Visit the LABUS fair

On Tuesday, Sep 17, sixty students from our school and schools "Matko Vukovic" from Subotica and "Vladimir Nazor" from Djurdjin, as well as eight teachers and principals, visited the LABUS Fair in Osijek and participated in various activities.
We went to the fair at the invitation of the Technical Culture Community of Osijek-Baranja County and their secretary, Mr Ivo Grgić.
The LABUS Fair - a laboratory for secondary and elementary school students was held for the third time at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Computer Science and Information Technology - FERIT. A part of the LABUS fair is the Slavonian STEM Evolution project, where students were able to attend numerous open-type presentations and workshops, as well as actively participate in closed workshops in the field of mobile device programming. Students had the opportunity to see how robots work, learn how to teach them to do what we want, teach them to go through the maze, have fun managing a robot during a football match and more.
After the activities were completed, we also visited the Osijek fortress and took a stroll along the banks of the Drava.
Thanks to the Technical Culture Community of Osijek-Baranja County, we spent a very pleasant day, socializing and learning about advanced scientific disciplines.

Translation: Miroslav Rauš

The Day of the City 2019

Our students participated in a program forming part of celebration of The Day of the City of Subotica on Saturday, August 31. They performed the play "Snail at Customs Inspection". The skillfull performances of the little actors cheered the audience on the town square.

Translation: Miroslav Rauš

Dario and the Film Festival on Palić

На Европском филмском фестивалу на Палићу узеће учешће и наш ученик Дарио Војнић Хајдук (однедавно средњошколац), који је сарадник на пројекту „FILMY – Филмска уметност повезује младе људе“.
Пројекат FILMY заједнички реализују Отворени универзитет из Суботице и Центар за организацију догађаја и медијских активности из Сегедина у Мађарској.
У оквиру Фестивала ће 21. јула бити приказан филм настао као резултат рада младих људи из Сегедина и Суботице у оквиру овог пројекта.