Correct exams in August

Pripremna nastava za polaganje popravnih ispita, u avgustovskom roku, će se održavati od 19. do 23. avgusta 2019. godine prema sledećem rasporedu:
- Matematika od 8.00 časova i
- Engleski jezik od 9.30 časova.

U ponedeljak 26. avgusta 2019. godine održaće se pismeni deo poopravnog ispita, i to prema sledećem rasporedu:
- Matematika od 8.00 časova i
- Engleski jezik od 11.00 časova.

U utorak 27. avgusta 2019. godine održaće se usmeni deo popravnog ispita, i to prema sledećem rasporedu:
- Engleski jezik od 8.00 časova i
- Matematika od 11.00 časova.

Članovi komisija Popravnog ispita:
- Engleski jezik:
Miroslav Rauš, Ljiljana Jurčak i Strahinja Kostić.
- Matematika:
Ivana Vuković, Slavko Benčik i Zoran Đereg.

City Hall – festive awards

Last week, in the Great Hall of the City Hall, awards and praises were given to students of primary and secondary schools from Subotica who won one of the first three places in republic and international competitions.
Rahela Šteković and Melisa Gadžur represented our school. Rahela was praised and awarded for the first place in the Republican competition from the Serbian language as a non-native, and Melisa won the second place at the Republican competition from the Croatian language. They were accompanied by mentors Sandra Ilić Kostić and Morena Rendulić.
Prizes were awarded by Natasha Aleksić and Marta Fehervari.

Translation: H.R.A.M.

„Salaš“ premiere

Premiere of the short feature film Salaš (The homestead) directed by our eighth-grade student Dario Vojnik Hajduk, was held in the premises of Ethno Homestead Balažević in Tavankut. Dario and the other students did all the film segments by themselves.
The film has elements of thriller and horror and depicts strange events at the homestead.
Students, teachers, parents and the village inhabitants attended the premiere of the film. Mr Zoltan Šifliš, a former teacher at our school and the founder of the mentioned extracurricular activities, briefly addressed the audience and opened the premiere.
The tradition of photography and film at our school has been very long. One of the more successful school extracurricular activities is the Photo and Film Club. It should be noted that the award-winning director of children's, feature and documentary films, Branko Ištvančić, made his first short films while he was our student.
The third Movie School will start at the end of this month. All interested are welcome to attend. See the picture gallery

Translation: Miroslav Rauš