Croatian language and linguistic culture

On Sunday, May 6, 2019, a competition was held in the "Vladimir Nazor" Elementary School in Đurđin, where Croatian language and language culture at the county level was held. The students of our school participated in the competition with the following results:
- In the seventh grade category:
3rd place: Melissa Gadžur (11 points) and
6th place: Ivan Vuković (9.25 points).
- In the eighth grade category:
4th place: Petra Benčik (9 points) and
6th place: Nikola Vujić (8.75 points).
At the next state-level competition, Melissa Gadžur emerged.
The students were followed by teachers Morena Rendulić and Sanjin Ivašić.

Translation: H.R.A.M.

Serbian as a non-native language

The district competition from the Serbian language as a non-native was held on April 30, 2019, in Primary School „10. October“ in Subotica.
The students achieved the following results:
- Melissa Gadžur, student of the 7th grade, (17 points) 1st place; mentor: Slađana Knežević;
- Ivan Vuković, student of the 7th grade, (14.5 points) 3rd place; mentor: Slađana Knežević;
- Rahela Šteković, 8th grade student, (17.5 points) 1st place; mentor: Sandra Ilić Kostić;
- Marijana Gadžur, 8th grade student, (16 points) 2nd place; mentor: Sandra Ilić Kostić.

Translation: H.R.A.M.

The Roads of Tibor Sekelj

The students of our school participated in the joint competition of the Polytechnic School and Esperanto Association "The Roads of Tibor Sekelj" in the category of photography and fine arts.
Candidates should have read one of Tibor Sekeljs' (a world traveler and writer) works and on the basis of that they should have drawn something or made a photo.
Photo-section members have achieved remarkable results:
In the photo category:
1st place for a single photo - Ana Vajhand, 8c;
2nd place for individual photography - Veljko Vuković, 6c;
3rd place for individual photography - Anđela Vujic, 8b
and 2nd place for photo collection - Ana Vajhand, 8c.
In the category of art works:
2nd place - Anamarija Ivkovic, 8b.

Translate: H.R.A.M.

Literary Olympics – district competition

У суботу, 30. 03. 2019. године, одржана је окружно такмичење Књижевне олимпијаде.
Учествовали су ученици који су постигли најбоље резултате на општинском такмичењу и показали су своје знање и на вишем рангу такмичења.
Постигнути су следећи резултати:
Осми разреди:
1. Лојпур Никола, 18 бодова, ОШ „Јован Јовановић Змај“, ментор: Самарџић Александра;
2. Лацман Дијана, 18 бодова, ОШ „Мајшански пут“, ментор: Бабић Сања;
3. Ђурђевић Давид, 17 бодова, ОШ „Иван Горан Ковачић“, ментор: Митић Ивана;
4. Пејатовић Сандра, 17 бодова, ОШ „10. октобар“, ментор: Рајковић Сњежана и
5. Башић Милица, 16 бодова, ОШ „Соња Маринковић“, ментор: Шашић Наташа.
Седми разреди:
1. Даутовић Сара Азра, 13 бодова, ОШ „Јован Микић“, ментор: Косовић Душица.
Честитамо свим учесницима, а посебно победницима.

District Athletics Championship

On Tuesday, 26 Mar 2019, District Athletics Championship was held at the Subotica City Stadium. Our students- Nađa Kopilović, Aleksa Stanković, Petra Benčik, Anamarija Ivković, Milica Gedović and Željana Horvat took part in this competition. Nađa Kopilović (5.b) won 1st place in shot put, Anamarija Ivković (8.b) won 1st place in long jump and Milica Gedović (8.b) won 3rd place in shot put. Nađa Kopilović and Anamarija Ivković have qualified for the Regional Athletics Championship which will be held in Novi Sad.
We congratulate our students on the results achieved.

Translate: Miroslav Rauš

Technical Education

On Saturday, 16 Mar 2019, „Vuk Karadžić“ Elementary School in Bajmok hosted the Municipal Competition in Technical Education. Our 6th grade and 7th grade students- Marija Saulić, Anastasija Obradović, Dorijan Orčić, Ivan Nađ, Milica Tikvicki and Luka Horvat took part in this competition. Luka Horvat (7.c) won 2nd place, Ivan Nađ (7.c) won 3rd place and will compete in the District Competition.
We congratulate our students on the results achieved.

Translate: Miroslav Rauš