Flu epidemic – archive


Epidemije gripa u Vojvodini „zatvorila“ škole i vrtiće

U Vojvodini je zbog epidemije gripa od sutra, 12. februara, obustavljen boravak dece u vrtićima i nastava u školama, saopštila je Pokrajinska vlada.
Odluku o privremenoj obustavi rada predškolskih ustanova i škola je doneo Pokrajinski sekretarijat za obrazovanje, a na osnovu preporuke Pokrajinskog sekretarijata za zdravstvo i Instituta za javno zdravlje Vojvodine.
Radi zaštite zdravlja dece, nastava se obustavlja od 12. do 21. februara. Odluka o načinu nadoknade propuštenog obrazovno-vaspitnog rada biće doneta naknadno.
Prvi naredni nastavni dan je ponedeljak, 24. februar.
Naša škola će, radnim danima, imati dežurstvo dela osoblja u vremenu od 08:00 do 13:00 časova.

Mathematicians at City Hall

Učenicama koje su postigle zapažen uspjeh na Općinskom natjecanju iz matematike, u srijedu 12. veljače, uručene su diplome i pohvale u Gradskoj vijećnici u Subotici.
Diploma je dodijeljena Lari Šegini - razred 4. b, a pohvale su dodijeljene: Miljani Antal - razred 4. b, Teolindi Glavaš - razred 5. a i Ani Davčik - razred 6. b.
Čestitamo našim učenicama na postignutim rezultatima i želimo im puno uspjeha u daljnjem natjecanju.

Ceremony at the House of Culture

U petak, 7. februara, obeležili smo Dan škole u tavankutskom Domu kulture. Proslavu su uveličali svojim nastupima: klapa Levanda iz Samobora i ženski pevački hor HKD-a Napredak - podružnice Usora-Tešanj.
Programu su prisustvovali, pored gostiju iz naše Srbije, i gosti iz Republike Hrvatske i Republike Mađarske, predstavnici kulturnih institucija, predstavnici hrvatske zajednice, učenici, nastavnici i roditelji. Read more

Straw-work artists at Winnieland Kindergarten

Our students attending the Straw-work Art extracurricular activity and teacher Ivana Vuković visited Winnieland Kindergarten in Subotica and held a Straw-work Art workshop. As a part of the project implemented in this kindergarten on the topic of interculturalism, we have brought our customs and cultural heritage and passed them on to the younger generations.
The little ones observed enthusiastically the process of creating straw-work art paintings and objects, and later tried on their own to make straw-work art greeting cards.

Translation: Miroslav Rauš

British Council, m:bit and we

At a ceremony held in Belgrade on January 28th, British Council donated 17,500 micro:bit computers to representatives of schools in Serbia participating in the education program „21st Century Schools", funded by the UK Government.
Principals of 480 Serbian elementary schools attended this ceremony. These schools received micro:bit computers which will be used by their students for programming. micro:bit computers were given to elementary schools from the cities of Belgrade, Novi Sad and the cities of Western Serbia. The event was attended by Ana Brnabić - Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Mladen Šarčević - Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development, Shan McLeod - British Ambassador to Serbia and Claire Sears - Director of British Council in Serbia.

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During the ceremony, an exhibition of micro:bit projects was also organized. The exhibition presented the most successful and creative projects realized by elementary school students with the help of micro:bit devices during the program so far. Our 7th grade students, Ognjen Berberović and Stefan Saulić, who won the programming competition held in Zrenjanin on November 29 last year, presented our awarded school project Clone of the Gupceva Lipa - Phenological Meteorological Measurements. Our project was one of only ten projects shown in this exhibition. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia, the Minister of Education, Science and Technological Development and numerous guests visited the exhibition and talked to the students, who presented their works to them.
There was also a panel discussion attended by representatives of schools and ministries, where attendees had the opportunity to discuss the application of new technologies in Serbian education system and hear the experiences of Dalibor Todorović, an IT teacher, awarded for the best held lesson using micro:bit computers.

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Translation: Miroslav Rauš