Wealth of Diversity
Wealth of Diversity
We invite you to participate in the VIII International Art and Writing Contest „Wealth of Diversity", organized by our school, on the theme: No friendship is an accident.
The text of the 2020 Competition reads as follows:
„Matija Gubec“ Elementary School from Tavankut organizes an international award-winning art and writing contest „Wealth of Diversity“ for elementary school students, which aims to encourage children to discuss coexistence with others and to develop solidarity and networking with peers from different regions.
The theme of this year's contest:
The contest is open until March 15, 2020, all the works received will be...
Read the full text of the VIII International Competition Wealth of Diversity.
Translation: Miroslav Rauš
Recommendations schools to prevent the spread of infection corona virus
Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja uputilo je posebne preporuke direktorima osnovnih i srednjih škola zbog novonastale situacije u vezi sa korona virusom (Coronavirus, COVID-19):
- Potrebno je redovno održavanje školskog prostora, provetravanje učionica, čišćenje dvorišta i učionica i redovno pražnjenje korpi za otpatke, koristeći rukavice.
- Neophodno je pranje i dezinfikovanje podova, zidova, vrata i površina klupa, redovno snabdevanje tečnim sapunom toaleta, učionica i trpezarija.
- Učenike treba podsticati na pranje ruku, a učenicima i odraslima treba preporučiti da ne dodiruju oči, usta i nos neopranim rukama.
- Savetuje se da se ne razmenjuje hrana i ne koriste iste flašice za vodu, a da se upotrebljene papirne maramice i ubrusi redovno odlažu u korpe za otpatke.
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- Sugeriše se planiranje časova odeljenskog starešine u svim razredima posvećenih održavanju lične higijene i neposrednog okruženja, ali i komunikaciji koja nije podložna panici i širenju neproverenih informacija.
- Preporučuje se roditeljima i učenicima da se odlože proslave i druženja.
- Preporučuje se i planiranje aktivnosti učenickog parlamenta koje će podsticati učenike na redovno održavanje lične higijene i održavanje školskog prostora.
- U okviru nastavnih i vannastavnih aktivnosti planiranje, u skladu sa predmetnom oblašću, vaspitno-zdravstvene teme, odnosno, upoznavanje sa putevima virusnih infekcija i informisanja.
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Pročitajte kompletan tekst preporuke.
The information on the corona virus in Serbia can follow here.
You can follow the information about the world corona virus here or here.
Invitation to the session
Women’s Day (archive)
District Mathematics Competition
U Osnovnoj školi „Kizur Ištvan” u Subotici održano je, u subotu 7. marta, Okružno takmičenje iz matematike.
Na takmičenju su učestvovali i učenici četvrtog, petog i šestog razreda naše škole. Takmičenje je počelo u 10:00 časova. Izrada zadataka je trajala 150 minuta i u tom je vremenu svaki učenik rešavao po pet zadataka.
Učenica, 5.b odeljenja, Petra Mačković osvojila je 3. mesto i učenica, 5.a odeljenja,Teolinda Glavaš je (takođe) osvojila 3. mesto. Mentori učenika su: Ivana Vuković i Zoran Đereg.
Čestitamo našim učenicama, kao i njihovim mentorima, na postignutim rezultatima.
See the competition results at the following Address.
Pink Shirt Day – Competition
On Wednesday, March 4th, our students participated in a competition to commemorate the Anti-Bullying Day, known worldwide as the Pink Shirt Day. „Jovan Mikić“ Elementary School in Subotica organized this event, for the second time, under the motto „Your friend implores you: Don't insult - it hurts“, which was also the topic of the competition.
The following Elementary Schools participated in this competition: „Jovan Mikić“, „Ivan Goran Kovačić“, „Sečenji Ištvan“, „Sonja Marinković“ and „Jovan Jovanović Zmaj“ from Subotica, „Matija Gubec“ from Tavankut and „Vuk Karadžić“ from Bajmok.
Out of nine acts shown in the competition part of the program, our school students won first place by performing a dramatic act called „Let love shine everywhere“, with a music number. The author of the text is Aleksandra Antal, our 8th grade student. Students were mentored by Sladjana Knezević - Serbian Language teacher and Danijela Radnić - Student Parliament coordinator.
Second place went to the student of „Jovan Jovanović Zmaj“ Elementary school, Aleksandar Macura, who performed the musical number „I believe, I do not believe“. This number was prepared by Dragana Sinobad - Music teacher.
Third place went to 7th grade students from „Jovan Mikić“ Elementary School, who performed the play „Don't Let Me Be a Target“. The author of the script is Jelena Damjanović, a 7th grade student. The students’ mentor is Snezana Čutura, Serbian Language teacher.
Congratulations to all participants, especially the award-winning students and their mentors.
See The picture gallery Check out the dramatic show Let love shine everywhere.
Translation: Miroslav Rauš
School recital
The student recital, held at the school library on February 25, was attended by students from grades 1 through 8 in Serbian and Croatian language .
Members of the jury were: Branka Erakovic - school pedagogic, Ibolja Vukobratovic - teacher in Extended Residence and Ibolja Vitasovic - librarian.
The most successful reciters are (by category):
- Lara Prćić, 4.b - lower age in Serbian;
- Nikolina Juric, 3.a - lower age in Croatian language;
- Andreas Damjanoski, 6.b - Senior in Serbian and and
- Melisa Gadzur, 8a - Senior in Croatian language.
Students: Lara, Nikolina, Andreas and Melisa will represent our school at the City Reciters' Meeting, which will be held on March 12th at the Subotica City Library.
We wish them much success.
Translation: H.R.A.M.
Hippo English Language Olympiad 2020.
For the third consecutive year, our students have participated in the HIPPO English Language Olympiad, an international English language competition. Preliminary round was held at our school on Friday, 28 Feb. Our school was represented by 14 students, divided into four categories based on their age:
- Dušan Urukalo, Nemanja Vojnić Hajduk, Ivan Horvat - Hippo Little;
- Teolinda Glavaš, Denis Krasnić and Jonatan Sijanta - Hippo 1;
- Ana Davčik, Andreas Damjanoski, Bojana Knežević and Anđela Stantić - Hippo 2 and
- Dušan Bajić, Ognjen Berberović, Veljko Vuković and Stefan Saulić - Hippo 3.
After the preliminary round tests have been marked, the top 10% of participating students from our country will be invited to the semi-final round.
Thanks to our teachers: Svetlana Pribičević, Ibolja Vukobratović, Ivana Vuković, Daniijela Radnić, Josipa Kojić and Milena Predojević for their help in organising the first round of the comepetition.
We wish our students good luck! See the picture gallery
Text: Miroslav Rauš
Pink Shirt Day
U našoj školi je obeležen Dan borbe protiv vršnjačkog nasilja - Dan ružičastih majica. Svi učenici i zaposeni škole su danas obukli ružičaste majice u znak podrške borbi protiv vršnjačkog nasilja i na taj način naglasili značaj ovog globalnog problema.
Članovi Učeničkog parlamenta napravili su flajere i, simbolične, male ružičaste majice i na taj način, kroz različite aktivnosti, upoznali svoje vršnjake sa temom. Razgovarali su o prevenciji nasilja među vršnjacima i na taj način podizali svest o međusobnom uvažavanju i toleranciji. See the picture gallery