Croatian language and language culture competition

On Saturday, May 18, 2019, a state competition from the Croatian language and language culture was held in Đurđin „Vladimir Nazor“ Elementary School. Our school was represented by Melissa Gadžur, 7th grade student, and she won a great 2nd place. Her mentor was Morena Rendulić. We congratulate our Melissa on the persistence, dedication and work that has brought great results to us and we want her so much enthusiasm and success next year!

Translation: H.R.A.M.

Willkommen Competition

For the second consecutive year, our students have participated in the International Willkommen foreign languages competition
The competition was held at our school on Saturday,18 May 2019. Our school was represented by 3 students, Ana Davčik (5.b), Bojana Knežević (5.b), i David Katrinka (8.b), who competed in English and German. The results will be known within a month.
We wish our students good luck.

Text: Miroslav Rauš

XXIII National Competition of Student Cooperatives

At the invitation of the President of the Serbia Student Cooperatives Union, Slobodan Popović, we participated in the 23rd National Competition of Student Cooperatives of Serbia, which took place in „Ratko Pavlović - Ćićko“ Elementary School in Prokuplje on 17 and 18 May.
Students Vanja Vuković and Vanja Dubajić and teachers Milena Predojević and Ivana Vuković represented our school cooperative.
The competition consisted of two parts: exhibition and practical work.
We exhibited greeting cards, artwork, jewelry and miniatures, all made in the straw-work art technique and also conducted straw-work greeting card and bookmarker making workshop.

Translation: Miroslab Rauš

Jubilee 10th Meeting “Go-Car-Go”

On May 14th and 15th, 2019, students of the seventh grade - Valentina Stanišić, Dunja Serenče, Mihajla Štrban and Deni Čupak, as well as two mentors, Predrag Bedeković and Branko Stantić, took part in the 10th Go-Car-Go meeting at School Center in Ptuj, Slovenia. At this year's jubilee meeting 32 teams participated (25 from the Republic of Slovenia, 6 from the Republic of Croatia and our students from the Republic of Serbia). Due to the weather conditions, the whole event took place in the school hall and the school premises. Consequently, conventional disciplines (slalom and the great slalom) were changed, and the teams competed at a time of 10 meter long crossing and the maximum achieved road length of the vehicle after launch from the ramp. Due to the weight of our vehicle, the odds of winning one of the first three places were small. Appearance, functionality and other characteristics of the cars were evaluated by a special commission consisted of teachers from the School Center in Ptuj, and also a team of students rated the three best cars.
After the competition, all attendees received a lunch, after which there was a formal closing and distribution of certificates and acknowledgments. All students received a certificate of participation and awards. The Ekstramobil of our school - BOATMOBILE received an award for an extraordinary solution in the construction of the upgrade.

Translation: H.R.A.M.

Republic competition – Serbian language as immaternal

On Sunday, May 12, the republic competition from the Serbian language as immaternal was held at "Sonja Marinković" primary school in Novi Sad. Our school was represented by students: Melisa Gadžur, Ivan Vuković, Marijana Gadžur and Rahela Šteković. Class 8th grade student, Rahela Šteković, deservedly took the 1st place with 18.5 points.
Congratulations to Rahela, but also to our other students on the hard work and worthwhile work.

Translation: H.R.A.M.

„In-nature-like“ teaching 5 and 6 classes

Ученици петих и шестих разреда посетили су Београд, у петак 3. маја 2019.године, у оквиру једнодневне амбијенталне наставе.
Најпре су обишли велелепни Храм Светог Саве на Врачару, а потом и чувену Ботаничку башту и Јапански врт. Посетили су и ЗОО врт, Калемегдан, Војни музеј и прошетали Кнез Михајловом улицом.
Овај прелепи дан завршио се у несвакидашњем Музеју илузија који је оставио посебан утисак на све.
Фотографије говоре више од било којих речи.

School trip

During the two-day school trip, the students of the 7th and 8th grades visited several important tourist destinations on April 10 and 11, 2019, accompanied by their teachers: Danijela Radnic, Slađana Knežević, Miroslav Rauš, Slavko Benčik and Kristijan Milanković.
A professional guide from the Tourist Agency "Profis" and a doctor from the Health Center Subotica were also present.
We started our journey on Wednesday, April 10th.
Route: Tavankut - Novi Sad - Sunčana Reka - Bajina Bašta - Tara - Zlatibor - Tavankut.


We first visited the Sunčana Reka (Sunny River), a resting place and a recreation center on the most beautiful part of the Drina and saw the place where the famous TV series "The Sin of Her Mother" was filmed.
Then we drove along the Drina highway to Bajina Bašta and Perućac Lake, followed by a panoramic view on the Hydro Power Plant Bajina Bašta.
We enjoyed the visit to the river Vrelo, the shortest river in Serbia with beautiful waterfalls and the mouth of the river Drina.
Then we came to Tara, where we were accommodated in the hotel "Beli Bor". After accommodation and delicious dinner, the students socialized, played sports games in the sports area of the hotel, and in the evening they had an organized party in the disco club. Everyone had a great time while socializing and dancing.
The following day, after breakfast, we left the hotel and headed towards Mećavnik. There we visited Kusturica's film town of Drvengrad and watched a short film in the underground cinema.
The next stop was Mokra Gora. Then we enjoyed a beautiful ride on the popular ethno train Ćira, which runs on the narrow-gauge heritage railway on the Šargan Eight. The ride lasted for two hours with several stops.
After lunch, we went to Zlatibor and enjoyed a visit to Stopića Cave, accompanied by a speleologist.
After a thrilling journey, filled with positive impressions, we headed towards Tavankut and ended this wonderful trip.

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Translation: Miroslav Rauš

Awarding diplomas

Ученицима који су постигли успех на Општинском и Окружном такмичењу из Српског језика и језичке културе су у уторак, 23. априла, додељене дипломе у Градској кући Суботице.
Из наше школе дипломе су добиле Анђела Стантић и Ленка Тодосијевић, ученице 5.б одељења. На Општинском такмичењу из из овог предмета Анђела Стантић је освојила 3. место, а Ленка Тодосијевић 2. место. На Окружном такмичењу из Српског језика и језичке културе Ленка Тодосијевић је освојила 3. место.
Честитамо ученицама.
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