hrvatski jezik te Hrvatski jezik s elementima nacionalne kulture, sudjelovali su na likovnom i literarnom natječaju Njive djetinjstva. Riječ je o natječaju koji je, povodom stote godišnjice rođenja pjesnika Jakova Kopilovića, raspisala Hrvatska riječ u suradnji s ostalim hrvatskim institucijama, udrugama i pojedincima.
Tom je prigodom u HKC-u Bunjevačko kolo, Subotica u četvrtak, 29. 11. 2018. u 19:00 sati organiziran prigodan program i uručenje diploma i nagrada te pohvalnica i utješnih nagrada učenicima koji su sudjelovali na natječaju.
Nagrađeni i pohvaljeni učenici jesu sljedeći:
Diplomu i nagradu za likovni rad osvojila je Marijana Skenderović, 2.a razred (3. mjesto). Pohvalnice i utješne nagrade za likovne radove osvojili su učenici Bojan Šefer (3.a razred) i Ivana Kaić (2.a razred).
Diplomu i nagradu za literarni rad osvojile su učenice Ana Skenderović, 8.c razred (2. mjesto) i Vanja Dubajić, 7.b razred (3. mjesto). Pohvalnice i utješne nagrade za literarne radove osvojili su: Nikola Juhas (8.b razred), Valentina Ostrogonac (7.a razred), Ante Balažević (5.b razred), Tomislav Nimčević (7.b razred), Ivan Vuković (7.a razred), Deni Čupak (7.b razred), Dragana Pokornik (8.a razred), Rahela Šteković (8.a razred) i Dario Vojnić Hajduk (8.a razred).
Osim u vrijednim nagradama, učenici su uživali i u filmu o Jakovu Kopiloviću te njegovim uglazbljenim pjesmama.

Tekst: Morena Rendulić

A book festival

International Fair of Books and Teaching Aids, The Interliber, took place from Tuesday, November 13 to Sunday  November 18. Students, teachers and parents attended this fair and the tour was organised by our school. After visiting numerous fair stands, we attended the presentation of the book Croatian Spring and the Croatian political emigration by the young Croatian scientist Wollfy Krasic and received gifts from Ante Žužul, Ph.D, CEO of  Školska Knjiga publishing house.The visit to Zagreb continued with a short visit to the city center , after which we attended the performance Huddersfield at The Zagreb Youth Theater.
On the second day of the tour, we visited Ogulin, the Croatian city with extremely rich history, and beautiful landscape as well. Within the Ogulin Frankopan castle, besides the museum space, there is also The House of Fairy Tales dedicated to the most famous Croatian children's writer Ivana Brlić-Mazuranić, who was born in Ogulin. Numerous fairy tales of this Croatian Andersen were revived in the museum setting The House of Fairy Tales. In the immediate vicinity of the Francopan castle there is the famous Đula's chasm, a place where river Dobra ends. Then we were hosted by the Ogulin City Library, whose employees presented its rich collection. We also went to the Oštarska parish where the parish priest Ante Luketić welcomed us to the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Presenting his extremely rich collection of books, the parish priest Luketić told us about the history of the Ogulin region, as well as the history and development of the Glagolitic script. During this time, the youngest showed their knowledge of the Glagolitic script at the workshop Small Oštar glagolitas, which was designed and led by Mirjana Grubišić, a teacher from Oštar.
Before leaving, we exchanged gifts with our hosts and agreed to continue the cooperation in Tavankut.
A visit to Interliber, which has been organized for several years, was financially supported by the City of Zagreb, the County of Zagreb and Školska Knjiga publishing house. (See the picture gallery)

Translation: M.R.

25th meeting of little poets of Slavonia and Baranja

On November 23, 2018 we participated at the 25th meeting of little poets of Slavonia and Baranja which was hosted at the elementary school "Matija Gubec" Cernik in Republic of Croatia, a manifestation where students who write in the Croatian standard language and in the Croatian dialect have the opportunity to present their artistic achievements and to show their reciprocal skills.
On the occasion, the student Ivan Vuković from the 7th grade prepared a recitation "While the fall rains fell" written by Ante Sekulić, whose performance was included in the main program of the event. Apart from the student Ivan Vuković, Ante Vuković from class 6.a was present at the meeting, too.
The students traveled with the parish priest Franjo Ivanković, teacher of Music Culture Luka Budinčević and Croatian language teacher Morena Rendulić. After the main event of the Meeting and the presentation of awards and recognitions, all participants had lunch at the Croatian House in Cernik, and then they went to their homes.
(See the picture gallery)